• coaster land

    Obra maestra Layout Ejectors Confiabilidad

    Boardwalk bullet ranks in my top 5 wooden coasters. This ride is literally the most insane boardwalk coaster I've ridden! The ride consists of tons of airtime, laterals, and positive forces. The ride currently holds the record for most track crossovers which give some great head chopper effects. The ride just violently tosses you in various directions and from lift hill to brakes there is not a single dull moment. Boardwalk bullet is just pure adrenaline and is among my favorite coasters of all time!

  • coaster land

    Obra maestra Intensidad Ejectors Vibración

    Let's start this review with saying this is one of the few rough coasters that I still found to be an elite attraction. This ride has a definite rattle but it is one of the craziest rides I've ridden!!! Its first awesome element is the vertical lift, for some reason I prefer this lift to the gerstlaur ones that I have ridden. Then the ride has an amazing 90 degree first drop that just rips you out of your seat, some insane airtime especially if you have some room in the restraint. The vertical loop starts with some positive before switching it up and giving some solid hang time. The same goes for the zero g roll. The turnaround is incredibly intense and loaded with positives. The final four elements are insane, 3 airtime hills broken up by a corkscrew. The airtime is powerful ejector, to the point where I compare it to the powerful ejector on rmc coasters. By the time you hit the brakes you will be planning to get back in line, it's that good. I know that zamperla is not known for great coasters, but this blew me away and I'm glad I chose to go to this park!!

  • coaster land

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Vibración Capacidad

    Crazy mouse was a fun surprise that caught me off guard. The ride spun just enough to be thrilling, but not enough to induce nausea! I am not always the biggest fan of spinning coasters but this one was solid. The reason I give it 2.5 stars is that it still is a wild mouse type ride and i can only say it's so good to a point. The ride also has a small pop of airtime that is quite thrilling right before the turn into the final brakes. Overall this is a fun family thrill coaster that fits the park perfectly.

  • Max Oude Wansink

    Airtimes Fun Layout

    Now, obviously this isn’t the most thrilling coaster on earth. It’s located in a smaller park in a relatively small population centre. But for what it is, it’s an amazing ride. It’s layout is really cool and those hills after the mid-course absolutely launch you out of your seat. The wait times usually aren’t that long, too

  • 。 ゆ

    Primera caída Comodidad Layout Capacidad


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  • Toutain S.

    Airtimes Capacidad Comodidad Vibración

    Auparavant je n'avais jamais remarqué de vibrations sur silver star mais depuis mes derniers rides je ne peu que confirmer les vibrations très désagréables dans le bas de la first drop , au point de donner un petit mal de dos

  • Toutain S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Layout Duración Incomodidad Lap Bar

    Tres puissant pour un mine train ! (Superbe partie dans le noir )

  • coaster land

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Situación Intensidad Vibración Torta Arnés

    Let me start by saying that this ride surprised me more than almost any ride did on my massive roadtrip over the summer. I went in with low expectations as i am a t3 veteran and i was expecting this slc to be hot trash, boy was i completely wrong!. I rode in both the front and back and id say its a night and day difference! The front is the way to go, its actually not bad, the restraints are like pillows when your head hits them, or at least they are compared to mind erasers at six flags america. This is actually one of the best vekomas ive ridden and i wish all slc coasters were like this!! So the ride starts with a slow climb of about 100 ft before a curve drop that actually is pretty fun, then you will be thrown into a rollover which is my personal favorite element as the front row offers some strong g force, then a wave turn like element before a sidewinder and then a double twist finale. The setting is another highlight of this ride with it feeling like a random ride in a forest, which i like that feel a lot to be honest. So overall just a great surprise for me!!!

  • coaster land

    Situación Vibración Torta ¡Romper en pedazos!

    I went into this ride expecting a pretty rough coaster, but gosh was this worse than i anticipated!! My experience started with a long and boring wait in the station due to some issues with guests wanting to switch seats while i chilled in the front row of the ride. Then the ride started and i instantly noticed that the setting right over the alligator enclosure was a masterful idea, so ill give it that. Then the train left the lift hill and throughout the ride every transition generated headbanging and i was in extreme discomfort as a result. When i finally came off the ride i felt that that short 25 second ride was in my top 25 worst coasters. I see no legitimate reason for the park to not buy lap bar trains like other parks have. The rides layout isn't bad for a family coaster, its just that darned headbanging that keeps this from being a family friendly ride. Final verdict, ride it once for the cred and then do us all a favor and burn it down, although it is already burning as a dumpster fire lol!