• Lucas Le coca

    Tematización Velocidad Fun Vibración Demasiado corto Airtimes

    J'ai était très agréablement surpris par la théma, c'est un très bon ajout au parc c'est exactement ce qu'il fallait, bravo nigloland !

  • Lucas Le coca

    Capacidad Comodidad Fun

    j'ai était déçu par la théma de se coaster sa fait vraiment carton pate mais si non sa reste très fun à faire

  • Jack Jack J.

    Airtimes Primera caída Velocidad

    Mako is my absolute favorite B&M hyper coaster. It does everything right in my opinion. The ride is beautiful. One of my favorite color schemes on any roller coaster. It has a beautiful entrance plaza and a nicely themed queue line. The trains are comfortable with no seat belts. The ride itself is fantastic. The first drop is incredibly intense. It flings you out of your seat with aggression. The overbanked turn gives some whip. The first big camelback absolutely throws you out of your seat for what feels like forever. The hammerhead turn gives some more whip and the following two hills give fantastic floater airtime. The speed hill before the mid-course gives some incredible ejector airtime. The drop of the mid-course also gives some airtime and the following hill gives some good floater. The little wave turn-esque element that follows gives you sideways airtime in the left seat and the dive over the lake is a picturesque way to end the ride. Mako is an elite ride and one of my all time favorites.

  • Brian Sheldon

    I still like and appreciate these old, classic loopers. The thing I like best about Demon is actually from the walkway parallel to the loop. Just watching the train bend over backwards in a seemingly too tight to fight radius loop is rather impressive. It almost seems like the riders at the front and the back of the train could reach up and give each other high fives as the front exits and the back enters. The tunnel at the beginning is...interesting. The first half is decent, not too much banging. The one spot that is really a killer is the transition into the first corkscrew--it really throws you sideways into your restraints. After that it is decent again. Again, I still enjoy these type of coasters as they still deliver a decent ride. This one is pretty standard, middle of the pack. It is no where near the best or the worst of the genre.

  • Brian Sheldon

    Even with the great coaster resume that is available at this park, this might be my favorite of the bunch. It is simply a great woodie. This is what a twister is supposed to be like. It keeps you hopping in all directions all the while never beating you up. When ridden as it should be, arms up, you have the feeling like you are going to get thrown out repeatedly. Great ride. Interesting memory: First time I rode this, someone on the ride before we us had a...how do I put this...vertical release of bodily fluids? Always a good sign.

  • Brian Sheldon

    I've seen some woodies in pretty bad shape over all the years of riding coasters, but nothing has ever been as bad as this. Going up the lift hill, I wasn't sure it wasn't going to collapse. Splintered and rotted wood everywhere. It was shocking how bad it was. It looked as if it hadn't had any maintenance at all over all the years it stood out in the weather. It was deplorable. Unfortunately, the condition of the ride was a perfect indicator of the ride experience itself. It was awful. My favorite coaster type is a GCI twister. So this, in theory, showed promise. It absolutely did not deliver. It was one of the single worst rides I have ever been on. This did not age well at all as it was basically neglected and left to rot. I am not sorry at all to see that it is gone.

  • Brian Sheldon

    When this was new it had OTSR's that sucked out loud. They switched to just lapbars forever ago and it has been great ever since. Then they turned it around several years ago and now run the trains backwards. The reverse launch is pretty awesome. It is intense and super unique being backwards. You go from dark to bright daylight and can't see anything until you are upside down in the tophat. It has been very reliable over the years. The two train operation keeps people moving through the line pretty well. Overall a very exciting and excellent coaster.

  • Brian Sheldon

    If you were to look up 80's looper in the dictionary, this ride should come up. This was the quintessential and ultimately the culmination of this type of coaster. It has the most of everything. It was one if not the longest, tallest, fastest and most inversions of this type all in one ride. Most from this era were 1 or 2 trick acts, but not Vortex. It had many up its sleeve. This one seemed to age better than the vast majority as well. Even in its final years it very re-ridable. I wouldn't go quite as far as to say it was liquid smooth by today's standards, but you could somewhat comfortably ride this several times in a day without getting beat up too much. Again this was probably the best genre. Sorry to see it go.

  • Jessica Dubost

    Vibración ¡Romper en pedazos! Sin interés

    Aucun intérêt, bon à raser, vibre comme pas deux défonce les genoux et le ventre

  • Jessica Dubost

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Vibración Demasiado corto

    Je m'attendais à pire quand je l'ai fais. Bon soyons clair en intérieur c'est le mieux alors qu'en extérieur...Bon ça reste plus que correct dans tous les cas y'a pas à trop se plaindre même si il vibre beaucoup. Mon fils l'a fais extérieur en premier et ne voulait plus le faire autant dire que quand je l'ai fais à l'extérieur j'ai compris pourquoi.