• Manuel G.

    Inversiones Comodidad Hangtime Vibración Demasiado corto

    A quality coaster experience overall and a coaster type I like for its unique feel. First part of the cueline is well-themed, second part not so much. Sides can be chosen, rows cannot. Personally, I have no problems with the vest restraints, I find them to be almost unnoticeable very quickly. Wingover Drop offers a unique sensation, especially on the right side, where you are magically being lifted up before heading down. Bottom of the drop and first hill are probably the most intense parts, but the ride in general is not aggressive at all. What follows is a mixture of graceful inversions, that form a pretty unpredictable and therefore appealing layout. The building fly-through at the start is the only really noticeable near-miss, which is a shame. This ride is best experienced in the front row. Back row has a bit of rattle and sometimes you feel a mysterious kind of stop-and-go-shuffling, as if the train were sort of an accordion. The layout is not too long, but also not too short to feel like a complete ride. A great addition the park's lineup though not a stand-out-coaster that would justify a long-distance travel in itself.

  • Semina S.


    I remember going on this ride when I was really young and it was really fun with some surprising pops of airtime.

  • Semina S.

    Lap Bar Velocidad Fun

    A fantastic ride, nothing beats the front row with the goggles on and the wind blowing in your face. The pace never lets down on this short adrenaline rush and it’s insane airtime on the top hat and bunny hill deliver good ejectors. I do not mind the launch I actually thought it was fun because it felt more like a Ferrari. One of my favourite rides.

  • אדר פופקו

    Suavidad Layout Airtimes Intensidad

    not the best coaster in the world but still with some good qualities,layout was cool for a powered coaster and it went smoothly,but wasnt that intense ans airtimes were none.

  • Semina S.

    Surprisingly really fun!

  • Semina S.

    Capacidad Tematización Incomodidad Sin interés

    When I camed in, I expected a really fun zierer junior coaster as I have heard good reviews from them models. However, this one has a much shorter layout and has horrible hard plastic seats which are quite painful.

  • Shadow Plays

    Primera caída Fun Ejectors Airtimes

    It was my first ride i went on that went upside down and it made me a bit scared when i was waiting in line but i was happy i went on it! :)

  • Evangelion Martini

    One of my fonder childhood coaster memories. Chill enough to get kids who are afraid of coasters on, fun enough (for a family coaster) to entertain while on it.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch

    This ride is pretty important to me in that it was the first coaster I ever remember riding. I remember riding it right after it opened and being excited to experience The Mummy movies in real life. However, I was a bit too young (like 6) for it at the time, and ended up getting a little traumatized on it; my fear of coasters would haunt me for about a decade until I started riding again. Now grown, I can now appreciate just how awesome this ride really is. By far the best indoor coaster around; Premier's expertise combined with Universal's effects and theming quality deliver an incredible experience. I can guarantee that you'll never forget the oppressive heat on your face as the room you're in suddenly erupts in flames. I sure haven't.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Tematización Fun Demasiado corto ¡Decepción!

    While the ride itself is still very fun and thrilling, the overall experience is gravely diminished if you've ridden the version at Universal Orlando beforehand. The version in Orlando is significantly bigger and longer, and during my ride on Hollywood's version I was basically just waiting for my favorite part from Orlando's (the false ending room with the fire) which would never come as that entire section is simply not present on this version. The ride is still fun, and if you haven't gotten to ride Orlando's version I guess you can't really go wrong; but if you've already ridden the superior version, I'd recommend skipping this one unless you're just thirsty for credits or there's no line.