• Heiko Hartmann

    Tematización Comodidad Fun Intensidad

    This is how a perfect family coaster should look like! The ride is smooth, the trains comfortable for young and old. There are five tyre-propelled launches (which are on the weaker side) and the train passes through a varied course with waterfalls, cabins and rocks. Not very intense, only little airtime - but fun.

  • X Coasters Forever

    Airtimes Lap Bar Ejectors Layout

    This is one heck of a coaster! Every hill gives powerful ejector airtime and the lap bars feel really open, allowing plenty of room for airtime. My favorite part of the ride is the finale with the triangle hills, because of how violent the airtime is! The best seat on this ride is by far the back row, but the magic seat being row 3 also slaps! Despite the layout being a little bland, Magnum XL 200 is a powerhouse and is truly one of the best hyper coasters out there!

  • Tom F.

    Comodidad Intensidad Arnés

    Fun concept but the vests absolutely ruin it for me, I can't stand them.

  • NorCal C.

    Inversiones Intensidad Layout Torta

    Incredible Hulk WAS the best coaster in Orlando (Velocicoaster probably has that title now). The highlight element was the cobra roll, as I greyed out from its high positive g's. If you do not like greying out and high intensity, I recommend riding in the night as you will not be able to feel the positive G's as much. One noticeable issue of Hulk was some minor headbanging in the section after the mid-course brake run, an issue that I could see as being a valid reason why some people critique this section. However, I thought that the corkscrew after the MCBR was fun and snappy, so overall I thought this section was just fine. Overall this coaster, along with Hagrid's, are must-rides for any thrill or coaster enthusiast when visiting Universal Orlando.

  • 手取Fishland



  • kill91420

    Suavidad Duración

    J"en attendais beaucoup suite au avis..... j'ai pas été déçu!

  • Jesuds GAMES Shorts!

    Primera caída Ejectors Duración

    Hangtime Positives whatever you need is on this ride

  • Jesuds GAMES Shorts!

    Airtimes Primera caída Launch Demasiado corto Incomodidad

    I love Wicked but I got stapled twice and the restraints are bad and I hate how short it is, the launch and airtime of the tophat and zero-g roll are very good, people say the midcourse ruins the ride but I found some enjoyment in the 2nd half, its first drop is unforgettable too I still remember the drop and how unexpecting it is. Fun, Good Suprise, and Smoothness. PS I got no rattle ever.

  • Jesuds GAMES Shorts!

    Lap Bar Fun Suavidad Capacidad Tiempo muerto Layout

    just RMC it, make it go from a d-c tier ride to a middle to low tier fun airtime filled RMC

  • Theme Park Vex

    Tematización Intensidad Suavidad Demasiado corto

    Great ride, with some nice theming. I would say it's pretty intense, compared with the other wing coasters i've ridden. But the ride is a bit on the short side.