Reseñas de montañas rusas
Torta Lap Bar
now to be honest, I had much worse, yet Berg und Tal Hetz is still pretty miserable coaster. I appreciate what SBF tried to do at least, make a family Launch that isn't too intense, and the layout can be decent, yet in exectuion it pretty much flops. Sadly the transitions are mndnumbingly painful, espcially the last one before the brakes, and the lap bars just pushes too hard on you, so it's an uncomfortable experience, but hopefully SBF might improve on this concept.
Primera caída Fun Vibración Tiempo muerto
while test trains were in progress, from the perspective of my observer mind it seems highly unlikely that the train would complete the circuit without a bit of a grease treatment at first, as the hills in the second half of the layout were being crested at a speed that could not have exceeded four miles per hour. On board however the experience was a bit different, the first drop was suprsingly powerful and the turn being followed by an utterly anticlimactic set of bunny hops that would have been great if only they were a little faster. Overall tho the coaster, if a bit rattley was better then expected in my opinion.
Tematización Comodidad Fun Vibración Tiempo muerto
Bellewaerde wanted to build a real family coaster that is suitable for all family members and this in the green setting for which the park is known. The park has therefore fully succeeded in this. The rollercoaster never gets too wild and will never get bored. There are enough different variations in the trail to keep the ride interesting and exciting for everyone. The spike is a nice addition that makes Wakala different from her peers and the course has a pleasant length. The 21-meter-high spike is best suited to the passengers sitting in the front of the train. The small acceleration on the second lift hill also comes into its own a bit better. Those who sit in the back of the train have a bit more airtime and spunk during the rest of the course. This makes it fun to take a seat in the front and rear of the train. Both places give a different ride experience. The coaster can be rattley a bit tho, but I did not take away from the ride at all as the seats were comfortable and gave quit alot of space for the leg Overall, this is a good coaster if your kids want something much more thrilling.
Primera caída Fun Suavidad Tiempo muerto
For a Wild Mouse, Project X - Test Strecke, known today as 'Das Große LEGO Rennen' is quit neat, altough not really the best Wild Mouse in the bucket list of some. The coaster sure is fun for small kids, and it's relatively smooth to ride, with every turn feels like gliding on a smooth butters. But, the smoothness is also it's downside, as it never hits those turns as a Wild Mouse should be. For me, the charm of a Wild Mouse is how 'Wild' those turns are, but with Das Große LEGO Rennen, it's just doesnt hit the 'flying off the track' feeling for me, which makes it kinda dull. However, it got a place in my heart being the first Large Park Wilde Maus I've tried, and that drop gave me goose bumps since that first ride, it's also a fun drop, and gives quit a good flaughter air time. Overall, that may not be the best Wild Mouse, kids may enjoy it, and maybe you would want to give it a try.
Fun Suavidad Layout Intensidad
Eichhörnchenbahn is one of those coaster instences that you ride only for the credit but thats it. Maybe it would have been fun for younger entusiates looking for their first thrill but other than that, real entusiates may not find that the most thrilling, despite the fact that this is the only coaster at this unexpectedly charming German theme park. It sure delivers in the fun factor tho, sure the layout isn't the best considering its reptitnives' lack of originality and intesnity, altough not all Force coasters can pack a "punch", Eichhörnchenbahn still hasd quit the European charm to it. The theming actually helps, I liked the look of the train, the gorundwork and landscaping in the coaster, and those random gnomes scattered around randomly throughout the ride. It was also pleasently smooth, now Zierer tends to have a bit of a small rattle, but i'll let it pass since it quit tiny and does'nt distract from the rest of the ride, the lap bars are also comfy and gives good place to the legs to stretch a bit. Overall, the coaster may not be the best for some entusiates, but hey, it still fun to ride, and kids might enjoy it more than I did.
