• Mateusz Żywulski


    Nothing special, good coaster for the younger guests. Usually it does two rounds.

  • Mateusz Żywulski

    Airtimes Inversiones Suavidad Demasiado corto Intensidad

    Again, very good coaster from Vekoma. Very smooth, but for me to short and too slow. However as Energylandia is building new double launch, it will be it's smaller brother for less brave guests.

  • Mateusz Żywulski

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Suavidad Capacidad

    Very nice family coaster, with suprisingly good moments. Also very smooth. Main con is capacity, however Energylandia is planning to rebuild this coaster to add second train.

  • Mateusz Żywulski

    Fun Suavidad

    It's a nice and smooth family coaster, but not for thrill seekers.

  • Mateusz Żywulski

    Primera caída Tematización Intensidad Vibración

    Amazing coaster with great first drop, especially in the back. Good first ejector, then amazing Twist and Dive element with following Stengel Dive. Both want to throw you away from your seat. Then a little dissapointing Airtime Hill and a Wave Turn but the last part near the ground is very intensive and satisfying. A little disadvantage is rattle. First time I rode it in 2018 it was very smooth. This year unfortunately there was a little rattle, especially on the sides. However I think that's acceptable one. Nevertheless Intamin should take care of it, shame they don't want to.

  • Manuel G.

    Primera caída Comodidad Suavidad Demasiado corto

    This is actually quite a bit of fun, but is the most unimpressive of the three major coasters here. The views in the front of Gothenburg and of course the vertical descent are great, the drop is surprisingly mild, though. Similar coasters in Europe (e.g. Krake) have made a better impression on me drop-wise. The track that follows flows well and is perfectly smooth, but does not evoke a desire for more re-rides. Maybe it is hard to describe what exactly made it feel mediocre, but I felt like it was. Still a quality line-up addition.

  • Manuel G.

    Inversiones Intensidad Duración Launch

    Absolutely amazing. This has so much going for it - the setting, the duration, the inversions (not many create this type of ride feeling)... And I do not get what people criticise about its intensity, as it features both strong positives as well as sustained negatives very well in my opinion. There is also a very rapid sequence of intense elements somewhere before the second launch. Of course, as usual, it feels tame at the start of the day, so make sure to get a (night) ride after quite some hours of operation. The ride feels complete, has no dead spots and is a ton of fun. Basically only missing stronger launches, but if you think about it, there are not really needed. Great ride.

  • Marijke D.


    It's quite smooth for a SLC!

  • Manuel G.

    Situación Intensidad Suavidad

    It took me exactly one thing to decide that this was a 5-star-category ride for me and that was - a front row ride. In my opinion it is a night and day difference between that and every other row. The theming of the ride is very well done and consistent. Even the circular gates at the beginning and the end of the ride, that may seem slightly strange at first, come alive during the night, when they are illuminated in a mysterious green. Also no single rider line here, but an efficient rider count system and, of course, a separate row for "prima fila". The ride starts off with a pretty much straight first drop. It is fun to get pulled into the drop in the back, but even more so in the front, when you have a clear view of the ground coming at you. The loop packs a good amount of Gs and the zero G roll is fairly whippy. The cobra roll is a highlight, being very snappy as well as packing an extraordinary amount of Gs in between the snaps. The MCBR is not nearly as annoying as I had thought beforehand and gives you that little bit more time to anticipate the following OK drop. The following corkscrews are seriously intense and another highlight of the ride, while the final helix once again pushes you strongly into your seat. I wouldn't say this is more intense than other inverts I have ridden, but it keeps a very high intensity throughout a very long layout. Frequent rerides can get tiring and you really feel the G-force deform your cheeks. I had previously thought, I wouldn't like the ride so much, because the layout is pretty formulaic and predictable and I didn't care too much for my rides in the middle rows, but the sensation of height, speed and force flying through the beautifully vegetated location with a clear view in the front made me cheesily clap on the break run. A front row night ride topped this off. I have a soft spot for those coasters that feel big and seem to fly out of the park only to magically return there all within a minute. Easily a world class coaster experience.

  • Manuel G.

    Tematización Capacidad Vibración Incomodidad Tiempo muerto

    Beautifully rethemed, but this one's had its time. It is very rattly, the trains are uncomfortable and I do not think the ride experience is of any value in 2019 (as opposed to some other coasters that are not much younger, so I don't just disregard it because of age). It is never as forceful as you would want it to be and the pacing is never as good as you want it to be. One and done.