Situación Vibración Torta Incomodidad
Sorry but i hate this coaster so much. More than the slc next door. It might be because im not very tall but i felt like i was going to die the entire time. But i have to say the location is nice but thats the only good thing about this ride.
Primera caída Tematización Ejectors Tiempo muerto
Love this ride. I prob rank it alot higher than most people do. The airtime on the drop and the two first hills is just insane. The ending is also really fun with some small bunny hills giving some airtime also the monster you went through at the end is so cool. The only problem is the middle part after the third airtimehill it goes into a turn with a nice scent of speed. After that comes a speed hill with is kinda fun but the helix after that is kinda boring and kills the ride a little bit. But overall great coaster.
Situación Fun Duración Capacidad Tiempo muerto
really good mountain coaster with a beautiful location and its very long... the biggest downside is that every ride cost money
Fun Incomodidad
why is there airtime on this coaster