• Daniel H.

    Inversiones ¡Buena sorpresa! Duración Intensidad

    It is a really underrated ride in my opinion. I rode it 4 times and every time it was more intense than kumba or dragon khan, which I think are quite overrated. There was no rattle at all for me. That's weird.

  • Daniel H.

    Airtimes Primera caída Lap Bar Tiempo muerto

    Mako isn't the best B&M hyper I've been on. But, it is still a really great, signature, smooth B&M. I highly recommend it.

  • Daniel H.

    Situación Launch Torta Arnés Incomodidad

    The launch is ridiculously intense and has like 4.7 Gs on it. However, on the inline twist it dug into my stomach and caused really terrible pain. And, obviously, it is the roughest coaster in the park and mabye in Spain. I wouldn't go on this ride again.

  • Daniel H.

    Inversiones Fun Duración Tiempo muerto Intensidad

    Great fun to go on once or twice. After a few rides though, it can get really boring. Plus, once the seatbelt that was supposed to secure my shoulder restraints fell out. Absolutely terrifying!

  • Daniel H.

    Airtimes Capacidad Suavidad Tiempo muerto

    Shambhala has the most floater airtime of any coaster that I have ever been on. I never got the ride on the front or the back thanks to assigned seating, but it was still absolute euphoria.