• Jordan Kirch

    Tematización Fun Capacidad

    Meilleur coaster du parc , ça en dit long sur les autres :). Le petit quartier où se situe Drachen Höhle est vraiment très réussi (une rareté dans ce parc). Le ride (à bord d'un wagon très WTF encore une fois à Geiselwind) avec une partie en extérieur et une en intérieur reste agréable.

  • Jordan Kirch


    Coaster de foire dans toute sa splendeur avec pas mal de vibrations et surtout un wagon très atypique.

  • Andy Aerts

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Vibración

    This coaster is so iconic. The towers are an eyecatcher and the spacestation in the queue is really cool. And let's not forget that absolute BANGER of a soundtrack, everyone was just vibing in the queue and in the lifthill. I absolutely love it. The layout is okay, spinning around the towers offers some nice views and the rest is actually pretty intense. The final turns have some very intense G-forces wich I like. The only major problem is the rattle wich I think is not as big of a problem and only makes it more iconic.

  • Jordan Kirch

    Torta Incomodidad

    Coaster où la confiance ne règne pas dans la file d'attente , ça tremble de partout. Concernant le ride , pas grand chose à dire hors mis ces baffes assez violentes que l'on prend en fin de layout.

  • Jordan Kirch

    Sin interés

    Uniquement le +1.

  • Samuel K.

    Fun Capacidad

    Petit coaster sympathique avec un débit pourri et faux temps d’attente.

  • MapleFlakes

    Fun Duración

    For whatever reason, I found the South side of this coaster to have substantially better airtime than the North, though I suppose I didn't have a chance to ride both on this trip. I was also lucky enough to get a racing ride this time, which will always make a coaster better in my eyes. Overall, this is a very fun and classic racing PTC woodie. 7/10 - I really liked how the operators finished each others sentences during the dispatch spiel, I thought that was an adorable touch

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Fun

    Just a good, classic, racing woodie. The lap bars on PTC trains mean there's often a lot of room for airtime, though to be honest there isn't a ton here to speak of; Kings Island's racer is a lot stronger when it comes to airtime. I'm not a huge fan of the laterals on the turnaround, but they aren't uncomfortable. 6/10 - the other side was the first "big kid" coaster I ever did so thanks Dad

  • Andy Aerts

    Tematización Layout

    I think this coaster is pretty cool, the layout is surprising with some intense moments. The theming is good. The indoor scenes look good, especially the chain lift. The theming during the main part is also good, but defitinely not Disney level. You can see that you are in a big empty building with some screens and I think they could have done it far better.

  • Samuel K.

    Fun Demasiado corto

    Petit boomerang, bien pour les enfants