Incomodidad Tiempo muerto
Ride does nothing except shatter your spine. My back hurt for an entire week after riding this stupid thing. Operations are terrible too with only one train.
Fun Incomodidad Airtimes
If you find yourself getting a good ride on this thing, quite while you're ahead. I thought it was alright after riding it near the middle, so I rode it near the back and it is the worst and most overrated coaster I've ever experienced. If they burned it down tomorrow I would laugh. The worst part of this ride by far is the trains. For some reason, I've never heard anyone mention this before, but apparently people in the olden days were never taller than 5ft 8.
Situación Duración Capacidad ¡Decepción!
very slow ops and only one train, every cycle was about 6-7 mins on a very very busy summer day. queued about 2 hours and was disappointed by the hills, though some of them had a decent bit of airtime. absolutely STUNNING views though, the park is in one of the most beautiful places i've ever seen.
Airtimes Intensidad Hangtime Arnés Incomodidad
really solid ride i am just a bit too tall to be comfortable with the restraints. it could definitely benefit from better restraints even for someone that would fit in the current ones, but i imagine it's not a dealbreaker if you're the right size for them.
Airtimes Intensidad Arnés Incomodidad
actually a surprisingly good ride, you have to brace for the transition into the loop but it's not uncomfortable, the transitions in the hairpin turns are a bit too sudden, but me being way taller than the intended rider definitely doesn't help with discomfort there. a couple potholes here and there but personally i can look past those, they add to the fun and the charm of the ride.