• Marco Russo

    Capacidad ¡Buena sorpresa! Comodidad

    Pour un coaster fan, qui a le vertige comme moi qui avait tout fais, sauf le Silver Star, car j'avait peur de le faire surtout à cause de la hauteur. Fiou qu'est-ce qu'il est incroyable !

  • GLaDOS

    Airtimes Tematización Velocidad

    The best coaster at Phantasialand. It has incredible theming, music and I love the build up to the launch. It's also a capacity monster. Both launches are really punchy, the transitions offer some airtime for the most part and the actual airtime hills have some floater airtime and it's just a really well paced ride. I guess you could call the section right before the second launch and part of the ending "dead spots" but they don't hinder the experience in my opinion.

  • GLaDOS

    Airtimes Tematización Intensidad Incomodidad

    This is a great ride with a layout that's both unique and intense. The launches aren't too powerful, but maybe that's for the best in this position. The first launch also gets faster near the end, which kind of compensates for the lack of initial power. The inversions and airtime pops are floaty and just feel insane in this position. It also just looks cool flying around such a well themed land and interacting with the pathways. The pre-launch section also looks great. As for which row I prefer, it has to be row 1, as the airtime is more pronounced here. The back is also great. The lading system is also really efficent despite the lockers and metal detectors. Hey, Tokyo Dome City and especially Fuji-Q Highland, it's actually possible to be efficent with lockers and metal detectors, why not implement the same procedures as Phatasialand? My only nudge is that it's not the most comfortable thing in the world. My secend ride on April 9th was perfectly fine, but my first ride was after lunch and the restraint just pressed against it on the positive G moments, and my only ride during my second day at the park was good, but the lap bar crushed my thighs a little bit my the end. A ride that needs to be ridden in specific conditions to really be top notch just can't make it up to my top 3. Number 5 is where it's at for now.

  • GLaDOS

    Tematización Inversiones Intensidad

    This is the best B&M invert that I've been on. Mind you, I've only ridden two but Black Mamba the better of the two. It has world class theming, especially its gorgeous station. It starts off strong, with an intense loop and an insane zero-G roll. The pre-drop is weird but it gives a bit a character to Black Mamba. It's mainly about positive Gs, near misses and scenery. It also throws in a bit a weithlesness and two snappy corkscrews. It's one of the best looking and most confusing coasters I've even ridden. It also has the same weird double seatbelt as OzIris on the right inside seat of row 5. Just note that the max height is 1m95 due to its interactions with the scenery.

  • GLaDOS

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Duración

    This is a roller coaster that I didn't expect anything from, yet it impressed me in nearly every way. It's long (it has three lift hills), it's rather smooth, and the VR is really well synced to the layout and it adds a lot to what is already a good family ride and I personally think the VR adds to the experience. It's not forceless either, it has some intense turns despite its relatively slow speed. Honestly, I don't understand why this is ranked so poorly, as it's one of the best family coasters that I've ever ridden. An underrated ride that you shouldn't miss.

  • Mégagâteau

    Inversiones Torta Arnés Incomodidad

    Il est cool pour sa vitesse et ses loopings, par contre les sièges on dirait une plaque dans le dos, des harnais qui rendent l’expérience inconfortable mais surtout plein de baffes, bien plus que dans le vampire

  • Mégagâteau

    Airtimes Inversiones Intensidad

    Ce coaster est absolument génial, il tape un peu mais c’est léger et il tape moins que le cobra, par contre essayez-le sans chaussures, ça fait un bain d’air frais aux pieds.

  • Danilo G.

    Launch Intensidad Duración Confiabilidad

    What an amazing ride! Whilde doing my 3rd ride on this i had a rollback and it broke down 3 times when i was there, so not very reliable.

  • Arthur Glantzmann

    Incomodidad Sin interés

    Le seul intérêt est le +1… et surtout malheur aux futurs riders qui font plus d’1m80 !

  • Kevin 62200

    Fun ¡Decepción! Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Attraction à raser qui est très vieillissant et très serrer dedans, il vaut mieux passer sont chemin