• Christopher S.

    Airtimes Primera caída Obra maestra

    The only time a 90 minute wait is worth it. First drop at 90 degrees is incredible, so much airtime, and a long ride. Perfection.

  • Christopher S.

    Airtimes Primera caída Velocidad

    A 95 degree drop will always be a good one. Then, tons of fast pace turns and airtime hills. Launch is also fun. Didn't expect this ride to be as good as it was considering it was only 105 feet tall.

  • Christopher S.

    Situación Vibración Incomodidad Tiempo muerto

    The location is nice, but I said that about an SLC and still have it half a star. There are so many moments where it does nothing. Even when it does something, it's so rough and so painful.

  • Christopher S.

    Fun Suavidad

    Average family coaster. Fun, and actually smooth.

  • Flavien Plaire

    Primera caída Fun Demasiado corto Lap Bar

    Timber est un très bon wooden, il ne vibre pas tant que ça (quand on le compare à T2Z (×_×) ). La drop procure un très bon décrochage en last row et la suite est bien fourni en airtimes. Vraiment surpris par ce petit wooden !

  • Flavien Plaire

    Incomodidad Lap Bar

    C'est un boomerang Vekoma basique mais il a la particularité d'avoir des laps barres en métal... Et c'est nul parce que c'est 100% en métal, aucun rembourrage, rien ! Donc forcément ça fait super mal. Sinon le coaster est assez smooth à part le premier banking du Cobra Roll

  • Inverted Thrills

    Inversiones Launch Fun Arnés

    Normally I do not like B&M wings but this is the one major exception. This ride is awesome. That launch has such a good kick to it and all the inverisons are forceful and fun. Plus that inline twist at the end gives killer hangtime. The only bad thing about it is that I really do not like B&M vests at all so they do take away from the ride a little. However these are some of the better B&M vests I've experienced. Overall this is a great ride and I really hope B&M makes more launch wing coasters because this ride is truly awesome

  • Inverted Thrills

    Situación Fun Layout ¡Decepción! Airtimes Tiempo muerto

    This is a great ride. It's insanley long, flying through the woods with an incredible layout. However, I do consider this ride vastly overrated. While there are tons and tons of airtime moments, almost all of them are incredibly weak and some moments didn't even give any airtime. Regardless of some dead spots and the fact that this ride is overrated, it's still an incredible ride with some solid floater through an excellent terrain

  • Clément K.

    Tematización Torta Incomodidad

    Un coaster joli de l’extérieur, mais de l’intérieur, c’est moins agréable, des freins qui vous stoppent instantanément, et des virages qui donnent des baffes, passez votre chemin

  • Roger B.

    Situación Capacidad

    Ride fait en 2016 pour lequel étrangement je ne garde quasi aucun souvenir. Le prix était cependant très cher pour un seul passage, et les trains n'étaient dispatchés que lorsqu'ils étaient remplis. L'environnement est tout de même assez impressionnant car on passe même à travers un bâtiment.