• coaster land

    Launch Intensidad Layout Vibración

    Poltergeist is freaking awesome. I have ridden all 4 of the United states spaghetti bowl coasters and this one is the best of the 4. While it still has a rattle poltergeist is definitely the smoothest of the 4 and is incredibly forceful. From a whippy start full of positive g force to the gradual descent that increases speed before a final corkscrew that brings insane positive g force. This ride is just really good. It has one of the best clones layouts ever and its lack of a mid course is even more insane. Poltergeist is an all around great coaster and a huge upgrade from the flight of fear clones.

  • coaster land

    Situación Fun Layout

    This ride is really fun for its size and offers a great family thrill experience with moderate intensity and just pure fun! The spinning is the perfect amount without being nauseating at all! The ride is also well paced and the positive g force may not be the best but it's still really fun. My advice is to go into this expecting a top tier family coaster and you will enjoy the heck out of it. Also let's appreciate its setting next to the quarry wall!!

  • coaster land

    Inversiones Velocidad Intensidad

    This batman clone is one of the better ones and certainly one of the smoothest of them all. I have ridden several bat clones and they are all excellent rides including this one. Goliath brings the intensity and sends the blood rushing to your feet. The inversions are snappy and the ride is overall just plain insane. The only reason it does not get 5 stars is because it's a commonly cloned ride, but it's still really freaking awesome!

  • coaster land

    Vibración Torta Incomodidad

    Another absolutely terrible vekoma boomerang, seriously this ride is a joke, it has tons of headbanging throughout its layout and it's an uncomfortable attraction all around, tear this down and build anything else in its place!

  • coaster land

    Tematización Intensidad Arnés ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    This ride just didnt do it for me, dont get me wrong I can understand the appeal for them but for me and my grandfather it was terrible. The restraints were quite tight on me and were a bit awkwardly positioned and quite uncomfortable. That being said if that was the only issue this ride would be 3 or 4 stars, however the worst issue is that I found the ride to be nauseating and that just took away from a ride I wanted to enjoy. I liked the theme in the start of the queue as I thought it was well done for six flags park and is why I give this more than just 1 star, instead 1.5. Overall I was disappointed yet at the same time glad I got to ride the prototype freespin.

  • coaster land

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Situación Launch

    This ride is a great, no elite family coaster. It still has a couple great moments of intensity while still keeping the family friendly ride experience. This is one of the best family coasters I've ridden and was a pleasant surprise. The ride starts with a themed shed before launching out of the tunnel. In the back row the two launches are very snappy and the whole ride is full of forceful turns and best of all some great views as the ride is located over the lake. Overall this is a great family coaster with forceful turns and thrilling launches but still within the family realm.

  • coaster land

    Airtimes Primera caída Obra maestra

    This ride is one of the greatest gci coasters I've ridden, it is fast, intense, and relentless. This ride emulates all the good about gci and none of the bad. When I first looked at it I was impressed with how good it looked, but I was careful not to judge it by looks. After waiting zero minutes in the station we started up the lift, my first ride was in the back. The first drop is a straight drop and provides a great sustained flojecter moment. After that its total mayhem, from insane laterals to twisted airtime hills this ride truly is amazing. It keeps its pace from start to finish and even offers some positive forces. Overall this is an elite gci coasters with some of the best moments you can find on wooden coasters. This ride is a true masterpiece and needs to get more attention. 10 out of 10 no doubt

  • coaster land

    Suavidad Demasiado corto Tiempo muerto

    This ride is a typical kiddie coaster, although I found this one to be smoother than most so I'll give it that at least. The ride is a standard oval layout that the kids will enjoy, but not many others.

  • coaster land

    Vibración Demasiado corto

    I will be unfortunately writing many reviews of the model as I've ridden 6 or 7 as of this review. The ride has a simple single helix layout that is rough and force less, the kids might get a kick out of it but as a 17 year old I ride these for the credit and that's it.

  • coaster land

    ¡Decepción! Sin interés Tiempo muerto

    Let me start by saying this ride was quite boring for me and I found it to be a supersized kiddie coaster. The ride has no force, its theme is lackluster at best, and the point of the ride to get wet barely happens. The ride starts with a lift then a turntable that leads into a backwards dip. After this, another turntable then the main drop followed by a splash down which barely got me wet. Overall I was disappointed in this ride and it ranks low in my rankings.

  • coaster land

    Obra maestra Layout Ejectors Confiabilidad

    Boardwalk bullet ranks in my top 5 wooden coasters. This ride is literally the most insane boardwalk coaster I've ridden! The ride consists of tons of airtime, laterals, and positive forces. The ride currently holds the record for most track crossovers which give some great head chopper effects. The ride just violently tosses you in various directions and from lift hill to brakes there is not a single dull moment. Boardwalk bullet is just pure adrenaline and is among my favorite coasters of all time!

