Tematización Fun Layout

    Update December 2024: I have a better opinion of this ride now. It has some float and the drop off of the backwards launch is quite good. It didn't rattle as much as I remembered. Good family coaster. Update June 2024: This ride has a great layout, but its rattle seems to only get worse. There is now a pothole on the backwards section (which is where you don't want any violent rattle) and it is really jarring. It's a fun ride but it does have a rattly moments turns and pullouts. It and Pegasus at Europa Park can really be interchanged in my top. Also first time I see no wait for this. It was a walk on, which is highly unusual, especially in June. Update March 2024: I was positively surprised by Pégase Express today. It ran well and the fast paced transitions are fun, even if there isn't much in the way of forces. It's just behind Goudurix in my rankings now. Update October 2023: Forget what I said about this being better than Zeus. It's not. Zeus is a great coaster and I even prefered Goudurix to Pégase Express. It's a good family coaster but it does next to nothing in the forces departement. I don't even think it hits 2Gs. It's a good family coaster, it does its job well and has a high throughput. The rattle can grind on you, it doesn't cause a headache, it's just there. This coaster is a great fit for families and a good step up from the smaller coasters at the park. It has a cool launch out of the station that has a little bit of kick to it, a good drop that’s not to thrilling to appeal to younger riders and a short but good backwards section. The Medusa section is cool too and some hills have a tiny pinch of airtime. The ride has a problem that a lot of Gerstlauer coasters have and it’s the potholes. They are especially noticeable in the backwards section and the coaster overall has a little rattle but nothing too uncomfortable. A good intermediate coaster that fills a gap between thrill and family coasters though it is still pretty much a family coaster. Update June 2023: I rode this coaster on June 28th and it was my best ride on this. The forward section didn't wow me, it was the same as before. The backwards section was awesome. Not being able to see what is coming adds a fun factor and makes even the mildest of elements hit different. The left seats also get some water due to the fountains that are syncronised to the trains passing. It did have a noticable rattle, but nothing that really bothers me. I had a better experience on this compared to Tonnerre 2 Zeus, which was crazy rough and not fun, and that is enough to push it to a 4 star rating. It's better that Goudurix and Zeus (unpopular opinion, I know).

  • GLaDOS

    Tematización Intensidad Suavidad

    Oziris is probably the best B&M invert ever made and it is the best coaster in its park and dare I say in France. It has some great hangtime packed zero-g rolls and good inversions at the beginning and it even has some airtime. The first drop is great, especially in the back of course. It is extremely smooth and intense and has zero headbanging, a perfect invert in my books. Update April 2022: This ride is still as great as ever and I think I got a ride with the nylon wheels this time as it ran much faster than usual. It also had a slight rattle, which didn’t bother me at all because it wasn’t uncomfortable, it just was kinda there. All of these signs point to it using the nylon wheels on my latest rides. Even though Toutatis is there, you sure as heck don’t want to miss out on OzIris. That said, I have to deduct .5 stars to this coaster’s rating due to how great Toutatis is. Update May 2023: This ride is near Toutatis in terms of how great it is. Fight me. I got three rides today: One in row 7, then in row 5 and finally in row 3. It's one of the only B&M inverts that has airtime after the first drop. The transitions are whippy yet immaculate. The first inversions are intense in the front and the Zero G Rolls are both great. They are floaty yet also have great whip. All drops deliver great airtime and even the transition into the brake run delivers good airtime. The ride is also extremely smooth. The only "shaky" part is the pullout of the first drop. Even though Toutatis has good theming, I still think that OzIris is the best themed coaster at Parc Astérix. Don't miss out on OzIris when you visit Parc Astérix. Update June 2023: While OzIris is an amazing ride, after riding it and Toutatis back to back, I can't in good conscience give it 5 stars. While it delivered my best rides on it yet, and the positive Gs were way more pronounced than usual, Toutatis is still a level above it. Update March 2024: I rode OzIris in the front row twice and it was INTENSE. It was a riot of positive Gs and weightlessness. It's still glossy smooth and the new interactions with the pathway towards La Tour de Numérobis feels like such a small change that adds quite a bit to the on-ride experience. Update June 2024: My latest rides on the 14th and 20th of June seemed to be with polyurethane wheels, my ride on the 9th of June was with nylon wheels. Therefore, I'll be judging it based on my latest rides. It ran great on the 9th of June, but those later in the month were a bit sluggish and the restraints seem to have different positions compared to before it is either too far or just stqples you, it's weird. There is a bit of a rattle but only on the pullout of the first few elements, and the elements didn't seem that intense aside from some positive Gs on the first inversions and the awesome final zero-G roll. Everything else felt a little tame, but I felt the same last year in June as well. I also nearly banged my head on the exit of the overbank and the drop into the tunnel with thekeyword being nearly. These are spots where it didn't happen before so maybe it's because the wheels are new. The first drop is amazing as ever, that hasn't changed. Update December 2024: Last time I rode OzIris, it felt really intense (Black Mamba levels of intensity), but it had a weird, somewhat pronounced rattle, especially compared to how it was before.

