Airtimes Comodidad Fun Vibración

    A good, but rough wooden coaster. It has some really good airtime, it is rather intense in the lateral G department (most of those Gs come from the rattle though). The trains are well padded, which helps with the rattle. It's a fun coaster with a good layout if you look behind the rattle which isn't even that big of a problem honestly. Or maybe I have a high tolerance for the rattle of wooden coasters, as they almost never give me a headache, whilst rattly steel coasters do my head in.

  • GLaDOS

    Inversiones Intensidad Suavidad Torta

    Don't mistake smoothness with headbanging. Cobra tracks really well, especially for a Vekoma. It bangs your head around a bit during the cobra roll, though. It's really reminiscent of Goudurix during that part. It is really intense going backwards but the harnesses aren't great. They're unpadded, hard plastic. Speed of Sound was better in my opinion, with the audio, tunnel, and, most importantly, better trains.

  • spicyboi

    Airtimes Intensidad Vibración Torta Sin interés

    i genuinely dont see the point in this. its trying to be a family coaster but it has a ridiculously intense inversion even for a thrill level coaster, let alone a family ride. its not gonna be appealing to teens and adults because its only one loop and its rattly when hyperspace mountain is like a 5 minute walk through the park. at least its a credit

  • GLaDOS

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Intensidad Layout Torta

    I don't get the hate. This is a good coaster if you know how to ride it. Just keep your head back and stay still. The pads help a lot and come close to your ears, and they help with the headbanging. It's intense all throughout. Much more intense than B&M inverts, and it has some decent transitions. It tracks decently well too. Ride Condor at Walibi Holland before saying that Vampire is awful, because that one is actually terrible. Just give Vampire a shot, it's actually pretty good.

  • spicyboi

    Tematización Inversiones Intensidad Vibración Incomodidad

    its just nice, not fantastic or anything but still solid, no headbanging, despite having a slight rattle, and the first sidewinder is ridiculously intense for a disney ride. the theming is nice and its so disorienting that on the mid course breaks i genuinely felt like im upside down and felt my body brace for hangtime, even on my third reride. its a good ride but nothing really stands out in my opinion. best ride the in the park imo, but big thunder mountain is close.

  • spicyboi

    Fun Duración

    great ride, fun, somewhat smooth, def the smoothest coaster in the park, and its very long. the drops in the dark give a fantastic sense of speed. my only gripe with it is that its VERY LOUD, like my ears genuinely hurt after this, its loud on the lift hills, since theyre inside and theres also sound effects like an explosion in one of the lift hills thats just deafening, but otherwise its great

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Primera caída ¡Buena sorpresa! Intensidad Torta

    Je ne trouve pas que ce coaster mérite sa mauvaise réputation, il suffit de bien plaquer sa tête contre le siège (j'ai mis ma tête contre le pad de droite, et en arrière, et franchement, ça va!). Il est joliment thématisé, les sièges avec les pads sont confortables, et il a une belle allure avec ses couleurs qui collent parfaitement au thème, et la zone est joliment fleurie. Il a même une petite atmosphère de Castlevania ! Il est nettement meilleur que Condor à Walibi Holland !

  • Jack H.

    Tematización Fun Duración

    Very action packed layout with many different elements. Incredible theming 10/10

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Primera caída Tematización Fun Tiempo muerto

    Quite a decent family thrill coaster for a regional amusement park with an effort put in theming. Rode it twice and enjoyed it.

  • Coach Rolo


    Not rough solid launch