• Nathan F

    Tematización Vibración

    Backlot Stunt Coaster is a very small launched coaster. It's not particularly comfortable, and the track has a rattle to it. The theming is good, but doesn't function properly very much. It has its moments of fun, but mostly it's a forgettable layout surrounded by decent theming.

  • Nathan F

    Launch Hangtime Capacidad Arnés Incomodidad

    Tempesto is a great ride marred by poor train design. The ride provides excellent hangtime. The launch sequence is incredibly fun. The restraints are terrible. I'm a tall guy, so the lapbar can crush my lower legs at times, and provide an uncomfortable sensation on my hips. And the comfort collar is dumb and stupid. The layout is great, and I look forward to riding a Sky Rocket II without comfort collars, because the ride should be more fun than it is, and it's the restraints that kill some of the fun.

  • Nathan F

    Launch Demasiado corto

    Montezooma's Revenge packs a lot of fun into a very, very short layout. The spikes deliver fun airtime. The loop is powerful. The launch is powerful. Everything about this ride is really well done. There just isn't very much to it. It's just launch, back, and done. Montezooma doesn't try to be a big coaster, but it is very good for what it is.

  • Nathan F

    Tematización Hangtime Vibración Tiempo muerto

    Mystery Mine is an amazing ride and a terrible coaster. It is extraordinarily well themed most of the way through the ride. The theming complements the roller coaster sections extremely well. Unfortunately, the roller coaster sections are not generally very good. The first half feels pointless, as you just slowly maneuver in circles on the side of a hill. The second half is really short, but do be ready for some extreme hangtime on the final inversion. It may not be a great roller coaster, but it has a spectacular finale, and amazing theming that makes it a must-do at Dollywood.

  • Nathan F

    Fun Vibración Incomodidad

    Racer 75 is a fun ride, not a good ride. It's got a rattle to it, enough to be uncomfortable, but not enough to make it not fun. There isn't amazing airtime, but there isn't no airtime either. This is a classic wooden coaster with enough pure fun factor to stand the test of time, even if it's a little on the mediocre side.

  • Nathan F

    Fun Vibración Incomodidad

    Racer 75 is a fun ride, not a good ride. It's got a rattle to it, enough to be uncomfortable, but not enough to make it not fun. There isn't amazing airtime, but there isn't no airtime either. This is a classic wooden coaster with enough pure fun factor to stand the test of time, even if it's a little on the mediocre side.

  • IronChef C.

    Inversiones Suavidad Demasiado corto

    its only flaw is its length. its so good and right when im hoping for a helix or something, its over. rides real smooth too. inversions are massive and quirky, drops are great, tunnel is a plus, and the location is perfect. awesome ride and easily my #2 arrow behind Nessie.

  • IronChef C.

    Situación Suavidad Duración

    Restraints didn't bother me a bit. I'm so tired of that complaint on rides. Anyway, commonly referred to as "Mild Eagle" this thing is pretty mild, but in a good way. I think its supposed to be. Relaxing but fun ride with a nice layout and extremely re-rideable for the different experiences on each side. Great ride. Solid number 3 in the park for me. Inversions feel smooth and some nice terrain interaction and views. Perfect ride for Dollywood.

  • IronChef C.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Comodidad Suavidad

    Please make this in adult size please. Very smooth and fun little ride. Don't sleep on it when you visit the park.

  • Danilo G.

    Primera caída Tematización Launch Vibración

    This is without a doubt one of the best rides i ever did in Belgium! It would be even better without the Rattle after the launch.