  • GLaDOS

    Airtimes Primera caída Intensidad Vibración

    (I removed my oldest reviews because they are outdated and no longer reflect my opinion) Update October 2023: This thing redeemed itself big time. Especially on my second ride in row 9. I got room with my lap bar, the first drop is excellent, so is every subsequent drop. The 90° wave turn might be my favorite part of the ride, it is floaty, almost giving a feeling of weightlessness. The speed hill offers a good pop of floater airtime, and the back to back hills later on deliver more sustained floater airtime. The final banked hills might actually be the weakest in terms of airtime. They don't do much of anything in my opinion. The ride is overall quite smooth for a wooden coaster. It has a shimmy, but nothing bad. It is amazing how this thing managed to impress me just a few months after my awful rides. I guess it's going up from 3.5 starts to 4 stars. Update December 2023: I got my first two backwards rides on this and it was incredible. Everything had more power and that drop backwards might be the best drop that I've experienced. It's a bit rough but I think it adds to the intensity. Update January 2024: My ride in row 2 was insane. It was at night as well and it was intense. It rattled quite a bit, but nothing too jarring. Update March 2024: Now, the removal of the back car is a bit of a bummer but the queue moved a bit faster than it did in January so I guess that's an improvement. Not only that but this thing HAULS through its layout. I felt the airtime this ride has to offer like never before, probably thanks to the added weight on the train with the additional car. That rattle was a little hard to take in but it doesn't leave you with a headache so it's not a big issue. Update May 2024: I got some great ejector airtime in row 14 on all hills. It was glorious. It's rough, no doubt, so much so that it tilted my GoPro back a little bit. But honestly, it's tolerable. I also found Tonnerre de Zeus's old PTC trains sitting abandoned somewhere near a parking lot which was actually quite an emotional moment for me. Update June 2024: While my first rides of the month were pretty meh, and didn't have muh airtime and a pretty big rattle that gave me a bit of a headache on my second ride, my only ride on June 14th was another story. It had great airtime and didn't rattle to the point of giving me a headache. It seems to be a roll of the dice whether you get a good ride on Tonnerre 2 Zeus or not, it heavily depends on the row you are seated in and maybe even the train you get (though I can't confirm that). Uodate June 27th: Once again a great ride at the end of the day with lots of airtime and not even that much jackhammering. Update December 2024: It's a great woody that gets underappreciated due to its roughness, which I don't find particularly jarring now, but it can be quite surprising on first rides, especially when you know that it was retracked in 2022 to suposedly make it smoother (which even I don't find is true). It's better than it was in 2023 (somehow), and whilst Toutatis has the best airtime of any coaster at the park, Tonnerre 2 Zeus has the most airtime of the park. When it comes to the roughness, keeping some room between you and the lap bar helps.

