Airtimes Capacidad ¡Decepción!
I expected a small Dark ride section or something. At least more than Lift, Drop, Turn Station. Didn't even get wet.
Airtimes Tematización Obra maestra
This area is an engineering marvel! FLY is so much fun and super unique. It also has a surprising amount of airtime in the front rows. It is not the most powerful ride or diverse layout but this one of a kind experience doesn't need it. Also didn't mind this locker system, its free and works without trouble. Front row is my favorite because of the view and airtime. Also these trains are long, like actually long.
Capacidad Fun Layout
This is such a perfect family coaster. The layout is great, the ride is smooth, the interaction with poseidon is cool, it has 2 trains(!) and its the perfect level of thrill for those wanting more than a kiddie coaster but not a big, fast, intense, looping machine.
Tematización Situación
This is the best powered coaster I've done so far. Great family coaster. The capacity is not that bad but feels low because the rest in the park has a ridiculous high capacity.
Great family ride the park was in desperate need of! The trains are stunning!
For it age this is really cool! Nothing special compared to today's rides but it does have that classic coaster feel
Airtimes Primera caída Layout Capacidad
I wish they would sent a train out more than just once every 5 minutes and not let fastpass always take the back rows. A 10 minute wait becomes a 45 minute wait. Or I don't know...maybe use that second train that is just sitting there doing nothing. Ride itself is good in every row and fantastic in the back. Nice, long and strong airtime!
Lap Bar Launch Fun Demasiado corto
Big suprise! I knew what was gonna happen but still suprised by how good is actually was!
Airtimes Primera caída Velocidad
Amazing ride with an incredible speed! Love that first drop in the front row. Great airtime and the rattle is not even bad. Great mix of elements, not just airtime hill after airtime hill.
Situación Duración
Long ride on an amazing location!
Primera caída Intensidad Layout
Was not ready for such an intense ride. Greyed out multiple times every ride. Thought it was going to be similar to Abyssus but no. This ride is brutal. The first drop in the back is one of the best.
Inversiones Incomodidad
Way better than I expected. The loops are great but the rest is kinda pointless.
Airtimes Velocidad Suavidad Arnés
The pace of this ride blew me away. Its so damn fast and you fly through the layout like a maniac. Awesome drop too! The night rides at the end of a hot summer day were out of this world!
Inversiones Intensidad Vibración
Actually enjoyed this! Wish every SLC was this good.
Launch Velocidad Demasiado corto
Good ride and cool theming elements. Smooth too! But it did feel a bit pointless now that abyssus is a thing.
Comodidad Fun Duración
Such a fun ride! great flow and even a bit of airtime. The inversions are fun and the setting of this ride is done very well. Could ride this all day!
Situación Demasiado corto
Can't get up to good speed cause it over before you know it.
Tematización Fun Confiabilidad
Good Laterals, the younger guests love it!
Layout Vibración Incomodidad
The layout is good, but thats also the only good part left. This ride needs a full retrack by CGI or something cause the layout is fine if it weren't so rough. headache machine right here.
Intensidad Vibración Torta Incomodidad
This ride is not that good. The heartline rolls are awful, and the ride starts to rattle really bad. Loop and first drop are good.
Lap Bar Inversiones Fun
Nothing special but all elements are just good. The lay-out is fun, best part is that zero-G before the brakes for me. The trains are comfy. The preshows get boring after 3 rides but the queue and station are nicely done. Good soundtrack too!
Tematización Fun
Cool ride, smooth, not wet at all (when I went). Theming is allright.
Airtimes Fun Intensidad
Size does not matter. This ride slaps. The airtime is amazing and pacing is great. Can't get enough of this ride. I went on a dead day and rode this 22 times and was still wishing for more. More parks with limited space need one of these powerhouses!
Tematización Fun Duración
Did not expect this to be this good. I like to call it Taron jr. 2 launches, lots of turns and twisty. really cool theming and some great near misses. Lay-out has 5 airtime hills with ZERO airtime but this ride does not need it. (Piraten makes up for that)
Tematización Lap Bar Vibración
Fun ride with a Rattle.
Airtimes Inversiones Fun
Such a lovely classic. That loop is unbeatable. Great capacity (station wait while Kärnan was over 60 min). Unexpected airtime of the mid-course and just lots of fun. Could ride this all day