• Charlie S.

    Inversiones Comodidad Fun Tiempo muerto Intensidad

    This is a fairly rated coaster, it has brief moments of intensity (the second loop), fun inversions and it very smooth and comfortable apart from the breaks. However the ride lacks intensity and after the second loop the ride really peters out. Solid coaster

  • Charlie S.

    Primera caída Velocidad Intensidad Torta Tematización

    This ride is so underrated. That first drop is crazy and looks terrifying from the top of the lift hill, the coaster keeps a good pace throughout with a fun layout that has some great inversions, there is some headbanging (it is an slc) but it is minor and not painful unlike infusion. Great coaster

  • Charlie S.

    Tematización Situación Intensidad Demasiado corto

    I love the first corkscrew and the first helix is so intense, however this ride is definitely overhyped it lacks intensity especially in the vertical loop and is a short ride, still very good though and has the best theming I have seen

  • Charlie S.

    Primera caída Situación Vibración Airtimes Tiempo muerto

    This ride is iconic, it towers over Blackpool and is visible all along the promenade. The first drop is fantastic and in the back row i felt i was going to fly out my seat. However it is a little rough and the profiling is dreadful, not quite like a monorail but definitely lacking in air time. Having lost it’s height record it’s no longer quite as special.

  • Charlie S.

    Primera caída Fun Intensidad Demasiado corto

    This ride is iconic, the feeling of dropping vertical through a hole into the ground is terrifying and so intense. I appreciate that this ride was a first of its kind but it is so short and very much so a one trick pony, that is extremely good at its trick.

  • Charlie S.

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Intensidad Demasiado corto Tematización Capacidad

    Wow this shocked me. The drops have crazy airtime, this ride is good forward but backwards it is even better and the loop is much more intense. This ride does not show its age at all and is perfectly smooth and I love how unique it is. Obviously the ride is very short but it makes up for it.

  • Charlie S.

    Fun Suavidad Layout Demasiado corto Tematización

    I love this ride, the smoothness, the flying aspect, the drops, the backwards section and the fact that at points you are flying so close to the ground makes it so unique. However it looks a bit grotty and worn, a retheme to link it to nemesis is much needed not just for galactica but for the whole area. If galactica were to be removed I would be very sad.

  • Charlie S.

    Launch Velocidad Suavidad Tematización

    Amazing ride, launches are great (especially the second one) but could be more punchy. The ride is glossy smooth and is extremely comfortable. The layout is a decent length and keeps good pace and intensity right up until the last couple of turns. Well stylised aswell but could do with some theming. Better than nemesis imo

  • Charlie S.

    Inversiones Obra maestra Intensidad Vibración Arnés

    Beautiful ride, amazing theming. Layout is long but so intense with many unique elements. Love the vertical lift hill and the second airtime hill. Front row offers great views and back row is so intense with crazy air time. It has a slight rattle with some head banging but is not at all rough imo.