  • GLaDOS

    Airtimes Launch Hangtime

    May 2023: I rode this coaster for the first time yesterday and holy sh*t. This coaster is awesome. Everything from the launches to the hangtime on the inversions, the airtime, the backwards airtime and the whip is awesome. I got two rides: one in the last row (10) and one in row 8 and I can confidently say that this is by far the best coaster I have ever ridden. An absolute must do for coaster enthusiasts around the globe. Update March 2024: I had way more room with the lap bar this time around and man is it ever great. It's a great mix a forces that never puts you in even the slightest of pain.

  • GLaDOS

    Inversiones Intensidad Layout Torta

    Update November/December 2024: Goudurix was only running a single train for the winter season, and now we know why, it was to get an overhaul for the 2025 season. With that said, I still enjoyed the coaster despite the restraints it used to have. The inversions are forceful and the pacing is actually really good. You just had to brace for some bad transitions, which you'll probably still have to do, but other than that the layout is one of Vekoma's best pre 2000s layouts. It's great to see the park fixing the most obvious issue with this ride. It's also a fun night ride, with colored lights. Update June 2024: Goudurix is actually criminally overhated. It has great forces, and relentless layout and, if you lean back, doesn't even bang your head on the transitions, except for those on the batwing. It does rattle a bit but it's mostly fine except that batwing. A retrack of that inversion is honestly all that the ride needs. And for those who call this coaster "Goudumalaucrâne", I did not come off of this ride with a headache after 10 rides in a day, 9 of them being consecutive rides (basically a marathon). For contrast, Voltron gave me a soaring headache after two rides with 50 minutes of wait in between. As for my previous speculation about the logo being removed from the trains, it was just to replace the worn logos with shiny new ones for the park's 35th anniversary, which look quite nice. Update March 2024: One ride in the front row and this did my head in in a way that Indiana Jones didn't do after two rides. It was honestly way rougher than I remembered. It was intense, sure, but uncomfortable. The trains don't have the Parc Astérix logo on them anymore and there is some new test paint on part of the first corkscrew. Maybe they're selling the current trains to another park? If that means they are buying new trains while giving the current ones away (potentially to go on a less intense and smaller Vekoma looper), I'm all for it because the current trains are what causes all the pain. And that layout is awesome. Just not with those trains. Also just so you know for now: The better of the two trains is the one with the old Vekoma logo on the back of the first row of each car (somehow). If you see a new Vekoma logo, brace for impact. Update August 2023: My first ride was just the usual Goudurix ride. You ride in defensive mode and you're fine. That was towards the back. The front row was honestly miserable. The train shuffled violently on basically each track piece and the headbanging was atrocious. Every time the track changes direction, it bangs your head like a pinball machine. My Tonnerre 2 Zeus ride was a bit worse but this was still very bad. At least the loop was smooth, intense and enjoyable and the following hill had a bit of airtime in the front. Everything else is just bad. Please get new trains.

  • GLaDOS

    Airtimes Intensidad Ejectors

    I might be overrating this coaster due to the fact that it's closing soon, but I absolutely loved it. It has the most insane airtime I've ever experienced mixed with laterals and positive G forces. It's quite smooth, charming and is absolutely insane in the back and especially the front row. It throws you into that tiny lap bar. In the back the notable airtime moments are the first hill, drop off of the helix and the drop after the turnaround. Up front, it's the first hill (again), the iconic hill next to the trees and the absolutely insane hill into the turn, which is the strongest airtime moment. The final hill has some airtime too, especially up front. The drop has a bit of force at the bottom, then the helix has pretty good G forces The following pullout also has a bit of G forces but the pull out of the drop after the turnaround crushes you and then sends you flying (or the opposite if you're in the back). And don't get me started on the final turn into the station. It's the most auto-complete thing on a real life roller coaster in the best way possible. It's relentless in the front and only the back travels slowly over this element. Wild Train also track pretty well and just had one or two abrupt but not jerky transitions. The operator also went onto the track to fasten people's seatbelts, which is quite weird. Also one interesting thing is the the brakes blow smoke from the compressed air when they release. Fantasiana sold wheels from Wild Train for its last days in operation and had exclusive T-shirts as well. I hope that Helios lives up to Wild Train as it was a unique and awesome experience. Its airtime was so strong that it left a few marks on my thigh.

