Reseñas de montañas rusas
Velocidad Intensidad
This ride is absolutely amazing, it has relentless laterals throughout the whole layout and some decent ejector moments, it may be slightly rough however if anything it adds to the experience. Other than that I can not find a flaw in this ride at all.
Airtimes Intensidad Suavidad Demasiado corto
This ride has some of the strongest airtime out there, with the whole 2nd half pretty much being back to back insane airtime moments with an inversion thrown in there. The ride is perfectly paced except maybe the first two inversions however every element after that is amazing. The only problem with the ride is duration, and if it did a third lap I could see this ride being one of the best in the world
Tematización Capacidad Duración Tiempo muerto
For me this ride has some great moments however some parts of the ride are considerably less forceful and fun than other parts. This ride is also made better with the immaculate theming which adds new layers of fun with the many headchopper elements throughout the ride
Airtimes Primera caída Lap Bar Vibración Tiempo muerto
This ride starts of with one of the best drops out there, with amazing sustained ejector. The airtime hill following it provides great sustained ejector, however the ejector is definitely not the strongest out there. The twist and dive following is amazing having great whip at the top and the dive down is fun. After this the ride seems to loose it’s intensity, having a decent Stengel dive which does provide good laterals and sideways airtime, and a pointless speed hill which may as well be straight track and the into probably the most pointless “floater hill” which completely kills the pace. Following this is a combination of pretty intense turns, and concluding with a couple of great ejector airtime hills. Overall this ride is really fun, but nothing insane
Situación Tiempo muerto Layout
Though this coaster is in a very nice location, it does not provide much of anything. Both Helices give absolutely zero lateral or positive forces, except for the last quarter turn before the station. There are two small moments of airtime during the two hills in the middle of the ride, but that is the best part. I wasn't expecting much with this coaster, so I was neither disappointed nor surprised.
Airtimes Primera caída Comodidad Tematización
Amazing! it was my first rmc and just wow
Tematización Capacidad Comodidad
Que dire .. On commence par la théma, qui est juste TOP (et même toute la zone autour de Taron au passage), très détaillée ! Et l'audio par IMA, pas besoin d'en dire plus ! Ce coaster débite bien, on a beau voir une longue file d'attente, ça avance en permanence, on reste jamais longtemps coincé quelque part. Les train sont confortable, Intamin a appris de ses erreurs. Le Ride en lui même est puissant ! Des ejectors qui éjectent, des LSM (surtout le 2e) qui te collent a ton siège, des EGF turn bien vénères ! Bref un bon coaster !
Fun Intensidad ¡Decepción! Intensidad
Je ne cache pas ma déception ! A trop vendre un coaster on finit par être déçu ! Oui son intensité est à la fois sa force et sa faiblesse, un Zero-G Roll avec des Gs ? un cobra roll brise-tibia ? les corkscrew sur inverted définitivement peu confortable (vive les flat-spin). La théma ? qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ? Ça se mange ? Les opés qui on pas seul coin d'ombre en gare.. un parasol c'est trop demandé (quand y a été il faisait 35°C sous un soleil massacrant et eux sont debout sur une plaque en métal...) Bref bon coaster mais pas si fou-fou qu'on me l'a promit !
¡Buena sorpresa! Fun
Me jugez pas ok ! j'avais 7 ans j'avais kiffé ce coaster :')
Primera caída Vibración Incomodidad Layout
I don't really know where to stand with The Big One. It has height, speed, an incredible first drop and a great soundtrack, making for a really enjoyable ride if you get a smooth seat. In the wrong seat, however, it is bumpier than most of the park's wooden coasters and gives one of the most unpleasant rides in the country. On average, it's just fine; definitely try to get on the back car.