• Matthew Corbett

    Tematización Comodidad Fun Arnés

    While the coaster itself is solid, the theming is what really elevates the experience here. It’s incredibly impressive for a six flags coaster, with a fully fledged story and not one but two preshows that are actually pretty good. The 95 degree drop does somehow actually make a difference, and the layout is the best of the b&m mini dive’s that I have ridden. The ride is fun, forceful, and has quite a few moments of airtime. It’s just a shame about the vest restraints. Overall though, it’s a great ride. Theming - 6.5/10

  • Matthew Corbett

    Airtimes Situación Ejectors Demasiado corto

    The location is stunning, the theming is cute, and the first drop is one of the best drops RMC has ever devised. However, the ride ends far to early, and needed an extra few hundred feet of track. It also by 2023 falls somewhere in the middle of the RMC pack just because they have since devised better layouts. Still, Iron Rattler is absolutely fantastic! Theming 3/10