• Scott van der Roest

    Comodidad Demasiado corto Layout

    I thought that this would be a really cool family suspended coaster, but it just isn't. The first drop is oke and the helix are oke as well, but it feels so slow. I thought this thing was going 30km/h instead of 49km/h. I was just kind of disappointed.

  • Scott van der Roest

    Airtimes Fun Vibración Incomodidad

    I was expecting a really rough ride and it was a really rough ride. It is a really good layout with pretty good airtime, but is not a really comfortable coaster. So do it ones with the thought of it being rough and then it is pretty fun

  • Scott van der Roest

    Fun Intensidad Layout Torta Arnés

    I am a fan of slc so I have to say that I enjoyed this coaster. The first half was excellent, no headbanging. The second part was not so good. At the moment I prefer a slc like Condor who has the new trains over this one. But it is still a fun coaster!

  • Yoann Diego

    Velocidad Intensidad Duración Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    S'il y 'aurais pas eu tout cet inconfort ce serais un sacré coaster. Et en plus apparemment la nouvelle version n'est pas mieux.

  • Yoann Diego

    Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    Horrible! Ma copine s'en rappel encore, enfin son genou lol! ça reste un crédit mais sans intérêt et très inconfortable!

  • Yoann Diego

    Vibración Incomodidad Sin interés

    Un crédit rest un crédit. Pour les enfants et c'est pas ouf pour eux non plus.

  • Yoann Diego

    Tematización Comodidad Suavidad

    C'est un excellent family coaster!

  • Jacob Isaac B.

    Capacidad Launch Obra maestra Demasiado corto Arnés

    Insane launch, great ejector on the hill, just a shame about the OTSRs, this ride would be #1 in the UK if it had a lap bar. Thorpe are getting the UK's best coaster next year though with Exodus. My number 1 at Thorpe.

  • Yoann Diego

    Tematización Inversiones Fun Vibración

    Dans son genre c'était le meilleur pour moi, jusqu'à que je découvre Phantasialand et son Black Mamba. C'est dommage il devient vibrant.

  • Jacob Isaac B.

    Fun Tematización Tiempo muerto Lap Bar

    Why do Thorpe need Exodus when this is here! My number 1. Jokes aside, this is a much needed family coaster for Thorpe, even though they really need a family coaster like Storm Chaser at Paultons. And the lap bar stapled me :(