¡Romper en pedazos!
Wow, what a waste of wood it was in the end! No airtime, lots of rattle, lots of slow curves.
These Intamin shuttle launchers are fun, but resemble more a giant swing than a roller coaster.
Primera caída Arnés
I prefer the new restraints over the bulky older ones on Sheikra and Griffon (I still got enough airtime and had a new sensation of freedom with these vests). It's longer than SheiKra and Griffon but the setting is not as nice.
Fun Obra maestra
This "one-trick-pony" gives you a 30-seconds kick of sensations. The setting in the middle of the park and the lap bars are a big plus compared to Kingda Ka.
Capacidad Comodidad
The conversion to a sit-down coaster was a good idea.
Intensidad Intensidad
Compared to more recent B&M inverters, this is nothing to write home about. Very intense ride, but I don't think this is in any way better then the Six Flags Batman clones.
Speed and pure fun, not very intense and could use a little bit more of airtime. A classic!
Obra maestra Incomodidad
Overrrated! All Arrow hypercoasters have some strangely bent tracks and are overall not very comfortable to ride. This started the "Coaster Wars" back then, where every park wanted to have the highest roller coaster. Didn't stand the test of time very well. I prefer the Morgan hypercoasters.
Well, the Bat in Kings Dominion is better, but this is also good family fun.
Obra maestra Arnés
This is a masterpiece from the past and one of the best Arrow coasters I have ridden so far.