Capacidad Comodidad Fun Tiempo muerto Layout Intensidad
Well, for a Tivoli, Familienachterbahn is quit tame but fun, a standart Tivoli expereince non the less but at least an enjoyable coaster for the little ones willing to ride this as their first credit. Sure for real coaster entusiates it might be your tame, boring everyday Tivoli experience, not that intense, with a layout seen at least one hundred times and comfortable. But yet again, this Tivoli manged to be fun and mild, especially with its fun theming elemant. I love the theming on the lift and how it enclosed, as it gives the coaster a quit unique charm to it, altough the trains could have been too to match the athmosphere. The ride is also comfortable, a bit "rattely" (I guess) but the trains were very comfortable and the track work was smooth. the long train can fit in so many riders that like many other Tivolis, it has no problam with capcity what so ever. Overall it was a fun coaster, it has the European charm to it, the theming was enjoyable and altough its not the best coaster, families should try the Familienachterbahn
Comodidad Fun Tiempo muerto Layout
As a Zyklon goes, this one was pretty mediocare. The layout was nothing out of the blues really as it was just a standart Zyklon layout you see in multiple chip parks with its traditional drops, turns and the little helix. This layout also was about to give me some dead spots, but I've expected that from a Zyklon as most of them gave me dead spots. But despite that tho, the coaster was alot of fun really, the trains were comfortable enough for me and the right was classy smooth than most Zyklons. Zyklons are also really fun coasters for all of the family to enjoy and I tend to enjoy some good Zyklons, I also loved the sign of the London City Coaster as it remind me of a classic fair ride and gives it its charm, tho it wont witn the theming award. Overall, this is a standart Zyklong and 3 stars is at least the most I can give to it.
Primera caída Suavidad Layout
what a good coaster mystic is,for a last year coaster,i was quit worried,but the ride exceited my expectetions.a good ride through and through,the layout is well desinged,the first drop,have a fun whip to it,the inversions are enjoyable and good,its is smooth and with a good lapbars and i quit love the theming too.defently go on this coaster.
Airtimes Suavidad Layout Intensidad
solid fmily coaster,it is the first of its kind,however i didnt find nothing spectacular,and the layout can be boring,altough its smooth,had some airtime,altough it was weak,and overall,a good coaster for kids to enjoy.
Launch Fun Suavidad Tiempo muerto Layout Intensidad
welp,this coaster got alot of hate,now i am mixed there,but i took in the consideration that its just a prototype,which mean that was the first try by our lovable intamin to create a coaster for families that will launch them.and did they succeed?well i belive its stated,it is the first intamin family launch coaster to be build,it was open to the public in 28.9.2007 and the crowd said that it was bad,even that is slightly worse than vekoma.welp its not true,afterall,its good the good parts about it is might be the is a fact about the launch that i found on rcdb:"The tires powering the train through the launch are driven by hydraulic motors. While hydraulics are involved, this system is very different from the hydraulic system used on Intamin's Accelerator Coasters (AKA Rocket Coasters)."and yes,the launch is my favorite part about the ride.its far from being the best and the most intense launch out there,but its still a fun launch to say the least,it was bumpy and honestly petty whipy and strong,its my opinion but it really felt the ride is also smooth,it slided well with the track and altough there were some rattle moments,its still didnt bother me,altough the lap bars were pretty crushy on my legs tho.still was pretty smooth with no roughness.however,compared to other coaster from this model,its the weekest,dont get me wrong its not a bad ride at all,jsut a bit dissapointing for me.altough i might have a reason for that,that was the time since intamin wated to try the concept,and it didnt worked out.however it seems that they learned with jet rescue,that leading to a more suitable launch kiddy coaster than a family coaster.but anyways,unlike other intamin family launch coasters,mick doohan doesnt hit,there were many too dead spots with no whip aside from the launch,its not as forceful,it was way too slow with the transitions and the turns were way to wide,which help with the fact tha there are no whips with again,its not bad,it can fit for kids wanting to ride thier first launch coaster,however,i ridden much better family launched coasters such as jet rescue,yukonquad and many that was quit underwalming,on the other hand tho,i knew to expect that,after all prototypes are a first try,you need some work to improve on a model and intamin sertenly did approve the model,so yes,overall,its not a bad coaster,just not my cup of tea.
Suavidad Layout Airtimes Intensidad
not the best coaster in the world but still with some good qualities,layout was cool for a powered coaster and it went smoothly,but wasnt that intense ans airtimes were none.
