• Charlie Barron

    Primera caída Ejectors Torta Incomodidad

    It was my first ride of the day whilst visiting park asterix and I found it a bit disappointing as the first drop was good and some nice ejector airtime hills. But to disappoint most of the ride was quite rough and headbanging not the most comfortable of rides but the layout was alright.

  • Charlie Barron

    Primera caída Tematización Intensidad Incomodidad

    Very good good first drop very intense into the first loop but I’ve found at the bottom of the drop it can sometimes get a bit rough in the restraints. The theming is very well done in the indoor section before the vertical lift hill and queue line very well done. The rest of the lay out is good but are more dead spots towards the end. Overal very good ride with lots of intense and fun moments.

  • Charlie Barron

    Inversiones Intensidad

    This is a very good ride having 6 inversions but somehow they feel so natural in the layout and the intensity from that first drop is amazing. When I experienced this ride I managed to ride it twice and on the second time riding I sat on the outside and witnessed a bit a head banging which lowered my ratings a bit but still amazing. I love the speed it carries though out the surprisingly long layout and I never felt bored throughout the experience! Very good ride worth riding.

  • Charlie Barron

    Intensidad Layout

    Very solid inverted coaster for the Uk but for me will always be in the shadow compared to Nemesis at Alton towers due to theming but the layout is still very good with being intense moments at the start with the drop into the vertical loop and the helix at the last moments of the ride. I wish the ride was a bit longer as is quite a short experience but packs a punch for what it is!

  • Charlie Barron

    Launch Obra maestra Hangtime

    This ride is clearly on another level having superb aspects such as the incredible hangtime and the unexpectedly amazing 23 seconds of airtime!! The 4 launches are all very good providing the ride with great intensity through the twists and turns throughout! But the clear highlight of the ride for me was being shot up the 50m spike giving great views of the very well done area. Overal very good ride giving everything you could want on a rollercoaster making it a world class masterpiece.