  • coaster land

    Obra maestra Intensidad Ejectors Vibración

    Let's start this review with saying this is one of the few rough coasters that I still found to be an elite attraction. This ride has a definite rattle but it is one of the craziest rides I've ridden!!! Its first awesome element is the vertical lift, for some reason I prefer this lift to the gerstlaur ones that I have ridden. Then the ride has an amazing 90 degree first drop that just rips you out of your seat, some insane airtime especially if you have some room in the restraint. The vertical loop starts with some positive before switching it up and giving some solid hang time. The same goes for the zero g roll. The turnaround is incredibly intense and loaded with positives. The final four elements are insane, 3 airtime hills broken up by a corkscrew. The airtime is powerful ejector, to the point where I compare it to the powerful ejector on rmc coasters. By the time you hit the brakes you will be planning to get back in line, it's that good. I know that zamperla is not known for great coasters, but this blew me away and I'm glad I chose to go to this park!!

  • coaster land

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Vibración Capacidad

    Crazy mouse was a fun surprise that caught me off guard. The ride spun just enough to be thrilling, but not enough to induce nausea! I am not always the biggest fan of spinning coasters but this one was solid. The reason I give it 2.5 stars is that it still is a wild mouse type ride and i can only say it's so good to a point. The ride also has a small pop of airtime that is quite thrilling right before the turn into the final brakes. Overall this is a fun family thrill coaster that fits the park perfectly.

  • coaster land

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Situación Intensidad Vibración Torta Arnés

    Let me start by saying that this ride surprised me more than almost any ride did on my massive roadtrip over the summer. I went in with low expectations as i am a t3 veteran and i was expecting this slc to be hot trash, boy was i completely wrong!. I rode in both the front and back and id say its a night and day difference! The front is the way to go, its actually not bad, the restraints are like pillows when your head hits them, or at least they are compared to mind erasers at six flags america. This is actually one of the best vekomas ive ridden and i wish all slc coasters were like this!! So the ride starts with a slow climb of about 100 ft before a curve drop that actually is pretty fun, then you will be thrown into a rollover which is my personal favorite element as the front row offers some strong g force, then a wave turn like element before a sidewinder and then a double twist finale. The setting is another highlight of this ride with it feeling like a random ride in a forest, which i like that feel a lot to be honest. So overall just a great surprise for me!!!

  • coaster land

    Situación Vibración Torta ¡Romper en pedazos!

    I went into this ride expecting a pretty rough coaster, but gosh was this worse than i anticipated!! My experience started with a long and boring wait in the station due to some issues with guests wanting to switch seats while i chilled in the front row of the ride. Then the ride started and i instantly noticed that the setting right over the alligator enclosure was a masterful idea, so ill give it that. Then the train left the lift hill and throughout the ride every transition generated headbanging and i was in extreme discomfort as a result. When i finally came off the ride i felt that that short 25 second ride was in my top 25 worst coasters. I see no legitimate reason for the park to not buy lap bar trains like other parks have. The rides layout isn't bad for a family coaster, its just that darned headbanging that keeps this from being a family friendly ride. Final verdict, ride it once for the cred and then do us all a favor and burn it down, although it is already burning as a dumpster fire lol!

  • coaster land

    Fun Suavidad Demasiado corto

    outpost express is a fun vekoma junior coaster that offers a short but sweet family coaster ride experience. The ride basically consists of a pair of helices and has a tiny bit of force but nothing more than a tiny bit. Overall this is a fun little family coaster that anyone can enjoy, its also really smooth which i definitely like a lot.

  • coaster land

    Fun Incomodidad

    Go bananas is a very appropriate name for this roller coaster. Although it may look like a typical wild mouse, for me it was a lot more. The seating is very different then the mack and zamperla versions im used to, you are literally sitting on the floor lol. This ride has some excellent lateral forces but i will say that they are uncomfortable at times. My other reason for discomfort was a couple of the brake runs hit really hard. Overall this is one of the better wild mouse coasters ive ridden and i find it to be enjoyable despite the discomfort.

  • coaster land

    Fun Tiempo muerto Layout

    This was my first and currently only zamperla mini mouse coaster, it now goes by the name swampwater snake and is a fun little kiddie coaster. What i found fun was the 2 moments of actual lateral force that i did not expect from a little kiddie version of a wild mouse. Overall the ride may be flawed with its short and kid friendly layout but it has a couple of fun moments and the families will get a kick out of this one.

  • coaster land

    Torta Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    this ride is unfortunately one of the worst roller coasters I've ever been on. I don't like boomerangs that much to begin with, but i can tolerate some of them and actually understand the appeal for them. This boomerang is the worst of its kind that i have ridden and literally a new kiddie coaster would be better than this. Tear it down and build something cool, heck even a new animal exhibit would be nicer. The ride smashes your head around really bad in the cobra roll when going forward and backwards. The only positive i can think of is the high intensity of the loop when traveling backwards. Overall this is a terrible one and done roller coaster that i can not see many people, even the general public enjoying.

