• Michael Olmoz

    Airtimes Primera caída Fun Capacidad Arnés

    Really solid ride overall. Good airtimes especially on the first hill. The harness was a little uncomfortable as it was quite tight on the thighs. Main issue was the wait time, Could be expedited much faster but the park will only run one car at a time. Not to mention the station is extremely bland. No decorations at all, overgrown grass everywhere, nothing but a concrete box. It’s more of a shame though that the most iconic coaster in this park is a duplicate and has a clone in Maryland.

  • Michael Olmoz

    Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    Wow, that was . awful….. I have ridden SLCs many times but this was another level of bad. The amount of hard smacking back and forth AND front to back. This ride seems like more of a liability than anything. A matter of time before something goes way wrong. Not to mention they only run one train at all coasters at the park minus Tantrum

  • Karst

    Vibración Incomodidad

    I don't quite remember when I rode this. Quite a few years back (I believe 2010 orso), but all I can remember is how extreme uncomfortable this ride was. Fun for sure, but definitely not reridable. It was intense because of its rattle. I do not know if they have fixed this since. If not, I would almost say to try getting a new coaster for it's place. Perhaps get RMC to hybridize and redo the layout. Could always use more RMC's here in Europe. But yea, this coaster was definitely bleh.

  • Karst

    ¡Buena sorpresa!

    That elevator lift is an amazing piece of engineering, seriously impressive. Coaster's layout is a bit forgettible beside that tho.

  • Karst

    Launch Demasiado corto

    I find it really odd this coaster is in the same park as Abysusus. To be completely honest I would have preferred this coaster if it was as long as abysusus.

  • Karst

    Tematización Inversiones Inversiones Launch

    I am always a bit double double on the amount of inversions. It's really fun, but they make me super dizzy and thats not so fun. I personally think they overdid it a bit on the inversions in thisone, although it was a great in the end. ^.^

  • David Čuban

    Comodidad Intensidad Tematización

    Best coaster in Wiener Prater. The layout is very compact but filled with lots of intense turns that you will feel in your head on the breakrun.

  • Karst

    Airtimes Comodidad Obra maestra

    This thing is craaaazy. I love it so much. I have ridden this thing 4 times in a row, no queue times at all today. Two times in the back, two times in the front. The back is quite aight. Love the leftwing backseat. But in my opinion the rightwing front seat is by far the best seat I have ridden in. The wind in your face and being flung everywhere, crazy airtimes. Damn! Love it. Best coaster in the park.

  • Karst

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun

    This coaster actually has quite some heavy airtime on it. Really surprising. Enjoyed it very much for what the layout offers! :)

  • Karst


    This coaster is not made for adults. I could not fit in the carriage at all, no clue how I managed to ride it. The entry to the lifthill was really rough. The coaster was barely able to make it through the layout. I had a front seat and I was going down and I was almost standing still halfway the drops. I only rode it for a free coaster credit while waiting for food. Anyways, I am sure little kids will love this thing :P