• Coastermatt 69

    Airtimes Primera caída Ejectors Tiempo muerto Confiabilidad

    Superman it’s a really great ride with lots of ejector moments throughout and a great first drop. I wish there weren’t so many dead spots and wasn’t closed both times when I went last year…

  • Joshua Butner

    Tematización Fun Suavidad Tiempo muerto Intensidad

    Seven Dwarves Mine Train is definitely an enjoyable ride no doubt about that, and after my first day at Magic Kingdom, I would have said it was my favorite at the park without the slightest of doubt however when I came back for a second time on the final park day of my trip, and after visiting all the parks I can't say the same but it was the only coaster I did not ride again and that brings us into our first con which is the line that it gets. Now this first con pretty much goes for every ride at the park but this one feels it esspically, the ride's queue is half inside and half outside, and once you get to the inside portion you move as slow as a snail. That brings us to the next con which is that the indoor queue in my opinion is rather boring. This might just be me and all the games were closed when I went due to Covid-19 ristrictions, dispite this I just hated the indoor queue and I can't really explain why. Now that gets the queue's cons out of the way which brings us to the actul ride experince's cons which is it's rather long area before the second lift. In the aformentioned area is a long scene with the seven dwarves singing and it goes on for like a minute which I feel is to long and it easily could have been shorter. Now that all of the cons have been adressed let's talk about it's pros. It's first big pro must be it's smoothness which I feel is the rides most prominet feature. On this ride you feel as though you are gliding over the tracks beyond that not much more can be said about this pro. The next pro to adress is it's detailed themeing, the overall detail of the area that the ride is built into is fantastic and the way you can see it from the ride's surronding path ways is stuning (esspically the one veiw where there is a banked turn under a bridge). The ride really looks spectacular. Now all that having been said I would give the ride a soild 6.5/10 I think it really is a good ride experince with a fantastic setting and surronding area.

  • Peter M.

    Airtimes Layout Ejectors Intensidad

    perect layout with lots of ejector airtime, solid inversions and a fun drop!

  • Brian Sheldon

    Excellent "family" coaster. It is very forceful and an excellent ride even for seasoned coaster nuts. With the spinning action each ride is unique. I really enjoy it. My issue with it is they took out the auditorium with the pool to put this in. Now I would always trade any show for a decent coaster. However, the show used to occupy hundreds of people that lessened the lines everywhere else. That of course doesn't take away from the ride experience which is more than pretty solid. An excellent addition to the park.


    ¡Buena sorpresa! Demasiado corto

    J'ai été vraiment surpris de ce coaster le coaster est vraiment incroyable incroyable surtout lors du first drop y a une vue incroyable et magnifique vraiment le décor et l'environnement où est posé le coaster est magnifique quand tu ride le coaster tu ne t'ennuie pas vraiment à cause du décor et de l'environnement. Vraiment je conseille ce coaster il est à faire.

  • Inverted Thrills

    Primera caída Launch Fun

    This was a good Intamin impulse with fun launches and twists. RIP Wick Twister Dangling Coaster

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Launch Fun

    This is a fun Intamin impulse. The launches are fun and for some reason it has this weird sideways airtime that's stupid but fun

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Fun Tiempo muerto

    This ride is pretty decent. It has some alright airtime and the dueling aspect is fun. It does have some slow boring turns thrown in but it's still a decent, classic ride

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Fun Tiempo muerto

    This ride is pretty decent. It has some alright airtime and the dueling aspect is fun. It does have some slow boring turns thrown in but it's still a decent, classic ride

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Velocidad Fun Lap Bar

    This is a very good family coaster. It feels very much like a normal GCI but smaller. Solid airtime and is a smooth ride unlike what most people say