Situación ¡Decepción! Tiempo muerto
Was very hyped to ride this and finally I got the change at Cranger Kermis 2024 in Herne. And I was so disapointed, the layout is lackluster, provides no force and the inside is a laser maze mess. Just with no audio, this makes a roller coaster with a nicely themed facade in reality very disapointing. Also with a price of €7,5 I was unsatisfied (Alpina Bahn was €7 and way better value)
Situación Demasiado corto
Fun Alpine coaster with a nice view of the Balaton lake.
Airtimes Intensidad Hangtime Capacidad
This is the sleeper ride of 2021, it's my new number one beating out Kondaa. This thing starts of with an insane hangtime moment and is followed by a powerfull launch, yes that's right a forcefull launch on a MACK. This coaster delivers insane positives, ejector airtime, hangtime and even a very fast paced inversion in the double inverting dive loop when you are sitting in the front. Best seat is in the back, but make sure to do the front aswell since the experience is so different!
Velocidad Duración Incomodidad Airtimes
I've ridden Tonnerre de Zeus before and the new retrack and new elements didn't make it much better, it's a bit better but overall the new elements are pretty weak. First drop is still good in the back, the 90° banked turn doesn't do much which imo is sad, all the hills on the ride gave floater at best expect the ones after the tunnel, and talking about that tunnel, wow my eardrums almost exploded of the loudness. The 2 off axis hills after it do pull some nice flowjector airtime, sadly the ride is still extremely rough, which is a shame, they spent 7 million on this... for maybe 2 million more we could saw an worldclass RMC.
Primera caída Situación Fun Intensidad
Monster is the newest invert B&m has build, you can tell this ride doesn't focus on the crazy forces anymore. This is a lwoer tier invert howhever it's still a gerat ride. The location is really the highlight on this ride, how they build this in the limited space they got is amazing! The ride it self is solid but nothing crazy. This ride is just pure fun, not to intense or to big, just a nice fun coaster. It does fill in the inversion gap at the park and provides an unique experience. The only weird thing is that this ride already has a rattle, not a big one or one that is annoying, it's just weird? I think it's thanks to the unique support structures they needed to use. But overall it's a solid, fun coaster to ride!
Airtimes Launch Obra maestra Tiempo muerto
What a amazing worldclass coaster! The launches are insane and this ride is really snappy! It has some great ejector airtime on a twisted hill. The second launch is were the ride starts to get insane. I do have one complaint, before the second launch the S-turn feels like a small death spot but it's a minor one so it doesn't affect the ride
Intensidad Incomodidad
Pretty good Boomerang, smoothest I've done. (Other two I've done are speed of sound and Boomerang)
Primera caída Fun Hangtime Vibración
Great ride that was a nice suprise! The trains are so comfortable! The first drop is amazing and the layout is really diverse and unique. It gives good airtime, laterals and hangtime in the rides two inversions. One con is that it is a little rattly toward the end but it's not rough. We sitted in the inner seats and sadly had no chance of doing a outer seat because the park was really busy. Also the theming is really unique and good. But overall a solid MACK coaster. Wish more Big Dipper were getting build.
Airtimes Comodidad Fun
This Gerstlauer family coaster really blew me away. What a solid family ride, it even has floater airtime!
Airtimes Inversiones Ejectors Incomodidad
It has a amazing first drop and the 270° double inverting stall is such a good inversion, the entire element your out of your seat. It has a ton of violent ejector moments which do hurt after a while thanks to the restrains. The last heartline roll is amazing and your also out of your seat for the intire element. What a ride!
Airtimes Primera caída Ejectors Confiabilidad
This ride is a masterpiece. The amount of ejector on this thing is out of this world, backrow is the best on this ride because you get thrown out of your seat on the first drop with insane airtime that continuous forever and this is combined with insane laterals. Each hill on this ride delivers quality airtime. This ride is also really intense in all the parts (I started to gray out on the outward bank) overall a worldclass coaster