• Cdub

    Tematización Lap Bar Fun

    Verbolten may only seem like a well themed, low intensity family coaster that one would ride once or twice a visit. I will admit, that is what I thought until I visited the park 2 days ago. Before we get into the main point of this review, I would just like to add that I find myself graying out sometimes during the helix within the indoor section, and the second launch in the back row is decently intense. 2 days ago, I learned about something crazy you can do on this coaster. This being one click rides. For context, when pulling down your lap bar, a red light behind you will turn off when the restraint has adequately been pulled down. It might have just been the ops that day, but they freely allowed us to ride as long as the light was off- meaning we were able to ride the coaster with literally a single click on the lap bar. As a result, there is enough leeway to near fully stand up on the coaster (which is what we did). This is especially thrilling during the launches, drop track, and drop off the bridge. After my rides on the 6th, Verbolten is easily the best (and only) stand up coaster in Virginia, and I definitely recommend trying this out.

  • Karst

    Tematización Inversiones

    Cool coaster, very quite wild. Inversions aren't exactly my thing as they really mess me up in a bad way xD but it's a good coaster non the less!

  • Karst


    Solid Family Boomerang. In my case today it went twice right after eachother, I don't know if this is normal, but it was a quiet day. Sadly I was still motion sick from Crazy Bats' VR Experience. This made me feel the last corner in reverse absolutely reverse my stomach, which felt very unnatural. It's a fun coaster tho! :3

  • Karst


    The main con to this coaster is also its pro. The VR really gives a cool effect to the coaster, but I am already getting wagon sick with a phone in front of my face, so VR on a coaster is just not a good combo for me.

  • Wolfjensen123

    Situación Hangtime Vibración

    Great location and layout but has a rattle towards the back rows.

  • Alexandre C.

    Primera caída Suavidad Ejectors Confiabilidad

    Un monstre, rider le matin a froid et le soir de nuit vers 21h chaud bouillant. Une first drop qui coupe le souffle, des ejectors vraiment puissant, le 2e camel-b est fou, le cobra roll impressionnant, tout le long du parcours il garde une vitesse impressionnante. Ajouter à ça une fluidité épatante et le harnais qui laisse place à une liberté totale de mouvement mais tombé en panne 2 fois dans la journée

  • Alexandre C.

    Tematización Fun Ejectors Demasiado corto Capacidad

    Depuis le retrack et la nouvelle théma c'est devenu un très bon family pour le parc. Bien intégré dans la zone, un ejector sur la drop surtout au dernier rang, fun à rider en famille ou entre amis.

  • Alexandre C.

    Tematización Ejectors

    Wild mouse hyper fun, très surpris à quel point les ejectors sont puissants, étant assez légers je décollais complétement dans les drops, on était mort de rire en la ridant, bonne surprise, heureusement que les sièges sont assez confortables sinon lumbago en sortant

  • Alexandre C.


    Ca change des boomerang classiques, face à face, inverted après ça reste une machine très intense et brutale mais qui rajoute un cachet au parc

  • Alexandre C.

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Layout Capacidad

    Bien surpris par ce petit coaster qui est extrêmement bien intégré dans la zone, très fun, passant au dessus des allées et de l'eau, assez fluide, légère vibration sur la première parti mais rien de méchant