• Josh R.

    Lap Bar Inversiones Vibración Demasiado corto

    Ironically doesn't give much hang time. I wish there wasn't a holding brake on the first drop, but it is what it is. Definitely has a rattle most noticeable in rows 3 and 4.

  • Josh Miller

    Inversiones Intensidad Suavidad

    A one-of-a-kind arrow looper. The dome setting has definitely helped shield the track from the Vegas heat and other weather elements, making it butter smooth even decades after opening. Great pacing and whippy corkscrews. Probably the best coaster in the Vegas area.

  • Pierre Vaast

    Obra maestra Intensidad Suavidad Lap Bar

    Un coaster incroyable compte tenu de son ancienneté et du fait qu'il soit entièrement démontable. Vraiment fun, très intense et superbement fluide. J'adore le virage en "plongeon" directement après le premier Loop, très amusant. À noter des petits à-coups en entrée des Loop et surtout des problèmes vis à vis de la lapbar et du harnais au niveau des épaules. C'est vraiment très inconfortable et ça peut venir gâcher l'expérience malheureusement.

  • Josh Miller


    Another jerky wild mouse clone. The drops are fun, but the first part of the ride is terrible.

  • Josh Miller

    Primera caída Launch Arnés

    Another unique roller coaster at lagoon. The vertical launch is exhilarating, as is the airtime on the first drop. The rest of the ride isn’t much to write home about though. The harness can be very uncomfortable on shins and thighs.

  • Josh Miller

    Primera caída Fun

    Short and sweet spinner. First drop is a blast if you can get your car to spin a lot. Great finale as well with the heavily banked turns!

  • Josh Miller

    Airtimes Fun Vibración

    Fun, classic woodie. Decent pops of airtime here and there. Recommend riding in the front as I found it significantly smoother than in the back, which occasionally jackhammers pretty badly.

  • Josh Miller

    Arnés Incomodidad

    Not an enjoyable ride at all. Jerky transitions, and you run the risk of splitting your chin open on the back of the person’s head in front of you! Only ride at Lagoon that I despise.

  • Raf B.

    Primera caída Fun Intensidad Vibración

    Tonnère de Zeus is one of the most underrated rides I've ever ridden. It offers one of the fullest wooden coaster experiences in the world. It has everything: great laterals, intensity, airtime, a classic wooden rattle? you got those! I can see why some people consider Tonnère de Zeus to be rough. Personally, I can look past the roughness and admire this rides pro's. Not to be overlooked is the French crowd on this ride. The people get very hyped up when you reach the top of the lifthill. (I rode this ride 5 times over 2 days and every time, people were screaming ALEZ and ON Y VA at the top of the lifthill). It's not the greatest woody ever, its too rough for that, but if you love wooden coasters? You are sure to love Tonnère de Zeus. When you visit park Astérix, you shoud ride Tonnère de Zeus at least once. You're defenitely missing out if you don't ride it. A very underrated experience in a very underrated park.

  • Josh Miller

    Inversiones Intensidad

    A classic Schwarzkopf that is a blast to ride. Never has a line either! The double loop is insanely intense and I usually grey out. After that it’s a few tight helices that provide great laterals. Short and sweet!