Reseñas de montañas rusas
Primera caída Comodidad Ejectors
Overall amazing and unique
Fun Capacidad Tiempo muerto
I don‘t like Wild Mouses.
Airtimes Inversiones Layout
Easily a top tier RMC. The whole thing runs faster then any other RMC I've ridden. The first drop is a perfect whippy hangtime filled masterpiece. The first three camelbacks are insane and the rest of the ride is filled with ejector hops. Top tier RMC 10/10
Launch Fun Demasiado corto
My first Intamin impulse so I don't have anything to compare it to. It is a bit derivative but the launch is very forceful and the ride is overall fun.
Inversiones Fun Layout Vibración
After my first ride in the 2nd row, I thought it was a decent ride but nothing too great. My 2nd ride in the back row couldn't have been any more different, though. The drop gave way more ejector and it was more forceful overall. I still prefer Dominator and Bizarro, but this ride is quite slept on. The JoJo roll is great, too.
¡Buena sorpresa! Layout Incomodidad
A fun little PTC. I doesn't do anything in particular exceptionally well but it's definitely worth a ride. It was a lot smoother than I was expecting, too.
Inversiones Suavidad Layout
A very underrated invert. It's incredibly smooth, especially for its age. I love the layout and all the inversions. Definitely sit in the front row.
Airtimes Lap Bar Ejectors
The layout is similar to Magnum but it's way smoother. There's some incredible flojector airtime and a great sense of speed. The first drop in the back provides nice whip. It's definitely the best ride in the park.
Lap Bar Tematización
À ce jour malgré les vieux vekoma quand ça ne vibre pas et qu'il n'y a plus de vieux harnais mais bien des maintiens jusqu'aux genoux et bien ça fait le job
Intensidad Suavidad Layout
Incredible coaster. One of the most intense rides I have ever experienced. The first drop is great and the legendary first turn makes you grey out every single time. The rest of the ride is just constant high speed transitions that whip you side to side and there's even some floater thrown in to mix it up. 10/10 for sure.