• Daniel Stark


    Just a credit. It proves how some theming really can improve the experience, as its clone at PortAventura (the Tami-Tami) feels like a much better ride. From what I have seen, it looked great with the old rocky theme, so I don't get why it got removed.

  • Daniel Stark

    Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    It's one of the worst coasters I've ridden, and note that I do appreciate decent kiddies, even if they're slow and pointless. The problem with this one is its brutal intensity, perhaps even higher than its bigger brother's, as I think there was a moment of -2 lateral G's (or at least it did feel like something very powerful, perhaps the main problem were the restraints). And the issue I had with those G's is that they were just a milisecond pop, so my whole body flew to the left (or the right, I don't really remember), and immediately it was pushed back again into the car, almost breaking me in half. Moreover, I am pretty sure it didn't keep the safety standards, and I didn't ride hands-up just in case, since the near misses did seem too near, as if measured just for tiny kids. What's more, this coaster feels cheap, as has already been said down here, and it's part of a horribly cheap expansion. The coaster doesn't even have a full station! Come on, man, that's too skinflint! This would perfectly fit in a foire, or mabe even in a second-class amusement park, but it's obviously out of place in one of Europe's best theme park resorts, right under the tallest and fastest coaster in the continent. Riding it just makes me feel shame for what PortAventura is becoming now, and I'm also less willing to visit Energylandia and all its probably dreadful SBF's credits.

  • Daniel Stark

    Tematización Fun

    Pretty nice kidde. It's in a really colorful and cheerful area, which I personally love, and the coaster itself is fun, and nicely themed as well. It's not something extraordinary, but It's pleasant, and I like that the queue goes through it and over a lake. I quite appreciated that the supports were themed to look like wooden pillars with cords, it's something simple and really looks better than usual. It's just a kiddie, not intense, just some laterals at some points, but it's good for what it is. By far much better than the newer Red Force Junior; more taking into account it's twenty years older! A worthy credit.

  • Daniel Stark

    Tematización Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos! Sin interés

    I remembered this ride to be just an extremely boring and pointless coaster, but when I rode it last time, I found out how wrong I was. It is pointless, right, and it has a horrible layout in which you spend more time climbing up the lift hills than in the coaster part itself. But it is no boring at all. Unfortunately. There's no time to get bored, as you have to make great efforts not to be smashed. It can be really painful, despite going always incredibly slow, as the track seems to be made of just a hundred of straight pieces. It feels old, and has made me be glad that Arrow doesn't exist anymore. Moreover, the trains, and specially the seats, are appalling, really hard, and although they might seem quite comfortable as you sit for the first time, once you leave the station you feel how the edge of the seat strongly hits your back. I wouldn't want to reride it for a long, long time. The only positive thing I can say about this coaster is the theming, which is really nice around the queue and station, even though the coaster itself looks quite bad, interacting with the also ugly log flume.

  • Daksh Gahlot

    Airtimes Inversiones Intensidad

    Holy shit. By far the most underrated coaster and currently the best B&M I've ridden, that list including Fury 325. The rides helices ride similar to i305's first turn and they just try to kill you. Then there's snap like elements that are close to i305s. The first drop and drop off mcbr give good floajector. Low-key a masterpiece.

  • Daniel Stark

    Capacidad Fun Layout Intensidad

    I remembered it to be more or less like Stampida, with a drop which was even better, and some reviews confirmed that, but when I rode it last time, it turned out to be just a good family coaster, yet not anything better than its neighbour. I guess it's just expectations: if you think you are going to a kiddie, and you ride this right after Stampida, which seemed a thrilling coaster and actually is quite family-friendly, then it will look like if Tomahawk was more exciting than Stampida. However, being unbiased, it's just a family ride. It's really good for what it is, with some strong laterals and a couple of fun drops, but it cannot compare to the other woodie. The new trains, however, are extraordinarily better than the old, yellow ones. I've always loved GCI's millennium flyers, and I was not surprised to find out that mini-llennium flyers are just as good (only a bit smaller and tighter). Moreover, the capacity is great, since, even though it was an empty day, with no queue times over 15 min in the main rides, Tomahawk was running two trains, so there was never any queue!

  • Daniel Stark

    Airtimes Fun Tematización Intensidad

    It does not rattle. Not at all. I don't understand why people complain about it, especially having Furius Baco right there to compare. Yes, it is true that Stampida is a bit shaky at the back rows, which is understantable considering it is a 23-years-old woodie (as of 2020), but in the middle-front seats it's rather smooth, the drop is quite fun and it provides a long and enjoyable experience overall. The trains could be improved, but the coaster itself is really nice, having some weak yet fun airtime moments, hills, turns and that interesting racing element. Moreover, it is a woodie, which is an extra point for me, and hearing the roar of the wood as the train goes by is already part of the experience. Really recommendable, though it could do with some more theming.

  • Daniel Stark

    Airtimes Fun Tematización Intensidad

    It does not rattle. Not at all. I don't understand why people complain about it, especially having Furius Baco right there to compare. Yes, it is true that Stampida is a bit shaky at the back rows, which is understantable considering it is a 23-years-old woodie (as of 2020), but in the middle-front seats it's rather smooth, the drop is quite fun and it provides a long and enjoyable experience overall. The trains could be improved, but the coaster itself is really nice, having some weak yet fun airtime moments, hills, turns and that interesting racing element. Moreover, it is a woodie, which is an extra point for me, and hearing the roar of the wood as the train goes by is already part of the experience. Really recommendable, though it could do with some more theming.

  • Daniel Stark

    Primera caída Launch Intensidad Demasiado corto Tematización Layout

    It was better than expected. Despite being obviously way too short, leaving me desiring more, it was so intense, and the train hit so hard the final brakes, that it was definitely worth it. It can be a bit rattly at the back, especially at the end of the launch, but that didn't bother me at all. The (Mack copied) restraints were really comfortable, though they seem extremely dangerous (when the ride is over, they let go so fast that I think they could have cut off my head if I hadn't reacted quickly ;) ). The train is nicely themed, but unfortunately that's all the theming it gets. However, it's not something too important in this coaster for me, as it looks really, really, really impressive, and you don't even notice it lacks theming. The launch is great, very sustained and reaches a record speed, and climbing up that huge top hat is as impressive as it seems. At the back rows, the drop is amazing, and you feel that life is going to be over soon. At the very front one, however, despite having some weak floater at the top hat, the drop is not that good, though you get some breath-taking views. Moreover, feeling the speed and the wind on your face is thrilling, and the security glasses are cool. To end with, as the park is a bit stingy, we don't have a nice speed hill like in Stealth or Kingda Ka, but at least we are offered a tiny bunny hop which provides some short floater pop as well. The ride is over before you realise, yet it's so intense that it leaves you breathless.

  • Daniel Stark

    Inversiones Situación

    I didn't think it was rattly or uncomfortable at all, contrary to popular believe, and even though it might not be the smoothest coaster out there, it's quite liveable. Although the OTSR didn't offer much freedom, as typical, the trains were quite comfy, providing plenty of leg room - something I value a lot. However, it doesn't live up to other B&M loopers which are a bit more modern, such as Superman: La atracción de acero. The drop was disappointing (yet I understand it was a good one at it's time) and it was overall worse. Nonetheless, it featured some intense elements, outstanding the insane zero-g-roll with its crazy whip. Perhaps it also lacks some airtime, but considering it is located just under that massive airtime machine, I'll look past it. The color scheme is beautiful, and the location by Shambhala is really impressive. Being able to wander under the structure and hear the deafening sound of the coaster is an invaluable experience. A nice, classic coaster worth riding.