• Pidge L.

    Velocidad Intensidad Suavidad

    This is my new favorite arrow looper! An incredibly smooth ride, 2nd from back on the Purple train. No headbanging at all, and very intense!!

  • Pidge L.

    Inversiones Intensidad Vibración Capacidad Confiabilidad

    I rode Nighthawk again this weekend, and....the rattle was absolutely unbearable. That combined with the whip through the back row, it really wasn't a great ride. Or even a good one.

  • Pidge L.

    Inversiones Fun Intensidad

    Its funny how much opinions can change! when i first rode this ride, it was really not as good as I expected. This time, it was amazing!! This is probably my new favorite inverted coaster.

  • Filip Dilmaghani

    Fun Suavidad Demasiado corto Intensidad

    A solid family coaster, however there is no reason for a thrill-seeker to ride this. Very smooth, but lacks in intensity and length.

  • Filip Dilmaghani

    Fun Suavidad Demasiado corto

    A worse version of Abyssus by basically any measure, except some of the turns are a little more intense. The main disadvantage is its very short length, other than that however, it is a solid coaster deserving at least one ride when visiting.

  • Filip Dilmaghani

    Comodidad Fun Suavidad Intensidad

    A very good coaster! Very comfortable, with a lot of fun elements, inversions and even some airtime. Great for family, not too intense, but smooth and fun nonetheless.

  • Filip Dilmaghani

    Airtimes Primera caída Intensidad

    Awesome ride with some absolutely crazy airtime moments (and sustained too!). The first drop and the first ejector hill are just nuts. Not as smooth as Zadra but it is still very comfortable.

  • Filip Dilmaghani

    Primera caída Velocidad Suavidad

    Top tier ride! Very strong layout, brilliant first drop, great inversions and very intense while still retaining its smoothness.

  • 手取Fishland

    Inversiones Obra maestra

    世界的大ヒット作の記念すべき第一号機。無論、その時点での世界最先端のエクストリーム・コースターだったわけだが、むしろ驚かされるのがデザイナーであるWerner Stengelのオープン時における55歳という年齢である。これは当時の業界にとって、例えるならRolling Stonesみたいなバンドが80年代に入っていきなりMetallicaの「Master of Puppets」やSLAYERの「Reign in Blood」のようなアルバムを発表した、というような衝撃だったに違いない。

  • Stéphane R.

    ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Ce genre de coaster, un vrai foutage de gueule. Malgré un circuit simple, il réussit à bien taper. À raser ! Et tous ces clones aussi !!