Suavidad Demasiado corto Tiempo muerto Layout
welp,what do we expect form this,its a powered kiddy coaster and yep,the reason to ride this is if you have kids or if you want to get another credit,which im certenly wanted.and yep,it was a dull ride,but keep in mind,its for kids to be prepered for a much bigger coasters,maybe even apollo coaster.but the coaster had passed quiet a bit.first built by soquet in 1992,it was operating under the name chenille,in 2001 the park sold the ride to a defunct park named fami P.A.R.C,there it will stay under the name chenille but after the park was gone in 2012,kingoland bought chenille and renamed it to speed,well,its a kiddy powered coaster,and it feels more like a flat i said before,i dont view powered coasters as a credit since they dont run on gravity,but hey,in rcdb it leasted,so here we go,the layout is kinda boring,i saw kiddy's with a better layouts than this,but you know what,its fine,keep in mind,again,its for kids to learn about the experience,dead spoits were of course like no airtime on the hill,altough on the good side it was really smooth,not the real smooth of soquet which is rough,it was actuallly good.and yep,it was short to ride,but hey,it can be good for kids and guys which are afraid of coaster,so maybe,give it a go with your kids.
Tematización Velocidad Incomodidad
this is a powered coaster,which again,i dont think of that as a credit,but here we are anyways,honestky its not that bad with some rediming qualities,but still,its not to me,im not a kid anymore.but still it done things greatly for a fmaily was was well themed for a small park on a little budget which actually relocated it from germany.and yep,it was cool.but it was pretty rough at some spots and pretty bizzare layout which doesnt match,but again,kids might enjoy it.
Inversiones Situación Layout Incomodidad
welp,i dont know why people b**ching about this ride,yep,its not the best,but belive it or not,ive actually enjoyed it,this vekoma mk-1200 originally built in 1988 in france,after relocating it to another park to germany,in 2004,europark bought the coaster in 2004,clever idea,since this is their only real extreme coaster and it really stands out in the collection of the park.welp,maybe aside from the unique mack powered coaster.this is a layout of mk-1200 which cloned only 4 times,altough its not the first one,still,its quiet unique and again,if a clone isnt cloned to death like boomerangs,i will enjoy them,and i will always have a soft spot for european coasters.they have a much better charm and feel the european coasters,but enough,the ride?as i said,not the best mk-1200,but its far from the worse coaster out was rough at some spots,i will admit tho.yep,when a coaster is rough its not a goos sign,but dont worry,i ridden rougher sh*t than that.and still,it have some redimig qualities,firstly,the layout,yep its quiet simple,but i managed to enjoy this layout,the inversions where so much fun and quiet hangy,the first drop,is pretty fun and qquiet intense,the turns are pretty good and the litle helix thingy is really fun and intense as well.and also,its really photogenic coaster,seirously,it swoops all the way in the park and its just great to look overall,its not the worst coaster,its not the best,but its a fun and enjoyabe vekoma which honestly eserves a ride or two in the park,maybe a rough coaster it is,but i enjoyed it anyways.
Tematización Suavidad Tiempo muerto Layout
bat hatari is the parks kiddy coaster,so of course it will come last,altough kids might enjoy bat hatari,for me its sucks,altough yes,it was themed well ad was smooth,i was still dissapointed by the facts that there are better kiddy's than this,and yes,it might be not good,its theming was cool,so if you have kids and you wat to get them on a small coaster,go to bat hatari.
Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Incomodidad Layout
bad trip might not be the best ride ever,but i honestly found it a pretty enjoyable one,now yes,its not the best ride,its not even the smoothest one in the world,but hey,its unique,its fun and overall,its wasnt boring af like tyfonen.why the ride is unique?the company who made it have a cool history.the ride was build by a company name cedeal ride,a france company which established in 2011,and continues to manufacter it,this is their first ever coaster they will ever relise to the public on 2013,and later will build another coaster to the you can tell that the model is start growing.the bad trip has traveled during Europark's the off-season. from december 7th, 2018 to january 6th, 2019 it was at Luna Park Nice. While there it had a main marque side was "menphis coaster" (spelled with a 'n') and signage on the station still read "bad trip".yes,thats quit a history,but as a coaster entusiate,i came here to review,so lets see if this coaster is a good wildmouse.and for a prototype,well,it did some things right but some things very wrong.layout,what layout?its the same as a wildmouse,switchbacks,drops and sharp turns,all the while you are spinning,and i have to say it did the spin quit well,not the best spin i got,but it was still nice.better than zamperla it is pretty rough on the switchbacks,which is a shame since i loved the comfortable lap bars that were on this.airtimes it also delivers,it was quit good and fun,and honestly they might improve on the model,while still a buggy model with a discomfort turns,i still enjoyed it quit a bit.