  • coaster land

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Demasiado corto Tiempo muerto

    Woodstock express is a great little ride with a bit of airtime and is a great family woody that is certainly better than hurler, even though its like a third of the size. I definitely recommend trying this ride out, especially if it doesn't have a line.

  • coaster land

    Fun Demasiado corto Layout

    This is a kiddie coaster that actually is pretty entertaining to be honest. While it does not do a ton it still provides a bit of fun if you can talk a ride op into letting you on.

  • coaster land

    Intensidad Vibración Torta ¡Decepción!

    Vortex takes the worst of standup coasters and puts it into one ride, the headbanging is unbearable and the rattle is constant throughout the ride. A floorless conversion would not help this ride much and to be honest is does fit the parks lineup, but oh boy is it terrible. The only reason I give this a full star is it has a solid level of intensity that gives it a redeeming quality so i think that is important to mention. Overall its a disappointing b&m coaster that stands to show us all how far b&m has come.

  • coaster land

    Intensidad Layout Vibración Capacidad Incomodidad

    Nighthawk to me is a bad but necessary coaster at carowinds. What i mean by this is it makes sense why its there and it has many reasons that it is bad, but also some reasons that it is good. While i dislike it i can see why someone could like it, the ride has intensity and a solid layout that really helps keep this coaster from being my least favorite of all time. I think the nausea factor was what bothered me the most, and add the discomfort and you get an unhappy guest in my experiance. That all being said I encourage you to ride this ride and form your own opinion on it as everyone in your group may think differently about it.

  • coaster land

    Torta ¡Romper en pedazos! Tiempo muerto

    This is a horrible rollercoaster, its a family ride that ruins a fun day for a kid, the headbanging is strong even though the ride does almost nothing eventful. They could tear this down and make razorblades out of it for all i care, if cedar fair would invest in lap bar trains then that would be great for this ride but as it currently stands it is one of the worst family coasters out there and will put kids and adults alike in pain.

  • coaster land

    Airtimes Lap Bar Duración Tiempo muerto

    intimidator is a solid b&m hyper, but it is definitely not an elite one. While i found the trims to be hitting less on my last ride in 2019 i also found that this ride was just not stacking up to the likes of goliath at over georgia. The ride does have a great amount of sustained floater airtime but the layout has no originality other than the fact that it was designed to fit the area. Overall the floater airtime is fun but my advice is to ride intimidator once or twice to get a feel for the ride and then move on. I also must say that the rides duration was solid and of course got to love that b&m clamshell.

  • coaster land

    Suavidad Sin interés Tiempo muerto Layout

    Hurler is one of the worst wooden coasters ive been on, and its not because of roughness, its just plain boring. The ride experiance goes as follows, an uncomfortable restraint comes down, a lift hill, a trimmed first drop that already kills the vibe, a turn, some pointless hills, another turnaround, some more pointless hills, another turnaround and some more pointless hills and then a final turnaround before cresting into the final brakes. This Ride has NO airtime at all, it may not be rough but if it was at least it would do something. As it stands it is a joke, a joke that should be rmcd immediately.

  • coaster land

    Velocidad Obra maestra Intensidad

    Fury 325 is one of the best coasters ive ridden and remains in my top 10 and many other enthusiasts and GP alike enjoy this ride. It has speed, size, intensity, pacing, and even airtime! The climb up the lift seems to go forever before that brief second where you seem to freeze before plummeting to the ground at 95 mph. This ride is nearly perfect in every way, i love this so much ill give it a perfect score.

  • coaster land

    Comodidad Arnés Intensidad Capacidad Layout

    The flying cobras is just a standard vekoma boomerang with its simple layout, but it is much improved by the new vest restraint trains that the ride has. It made me nauseous as most rides that go backwards do, that being said for what it is it definitely is better than many of its kind

  • coaster land

    Airtimes Inversiones Hangtime Launch

    copperhead strike is an excellent fit for the line up, but is not by any means the best launched rollercoaster. While it offers a fun, thrilling, and action packed layout, its launches are not part of the action, nor were they ever meant to be. Mack multi launch coasters suffer from forceless launches as that is not the main focus of the ride. The theming is fun and the story of the theme is quirky as all get out but still very good. The ride is packed with hangtime but an overlooked factor is the 3 or 4 great ejector airtime moments on the ride. Overall this is a great coaster and is one of the best at the park, but it still pales in comparison to intamin and gerstlaur launch coasters.

  • coaster land

    Fun Lap Bar

    i really like carolina goldrusher, it is a good family ride that offers a nice relaxing ride expierence. My only complaint is the lap bars coming down hard at times, but it is bearable for sure.