• Laurent Pierret

    Vibración ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Le pire SLC que j'ai fait. ça vibre énormément et ce n'est pas les vieux harnais qui améliorent la situation

  • JuliusAwen

    Airtimes Primera caída Suavidad

    Loads of perfect floater airtime when sitting towards the middle of the train.

  • Dave Scott

    I rode this in it's original form at Metroland, maybe within a year or two of it opening. This is my ground zero! Could do a lot worse than this. Remember it mostly for it's helix.

  • Dave Scott

    A slew of poor Intamin rides in various other parks (e.g. Colossus, Furius Baco, Cheetah Hunt, Rita) largely meant I ignored Maverick; having done the ECC trip in 2006. Big mistake. Returning in 2019 I found an absolutely outstanding ride. The modified trains are most welcome. The not-lift-launched-lift is a novel addition and means the ride is hauling right from the first moment. The whole route offers uncompromising snap rolls and airtime. One of the best rides the park, and crucially, it is highly re-rideable. (Cough, Steel Vengeance). This ride format is ideal for many parks that can't build up to high altitudes; a shame that there aren't more of its ilk.

  • Dave Scott

    Airtimes Intensidad Ejectors

    This was one of the earliest stops on the 2006 ECC tour, and absolutely excellent. Speed, wide open trains, heavy G in all directions; a tunnel; and a great setting. Sets an incredibly high bar for hypercoasters that I don't really feel has been bettered. I hear this one was Werner Stengel's favourite too...?

  • Dave Scott

    Violent, nuts, probable clearance issues if you are stupid enough to put your hands out. Chain lifts moving within inches of your head. Stallable if you rock the cars side to side to bleed off speed. Totally understand why and how it came to it's end. Still one of the best ever rides in the UK, it's like will not be seen again against backdrop of H&S gone mad.

  • Dave Scott

    Superb ride. One of the best wooden coasters currently operating, quite incredible given it's age!

  • Dave Scott

    Airtimes Tiempo muerto

    Hugely fun ride with superb specifc elements; drops 1, 2, 4 and 5 are excellent, however the turnaround lacks force and there is a "lurch" mid-way around it. The ride is essentially over at the mid course brake run as it loses a lot of energy climbing back up the hill. The pacing issues aren't a big deal, but I think there are probably better examples of the genre dotted about.

  • Stéphane R.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Situación Intensidad Launch

    Les launch sont oubliables, mais le reste est tout simplement excellent. Un des meilleurs coaster d'Europe !

  • Adrien Benard

    Capacidad ¡Buena sorpresa! Comodidad Airtimes

    Très sympathique on s’amuse et on en redemande