Tiempo muerto Layout
what can i say,its just a wacky worm that might be enjoyed by kids.
Airtimes Suavidad Tiempo muerto
one of the better spinners,may not be that intense,but still give solid air and its so smooth.
Airtimes Primera caída Layout Incomodidad
it might not be the best woodie ever,its might not be el toro,but this custom coasters woodie is worth a visit to this little park at grand might be rough,but still,i found it enjoyable to ride,despite the rough in 1999,this is the first coaster to ever come to fantasy island,however,its a hybrid,since the supports are made out of steel while the track is made from wood.the ride was designed by Larry Bill,which also designed boulder dash and legend,he was really a good designer for yes,lets go to why is this the best coaster at the park.first of all,the ride gave some pretty cool moments of airtime,and the hills were pretty smooth in my opinion and really whippy anf forceful first drop.the layout itself is like a prototype that gci would make,since there are some twisty sections throught but in other aspect it feels like a gci,so you can say its a cross between a gci and a cci,a thing which i really liked.but it was a forceful ride too,really good turns with some cool turns,but here comes my main issue,its isnt that smooth,now i expecte that it wont be smooth,and it isnt,its jerky around some parts and can even hurt,but otherways,its a neat coaster,i doesnt have to be extremly smooth to be enjoyable and yes,if they will smooth it it will be more enjoyable but for now,as it is,its a neat coaster and defenitly the best coaster here.
Situación Incomodidad Airtimes Layout
its bad,hust that,its rough and onenjoyable wild mouse.but give a shout to nathan f for helping with the photos,he is really a great guy.yea,my review is just it,every turn on this 2001 l&t wildmouse,is just so rough,it slamms you to the restrains,despite it good views.and i didnt felt airtime at all,also it doesnt help with a really cloned layout.yes,i dont have a problem with cloned layouts,if they havent been bashed million times to death,so yea,shoud maybe get rid of it?not,its one of the few l&t coaster in operations,just convert it and it will be okay.
Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Layout Demasiado corto Airtimes
by far,cannonball is the best coaster at lake winnie,by the look of it,it may seem like a snoozer but do not understimate this woodie,yes,its not the best woodie ever,but its far from bad and rough.the ride was build by Philadelphia Toboggan Coasters, Inc. which of course american entusiastes and even european know.the ride is the oldest at the park and was build in 1967,and i was pretty suprised to see how well it still holds up to this day.the ride also designed by John C. Allen,which designed over 20 coasters like blue strike at cedar point and racer at kings island.altouhg i didnt liked his coasters that much,this s one of those which i really enjoyed riding and had a fun time in it.defenetly the star attraction of the park spot for it is well the layout of cannonball is an out and back layout.this type of layout can be found on more than 60 coasters in the world,even on still coaster.this type of layout is simple,you going on a path with airtime hills,turn around,going to another path with airtime hills and stopping.but despite its shortness,it still worth to ride.the airtime is quit a mixed bag tho,some hils were trimmed,which made them not give airtime at all,but when it does give airtime,it comes out as a massive burst of ejector air which omg,its so strong and whippy.honestly i really thought it will be a snoozer with air,but no,the air was strong really and as i said some times before,airtime on a wooden coaster is better than on a steel coaster.honestly,the pace was cool too and it green scenerio is so cool too look at.overall,the massive focus here,is on airtimes,while there are hills with no air,with its good pacing and fun ejectors,it becomes such a fun ride and im reccomanding all entusiates from europe to come here,you will have a fun time on the star attraction of lake winnie
Tematización Tiempo muerto Layout
what can i say,its just a kiddy,old wacky worm.
Situación Suavidad Tiempo muerto Layout
what a weird wild mouse this is,and by far,one of the weirdest coasters ive ever seen.the ride was build by the american manufacter,hopkins.and not only thats is their only coaster which never been build in the us,but also their last coaster ever built before their yea,this was their own attempt to recreate and renovate in their own eyes a wild mouse,but as im assuming,they didnt wanted to go with the old and boring layout,and that become more like a family thriller which can be great for kids.but is this ride,which built in 1996 and is the last coaster at the park,really is the!it can be good for kids but for us,adults and thrillseekers,not really.the pacing here is slow,really slow.i belive beacuse it was ment to kids they give it its slow pacing and shitty layout.seriously,not only that its slow pacing and with low speed,the layout is so so wavey and with some random ass turns which sadly,the dips doesnt even give air.and it is slow,so beacuse of that the turns arent thrilling.but the thing that didnt made me give it a solow rating,might be the cool views,you get some good views during the course of the mountain and while not the best,its cool to look at.and another thing is that unlike most hopkins,it is smooth,i didnt felt headbanging and honestly i liked how good it was.but like i said before,its a kiddy coqaster,so i wont see anyone rushing to get it,i did and it was decent,with a smooth ride and some cool views,it was a pretty decent kiddy.
