Primera caída Launch Intensidad Demasiado corto
The Snake Dive first drop is legendary and the launch packs an incredible punch. Left Hershey Park unsure if I liked this even more than Wildcat's Revenge.
Airtimes Fun Ejectors
Super airtime focused. You get hangtime on the first drop and every element after that delivers strong ejector airtime.
Inversiones Layout Ejectors
Ejector really throws you around and all the inversions are masterful the entire way through the course. Just when you think you've seen it all it throws one more new element at you. Fun, creative, and aggressive.
Obra maestra Intensidad Ejectors
My first ride was with the new lap bars which felt amazing but I can't speak for the notorious old restraints. Somewhat varied ride depending on where you're sitting, but a wing seat in the front is pretty much the perfect coaster experience. Ejector felt like I was flying out of the seat.
Primera caída Obra maestra Intensidad
Pure intensity. No airtime, just violent positive g forces and speed, almost a guaranteed grey out. Shoulder straps feel necessary for safety.