• Romain

    Tematización Incomodidad

    C'est un tivoli large Zierer,donc c'est pas à sauter au plafond. Mais celui-ci à l'avantage de se trouver à TripsDril,ce qui le rend absolument magnifique.

  • IronChef C.

    Its different. You should ride it for no other reason than that. Its uncomfortable and on a sunny day, those lift hills and brake runs are tough, but I found it to have some enjoyable spots, especially during the sweeps near the ground. Its interesting but not as good as a B&M flyer. Worth a try though.

  • Justin Fraselle

    Tematización Comodidad Demasiado corto

    Un peu déçu du coaster car après l'avoir ridé on a un gout de trop peu... effectivement le coaster est très très court dommage! Heureusement il y a très peu de monde dans le parc en semaine... pour preuve j ai pu le rider 3x en last sans sortir du train vers 15h30... La zone est bien thematisee ce qui le met en valeur... Dommage que juste après le départ le hangar est complètement vide. Le coaster est cependant très confortable et quelques airtimes bien sympas sont présents ! Une préférence pour l'aile droite, qui bizarrement, a généralement moins d'attente!

  • Semina S.

    Primera caída Intensidad Ejectors Incomodidad

    A fantastic airtime filled wooden rollercoaster with a fantastic first drop and extreme intensity. Every single hill gave airtime especially that small hill straight after the drop but the ride can be quite uncomfortable.

  • Teddy Rilliot

    Velocidad Fun Demasiado corto

    Deux éléments intéressants si pris à grande vitesse, encore faut-il n’avoir personne devant qui ralentirait sa descente ! Puis passés ces éléments, le tour est terminé.

  • Justin Fraselle

    Duración Capacidad Tiempo muerto

    Fait au first... Pas vraiment de vibration donc agréablement surpris! Par contre il n'avance vraiment pas dans les bosses effectivement ! Bandit est bien pire quand même !

  • Paul Casalis

    Airtimes Lap Bar Comodidad

    Très bon coaster de la part de Vekoma. Parcours original avec quelques airtimes et de l’intensité. Lap bar très confortable, clairement un plus comparé à un harnais ou une veste souple. quelques vibrations dans les parties à hautes intensités mais peut-être que c’est du au rodage du coaster. Clairement un très bon ajout pour tripsdrill, cela vient parfaitement compléter l’offre du parc.

  • IronChef C.

    We all know its good. If you like RMC, this is like their greatest hits ride. It has some of everything they're known for. It warms up as the day goes on, it is best in the back, the wave turn is the highlight for me, the way it weaves through the structure is amazing, and the operations are outstanding. If there's a downside, its those RMC restraints which can ruin some rides for folks. I think I've mostly figured them out, but they aren't the most comfortable. It sits as my #1 but its really close. Fury 325 at night gave me the most fun I've ever had on a coaster, but SteVe is easily the best coaster. Its tricky. I had tons of fun on SteVe but on Fury, those clamshells are so freeing and give the beat rides. So close between them. And if I'm really trying to find a con, theres some themeing to it that could have been better executed. The story and names are cool, but the voice overs and cartoon characters are a bit lame.

  • IronChef C.

    Primera caída Situación Intensidad

    So far, my favorite invert by quite alot. Its massive, well themed, intense, and really fun. I prefer front row because it feels faster and smoother whereas back row is more intense and whippy. Great night rides on this thing because of the great location in the trees. One of my favorite first drops around. The cobra roll is always bonkerz-level intense, so be sure to brace yourself coming out of the tunnel on the way up. Headbanging has never been an issue for me on it either. Updated: after riding 6 inverts, none have come close to Alpie. Its size and location are its strengths and I've yet to ride an invert that gives a better night front row ride. Yes, it meanders some towards the end but they all seem to do that.

  • IronChef C.


    I always knew I liked Griffon. Its one my most ridden coasters having marathon'd the beast several times over the past few years, but it seems to be getting better. After riding Valravn on a friday and following it up with Griffon the next day I realized what many have said to be true; Griffon is the superior dive machine, and im sure its sibling in Florida is very similar. Griffon does everything a dive should do and has plenty of air, smoothness, perfect retraints, and is a real looker. Its just so simple and so good.