Airtimes Launch Velocidad Tiempo muerto Intensidad
this ride,honestly,is the weekest accelerator ny intamin ive isnt bad or anything,its just wasnt as good as other accelerators from them.this ride transleted in english to breathless and was opened in 2009,it is one of two opening dy coasters in the park(the other is spaccatempo).well,the ride's layout kinda reminds me of a shorter version of rita,and a half sized version too.but the ride does couple of things right,the rides launch is forceful like usual,honestly this is the must forceful moment on the ride.the rde also kept a good pace throught the ride,the speed was good but some moments felt like you are losing your speed.hell,the ride have some good airtime moments,altough not favorite airtime moment is by far the first hill of the ride,it is that great and gives a good ejector air.but as i said,it is the weekest in my book.since must of the ride is just so forceless,some points in the ride just felt like a thrill coaster more than extreme coaster levels of the thrill.and it wasnt that intense,but a good side is that it can be intended for kids i the park to ride their first launch,and it could be a good opportunity to give them a good exprience.altough i liked to think of that in that fact,a thing that i still didnt liked were the restrains,this are the kinda ka restrains,which i hate so much. they are uncomfortable and give some bangers for some reason,altough not much bangers,it was fairly smooth,i just wished they will give this non inverted ride some lap bars,but either way,it isnt bad,and might be good for kids.
Situación Suavidad Layout Intensidad
this coaster came before gravity max,opening in 2001 and ofcourse,its a vekoma junior coaster.what i like about it that its so surrounded with threes and the station looks pretty and is also smooth but the layout and intensity arent that good since the layout is so cloned and it ment for kids,but overall,a farly decent kiddy coaster.
Primera caída Intensidad Layout
man,this is,by far,one of the best vekoma coasters,and truly,shows the creativity of the company and not only that,this was the start of the vekoma goodies.gravity max was build in 2002,and currently it is the only vekoma tilt coaster,meaning that no one wanted to buy it,its a shame,but honestly,golden horse,the chinese company helped to introduce the tilted track elemant better,creating the broken rail coaster and leading to their best project,battle of jungle king.heres a fun fact that i found on rcdb:"Advertised as a "Tilt Coaster" or "Cliffhanger". The train is pulled up a lift hill to a horizontal platform. The track then tilts until it is vertical, drops down into a tunnel, turns 180 degrees and emerges to enter the vertical loop." now how it works exactly: after the train reaches the end of the horizontal tilt segment, a hook grabs the rear car of the train. This holds the train in place during the tilting. As a safety precaution, a large block of steel at the front of the tilt segment prevents the train from rolling off the end should the hook fail. after the tilt segment is vertical and inline with the vertical drop, the block is pulled away and the hook is released.but enough facts,now to the originall prototype,gravity max.and man,vekoma really did thier best with imagine a dve coaster,but more intense and much longer.yes,that is basically gravity max,and man,these tilted drop adds an extra elemant to the coaster which unlike a dive coaster,the track is seprated,giving much thrill than most coasters.and the drop is super whippy and fun,the rest of the layout includes fast paced turns,a great tunnel,a massive loop which is foorceful and whippy,and an intense helix too.combined with its red color scheme,its a treat.and than i must mention how smooth the ride is,must of vekoma might be rough,but here we got a smooth and well build coaster and yes,its a great coaster which i can highly reccomand riding,its alot better than most of the diving coaser,alot more forceful and overall,only shows the creativity behind vekoma.
Intensidad Torta Layout
a bad coaster overall,which opened in 1999 and the worst coaster at the park,headnbanger and shitty layout that have been cloned many might be an intense ride,but it was overall,juts bad.
