• Diego Pineda Pacheco

    Fun Duración Torta Layout

    I was expecting something pretty bad, so I was gladly surprised. Not a bad coaster at all. Yes, it's pretty rough. Yes, the transitions are hilariously bad. No, there's pretty much no airtime. But the ride overall is super long, the inversions are solid, and the experience is pretty fun. Consider me a non-hater.

  • Diego Pineda Pacheco

    Intensidad Incomodidad

    Loved the intensity, but I guess I'm too tall. The train is too small for me so my knees were absolutely wrecked on both my rides. Made it impossible to truly appreciate the ride. But it's clearly taken very good care of, so there's that.

  • Diego Pineda Pacheco

    Primera caída Hangtime Tiempo muerto

    Best coaster in Vegas. The airtime on the first drop is INCREDIBLE and the hangtime on the inversions (particularly the last one) is great. The low speed means that some spots feel a little dead, but I still had a ton of fun.

  • Diego Pineda Pacheco

    Tematización Fun Demasiado corto

    It's short and, of course, very tame; but the theming and landscaping are beautiful, and the titular jaguar roar that booms in the tunnel that surrounds the first drop adds an awful lot to the experience. My favorite Vekoma Junior.

  • Diego Pineda Pacheco

    Torta Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    ABYSMAL. ATROCIOUS. DOWNRIGHT DANGEROUS. I'm a tall guy, so the back of my head kept banging against AN EXPOSED BIT OF METAL in the headrest. Never had I genuinely feared for my physical wellbeing on a roller coaster, until I road this Medieval torture device that Parc Astérix manages to pass off as an attraction. The day this gets torn down, I will gladly travel to France just to do a happy dance in front of the empty plot of land.

  • Diego Pineda Pacheco

    Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    What am I missing here??? I made the mistake of making this my second ride of the morning, and the headache it gave me didn't go away for the rest of the day. Atrocious headbanging and rattle, and though the intensity is appreciated, I did not see the appeal of it accumulating in the legs. Not in the slightest. Wouldn't ride again, ever.

  • Diego Pineda Pacheco

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Duración

    I'm shocked by how fun this was! Super long, great laterals, solid visuals. Fantastic addition to Energylandia's family coaster lineup.

  • Diego Pineda Pacheco

    Airtimes Capacidad Obra maestra

    My favorite coaster in the world. The spinning makes it so that every single ride feels different, but there was not a single time of the 10+ times I rode this that I didn't have a blast of fun. Awesome airtime and laterals, great intensity, a surprisingly good launch, masterful layout, lovely theming. I did have a bit of a headache after the last couple of rides, but I feel that that's inherent to the spinning. Out-of-this-world amazing.

  • Diego Pineda Pacheco

    Tematización Inversiones Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    This used to be my home park, so I have ridden Avalancha plenty of times over the years. It used to be very fun, but as of late, it's become rough to the point that it's unrecognizable from what it used to be when I was a teenager. The many inversions and the surprisingly solid theming redeem it a bit, but if I get off a coaster with a raging headache after just one ride, something's clearly very wrong. I don't know if it's just a maintenance thing (or lack thereof), but this is too painful to recommend.

  • Diego Pineda Pacheco

    Airtimes Ejectors Duración Capacidad

    I never experienced this without the seat belt, so I don't have a point of comparison, but this is still the most delightfully aggressive ejector I have ever experienced on a woodie. I never fail to come off of this one laughing, it's that good. Operations (usually one train even on a busy day) are abysmal, but it's worth every minute of wait time.

  • Diego Pineda Pacheco

    Airtimes Launch Demasiado corto Capacidad Tiempo muerto

    Great launch, comfy trains, and surprisingly decent dips of airtime, but it's also offensively short and has a few dead spots. Not exactly what I would have liked for my home park, but it's a step in the right direction. The operations are the worst I have ever experienced on any coaster on the planet, though. This shouldn't be a 2-hour wait on a low-crowd day.

  • Diego Pineda Pacheco

    Cheap, unexciting, painfully dull knockoff coaster. It's definitely rough, but not even rough enough to be memorable. There are better things to do in the park.