• James Fletcher

    Airtimes Tematización Hangtime Demasiado corto

    Not the best Mack launched coaster, but it's a solid ride. Some good airtime moments especially in the back. Probably the best spike I have experienced on a coaster, due to the twist which gives some good laterals and floater airtime. The in-line twist and barrel roll gives a decent bit of hangtime. Wish it was a bit longer, but it's a fun coaster all in all.

  • James Fletcher

    Fun Vibración Incomodidad Airtimes

    Not the worse coaster I've ridden, but it's comically bad. It's almost so bad it's good. Not sure why it's the most popular ride at Movie Park Germany, other than it's entertainingly bad.

  • James Fletcher

    Tematización Intensidad Duración

    Delivered on what I expected, but it's very dependent on where you are sat. The front is the best for airtime (not a lot, but there are 2 good moments) and the back is intense in terms of positive G's. The middle is still fun, but nothing world class, the front or back is definitely where it's at. It's get extra points for being one of the best themed coasters in the world.

  • James Fletcher

    Airtimes Inversiones Intensidad Vibración

    The moments that make it shine overcome the drawback of it being a surprisingly rough experience.

  • James Fletcher

    Airtimes Velocidad Obra maestra

    Just as amazing as I expected. Pure Class.