• Mike H.

    Launch ¡Decepción! Sin interés

    The launch is quite nice, but the overall design is disappointing and is no fun to ride. Families with small children should enjoy it, though.

  • Mike H.

    Launch Fun Intensidad Demasiado corto

    It's so nice to have a hydraulic cable launch from Intamin in the park. The launch is very intense and you should listen and keep your head upright. You get accelerated to 100 km/h in 2,4 seconds and speed with full force to the first turn. There is also an ejector airtime hill and the complete ride is intense and a lot of fun. Sadly it is very short.

  • Mike H.

    Primera caída Tematización Fun

    A very good B&M invert with a nice first drop and some intensive inversions. Not the standard design, so it stands out from other B&M inverts. Great theming.

  • Mike H.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch Fun Vibración

    In order to enjoy this ride I needed 4 rides to know the track design and after that I could really enjoy it. It is really fun and every ride is different as you always have a different position relatively to the track. But I think the ride is overhyped. It rattles a lot during the ride and marathoning it is not possible (for me) as I always get a slight headache. On my visit of Plopsaland I could basically walk on every ride so I made a small pause to get my head clean for the next ride.

  • Mike H.

    Launch Fun Suavidad

    The launches, the backwards ride before the tophead and the spike are great elements with lots of fun. But the 2nd half after the tophead feels a little slower and not so well designed that you can say it's a masterpiece. For example the Zero-G stall shoes some hangtime even if the track is warmed up (look at Zadra or Wildfire who do that better). Overall still a fantastic ride from Intamin with lots of fun.

  • Mike H.

    Fun Obra maestra Ejectors

    Kondaa is another masterpiece by Intamin. The first drop is just nice, nothing special considering the height of onily 50 meters. But what follows is where this coaster really shines. It's a relentless sequence of elements including lots of ejector airtime moments that is just a lot of fun. During the whole ride it feels like Kondaa is constantly trying to throw you off. Of course the last row is the preferred seating area, but to my surprise also the middle seats deliver a lot of fun and are also recommended. Great ride!

  • Mike H.

    Primera caída Velocidad Obra maestra

    Zadra is a real masterpiece. The first drop is amazing. From then it races repentlessly through the whole track. Fast paced turns, the large zero-g stall, the zero-g rolls, ejector and floater airtimes, the near miss effects. At the end of the ride you are rushing with high speed in the end brakes. It's an adrenaline rush and pure fun. The best RMC in Europe (can't comment on the other RMCs). ATTENTION: to experience this ride in its full glory the track needs to be warmed up. It's like day and night when you compare the first rides of the day with the later ones. Also very much fun but missing the brute force of runs when warmed up. Of course the last wagon is preferred as with all RMCs.

  • Mike H.

    Suavidad Arnés ¡Decepción! Launch

    This ride is just a big disappointment. The track design of this coaster is just so bad. Why a trim brake before the main element (looping) at the beginning of the ride? Energylandia spent 11 m€ and Vekoma showed that they can nowadays build very good coasters (FLY, Lech, Fonix) as opposed to the SLC-garbage. Imagine having a 3rd awesome coaster next to Zadra and Hyperion. This is just badly spent money.

  • Mike H.

    Tematización Suavidad Demasiado corto

    Very nice and well themed family ride with even a nice first drop and a well designed track with waterfall interaction. It goes around the track twice.

  • Mike H.

    Lap Bar Fun Vibración

    I know this ride since the 1980s when I was a little kid. The ride was so impressive and the looping was just awesome. Even today I still like the ride though the drop is not very impressive anymore and you must be prepared for the harsh brakes at the end. A very good family coaster to prepare the youth for the joy of coaster rides.

  • Mike H.

    Tematización Inversiones Velocidad Demasiado corto Arnés

    After only knowing Vekoma-SLCs as suspended coasters I was very pleased with the whole ride experience. Great theaming, nice drop, great inversions and very good pacing for this capacity monster ;-). Only downside for me is, that you see nothing during the ride if you sit in the middle of a row. We did not mange to get into the front row.

  • Mike H.

    Primera caída Intensidad Suavidad Tiempo muerto

    The ride feels very smooth for a wooden coaster (thanks to Intamin's prefabricated track). The first drop is fun and the 2 following airtime hills are nice with ejector airtime. After the turn element the ride unfortunately slows down and the double helix is pointless. The final straight to the newly installed monster is nice again with a little bit of floater airtime.

  • Mike H.

    Primera caída Lap Bar Launch Capacidad

    The launch of this ride is fantastic. I haven't experienced Dragster or Kingda Ka so I can't compare the launches. The ride up to the top head is very forceful. The drop is great too. This is another masterpiece by Intamin. P.S: the ride is not too short. It's all about the launch and the tophead ... and that is executed just perfectly.

  • Mike H.

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch Demasiado corto Capacidad

    This ride is very well themed and so the time in the queue line is entertaining. The launch is very good followed by a great airtime and a well paced track (which is unfortunately a bit short) and then you enter the tower with a short darkride. This is a great ride with the best theming I have ever seen. Unfortunately the capacity is also very poor with 360 people per hour (measured by stop watch with 3 trains running)

  • Mike H.

    Primera caída Fun Demasiado corto

    I really like this coasters despite its shortness and low hight. The drop is fun and feels good, the inversion is well done and the following floater airtime hill feels nice. That's it, that ẃas the ride! Would ride it anytime if the queue is max. 20 minutes.

  • Mike H.

    Inversiones Comodidad Fun

    I really like the seats. They are very comfortable and the outer seats are floorless. The first drop is great and the overall ride is great with lots of inversions and airtime hills.

  • Mike H.

    Primera caída Fun Layout Tematización

    Most important is: you need to ride this coaster in the last 2 rows. In all other rows the ride is much less intense. First drop is great with good airtime. After the first airtime hill you have the Stengel dive which is great fun (first Stengel dive ever build). The overall ride has a good pacing and the last 3 airtime hills all have nice ejector airtime. Great ride with a lot of fun without being too intense.

  • Mike H.

    Primera caída Intensidad Vibración

    The first drop is the best I have experienced thus far. The first airtime hill is ejector airtime. The turn at the end throws you around. Also the second half of the ride has very good pacing with turns and airtime hills. You hit into the end brakes with much speed. The only downside of this ride is the rattling on the outer seats especially at the left side in all rows (except in the front row) where you can't enjoy the ride as you are shaked like crazy. On this coaster I recommend first row (as you can see and feel the height) as well as the last row (but only the middle seats).