• Adrenaline Rush

    Inversiones Sin interés

    Un petit Looper Vekoma qui d'apparence semble vide d'intérêt. Il fait son travail correctement cela dit, il délivre des inversions soft ce qui lui permet de remplir une fonction de "Looper Familial". Son parcours est assez fluide pour un Vekoma de '89, cependant l'intérêt en reste très limité car dans le fond, c'est rien de plus qu'un Corkscrew auquel on a ajouté un loop...

  • Soso Coaster

    Airtimes Comodidad Tiempo muerto

    Très bon roller coaster, il aurai pu avoir mieux si les op ne virrai et insultait pas des personnes pour rien, que le layout ne soit pas lassant surtout qu’il y ai un énorme temps mort après l’ejector

  • Soso Coaster

    Tematización Fun Launch Tiempo muerto Layout

    J’aime bien rock surtout grâce à la thématique, maitenant que j’ai des yeux d’adultes, et bien, le launch est assez mou, le roll over est tres bien dosé mais après il se passe rien, juste la musique qu’on adore chanté mais le layout ce très mou. J’ai extrêmement peur pour la transition avec marvel.

  • Christian Kunerth

    Primera caída Tematización Obra maestra

    What can I say about this coaster except its awesome. The que is ridicules and I mean that in the best way. It has awesome elements throughout the whole que right from the massive gate when you enter. The ride itself is awesome and is only intensified by the fact that you know its wood and you saw the coaster move and bend while queuing up. The first drop is crazy and for it being a coaster the intensity and force in this coaster is unreal. Driven this multiple times in all weather conditions, Sun is nice but Rain also ads and awesome element to it. This is a must do for anyone visiting the park.

  • Christian Kunerth

    Comodidad Obra maestra Intensidad

    The que is slightly boring but the ride is well worth the wait. Super start and it has excitement till the end. The seats are very comfy so you can really enjoy the loops and spirals. The seats do have a heart rate monitor but id have to say the work only 20% of the time in my experience but it wont deter me ever from riding again.

  • Christian Kunerth

    Demasiado corto

    Long wait for what is a very very short ride with a long wait time. There is only one drop and then its straight back in. Poseidon at this park is way better and id recommend that one instead of this one

  • Christian Kunerth

    Demasiado corto ¡Decepción!

    Very short ride which is why they also make you drive around twice. The parts where you'd get to see something in a cave you are going slightly to fast to see anything. No drops or major turns just a track that loops around. I feel like the only reason this coaster is still there is to support the new VR part which takes up half of every train so be prepared to wait longer for a rather slow and disappointing ride

  • Christian Kunerth

    Tematización ¡Decepción!

    I rode the original before the renos and it was so much better. The que on this ride is well done and it has a lot of attention to detail but the ride itself is more than disappointing. There is about 5 props you drive past which are very cheaply done and the rest of the time you drive around in the dark to some music which I cant tell if it was meant to somewhat match the track with beat. I would not ride this again.

  • Quentin Vernier

    Airtimes Primera caída Tematización

    Une first drop de rêve, des airtimes de fou, un coaster très agréable a rider, une douceur de ride a en couper le souffle.. Perfecto !

  • Adrenaline Rush

    Vibración Torta ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Un outil de torture qui devrait être illégal.