Tematización Situación Vibración Tiempo muerto Intensidad
My least favorite major coaster in the whole resort. Good forces, good layout, HORRIBLE rattle. Its by FAR the worst rattle ive ever experienced and the crappy restraints dont help it. The headbanging is unavoidable and every second of the layout youre being jackhammered. I dont know if this was a bad ride because i rode California screaming and it was a favorite of mine, and this, one of the worst ive ridden.
Comodidad Fun Duración ¡Decepción! Sin interés Airtimes
good coaster. not aggressive at all, and easily weakest rmc, and thats not debatable. this coaster was extremely overhyped, but it gave nothhing more than flojector.
Inversiones Intensidad Duración Torta Tematización Incomodidad
Overall my number 1 rollercoaster. This ride is unbelievably intense, and is often criticised because of its roughness. I used to hate it. Now i love it. First off, before the refurbishment, it was significantly rougher, now, glossy smooth, and all you have to do is keep your head forward on every moment but the first 3 vertical loops. Overall one of the most underrated rollercoasters in america.
¡Buena sorpresa! ¡Decepción! Sin interés Tiempo muerto
The orlando one looks far better. This soaked people in the soak zone, but on ride, not at all. I was in the very front row for my only ride and it did absolutely nothing for me. Nothing has any force.
Airtimes Comodidad Launch Tiempo muerto
Fun family coaster. A bit overhyped, but overall really enjoyed. Ranks number 2 in the park, and number 19 in my rankings.
Airtimes Ejectors Hangtime Demasiado corto Capacidad Arnés
Electric Eel is a fantastic coaster at seaworld san diego. Super underrated by many people and currently places at my number 10 spot overall.
Fun Layout Ejectors Confiabilidad
Elite ride! One of my favorites of all time, and full of crazy ejector airtime. Currently ranks number 2 in my rankings