Tematización Suavidad Layout ¡Decepción! Airtimes Tiempo muerto
tiki waka is a mixebag,altough i was pretty disappointed wth it,but its not the worst coaster i have ever ridden.the ride was build in 2018 and its their gerstlauer bobsled,the rde was build on the former side of their coccinelle,their former zeirer tivoli which will be relocated in 2020.i would like to share with you a fun fact that i found on rcdb:"Walibi Belgium's website states the Tiki-Waka's speed is 55 km/h and has a length of 500 m. Walibi Belgium has also stated Tiki-Waka's the length is 564 m while simultaneously stating the height to be 21 m and an hourly capacity of about 600 pp/h."but now for the ride itself,it wasnt that good,i will even call it one of the weeker bobsleds by gerstlauer.but that doesnt mean that the ride is bad,it alot beter than most of the coasters ive ridden,but lets go.the thing that it managed to do greatly is with the theming,giving the ride its own character of a naitive tiki tribe.and it is acompanied by a beautiful scenerio over the water,yes,it such an amazing expreince with the is also really smooth,giving a good experience with the layout.but the layout,its not that great,which its a shame.outside,it looks like the layout really thoguth creatively,but the problem it with it all of those trims and dead spots,really,it feels so sluggish and moves at snails such a snoozer and thank god that the theming helped me not to get bored by it.but thats not only that,the ride's airtime moments doenst give air,unlike the older versions,this one was such a snoozer with the airtime momentswhich really,i felt bad.but i belive i have a reason for all of this,i thnk that it ment for families and they tried to make it a family thriller,so i can see that the dead spots is might be for kids to enjoy it more and give them a coaster exprience.but here ar my thoughts,i still was dissapointed tho,but they,kids might enjoy it.
Launch Fun Ejectors
this is a well known prototype.created in 2016,this is right now the only mack powersplash ever created,and actually,mack is planing to open two of those in 2019 and 2021,and yes,im happy for those news,since i belive that those compact little water rides,are the crown jewel to any park who is looking for a new water ride but doesnt have enough place.actually,the ride costed the park 8.5 € million.and i belive that this coaster deserves it since the quality of it is lets see whats so good about it.the launch here is honestly one of the best launches of mack,usually,mack launch coasters are filled with some weak launches,more than intaming or gerstlauer,they just dont give the whip that i hope to get on those coasters,but here,you actually get whipped to your seat,which man,its such a good feeling to get it non other than with mack rides themselves.but now,not only that,the ride is also filled with the top of the vertical spike,you really get the senstion of almost flying of your seat,and man,its such a good filling to see and get.and the capacity was good too,with the turntable,which first introduced by pinfary,helping the capacity of the ride to get much faster,and you really get soaked on this ride,the splash down is amazing and the you get wet at every place,even wetter than most log flumes out yea,it might be a prototype,but its gone extemely well,and its really that i can reccomand.
Inversiones Launch Intensidad
this is by far,the best coaster in all of walibi belgium,not only its in the dark but its also a new good,renovated and a great ride.schwarzkopf really knew what they were doing with this one,but the ride also have alot of history behind it.first opened in 1985,this was walibi belgium's first operating roller coaster(it had more coasters before that,but this is the first of those that ar still operating in the park,a.k.a,the oldest operating coaster at the park),and throught its run,many changes had been added to this singal schwarzkopf shuttle 1999,the loop was enclosed due to noise complains by neighboors near by.the remainder of the ride was enclosed in the 2013 season.the ride had two names,at its opening it was called sirocco,and than was changed in 1999 to 2012 to tubrine,but later on,in 2013,not only that they changed its name to psyke underground,but also got the all ride gettting a new lim launch and trains by gerstlauer.few,thats alot of history right there,but now to the ride itself.i must say that this lim launch is such a cool new feature,altough must of my friends are complaining about that that the flywheel launch was better,i found this launch god as well,it gave a great speed,managed to give an intense whip and also gave it greatforces.the greatest thing about it for me is the theme,the ride is all dark and crazy going,you dont even know the massive chaos on the ride since it is too dark.altough it short,those short hours are so intense,theloop even give some powerful g's to my suprise,and all of the ride,combined with its dark theme,for me is the crown jewel than most of the other vekomas,or pulsar,since yea,pulsar is fun,but it never came close for me,to psyke yes,it is the best coaster here,and im highly reccomanding riding it,and im so happy that in 2021,this intaming mega will probably beat it.