• Lorenzo

    Primera caída Ejectors Incomodidad Tiempo muerto

    I am a taller person so i didn't have a problem with headbanging but when you go thru the 2 barrel rolls my legs were crushed by the restrains. Nice ejector airtime with the first drop But there are some dead spots like way to many block brakes and a straight segment.

  • Lorenzo

    Airtimes Capacidad Intensidad Demasiado corto

    I rode this on a hot summer day and it was way intenser than a winter ride. I personally loved it because i found this ride a bit boring, but rideit on a summer day and you'll get a fast aggresive ride. It is a bit short but the park doesnt have a lot of ground so it fits.

  • Lorenzo

    Airtimes Comodidad Duración

    The best coaster i've ever ridden. I highly suggest riding it at sunset, you get such a beautifull view of the entire park and coast. My number 1 coaster