  • GLaDOS

    Airtimes Primera caída Situación Incomodidad

    I had a blast when I rode this coaster for the first time but I still enjoy OzIris a bit more. It had (and still has) great airtime, an amazing first drop and great pacing aside from the slow and kind of pointless helix but I still think it was a good part of the ride. I got a lot of night rides on this coaster, probably more than day rides, even, so that made it pretty special in my mind as the last coaster I'd ride before going back home. Despite all if these high points, the trains were extremely cramped and the redundant seatbelt made the dispatches extremely slow. Thank goodness for Timberliners. Even though this ride was a blast, the new version is better paced and has a more modern design so I've gotta settle for 4 stars.

  • GLaDOS

    Tematización Obra maestra Intensidad

    This is a great ride with a layout that's both unique and intense. The launches aren't too powerful, but maybe that's for the best in this position. The first launch also gets faster near the end, which kind of compensates for the lack of initial power. The inversions and airtime pops are floaty and just feel insane in this position. It also just looks cool flying around such a well themed land and interacting with the pathways. The pre-launch section also looks great. As for which row I prefer, it has to be row 1, as the airtime is more pronounced here. The back is also great. The lading system is also really efficient despite the lockers and metal detectors. Hey, Tokyo Dome City and especially Fuji-Q Highland, it's actually possible to be efficient with lockers and metal detectors, why not implement the same procedures as Phatasialand? My only nudge is that it's not the most comfortable thing in the world. My second ride on April 9th was perfectly fine, but my first ride was after lunch and the restraint just pressed against it on the positive G moments, and my only ride during my second day at the park was good, but the lap bar crushed my thighs a little bit my the end. A ride that needs to be ridden in specific conditions to really be top notch just can't make it up to my top 3. Number 5 is where it's at for now. Update July 2024: Well, I have to say that everything that I said about discomfort doesn't stand anymore. I mean it can press on your stomach a little bit but it's fine. I really enjoyed it more this time and it was hauling through it's layout on my ride in row 1. Update October 2024: I still really like this coaster, but I wasn't as impressed with it as I was in July. I prefer Black Mamba to F.L.Y. now actually. F.L.Y. is just not as dynamic or well paced as Taron or Black Mamba to be in my top 2 coasters in the park.

  • GLaDOS

    Tematización Inversiones Intensidad

    This is the best B&M invert that I've been on. Mind you, I've only ridden two but Black Mamba the better of the two. It has world class theming, especially its gorgeous station. It starts off strong, with an intense loop and an insane zero-G roll. The pre-drop is weird but it gives a bit a character to Black Mamba. It's mainly about positive Gs, near misses and scenery. It also throws in a bit a weithlesness and two snappy corkscrews. It's one of the best looking and most confusing coasters I've even ridden. It also has the same weird double seatbelt as OzIris on the right inside seat of row 5. Just note that the max height is 1m95 due to its interactions with the scenery. Update July 2024: After having ridden Monster at Walygator, I have to say that Black Mamba feels like a smaller version of Monster. It has a drop that reminds of the one on Monster, a similarly intense loop and zero-G roll, whippy corkscrews, an intense helix and intense turns. All of the elements on Monster have a bit more punch, but those on Black Mamba are still very intense. The theming is also wonderful, as can be expected from Phantasialand. I recommend the back or front if you can choose. You get the unobstructed view up front, and the better forces and drops in the back. There was no wait on a quiet Friday in July, and I managed to get 7 rides, which makes it the perfect coaster to marathon at Phantasialand (F.L.Y. had next to no wait too but the queue is physically very long and there are the annoying lockers and wait in the station, and Taron always had a 15 minute wait at a minimum). Update October 2024: I like Black Mamba more and more after each and every re-ride. It never disappoints, even early in the morning. It's consiantently intense and relentless. It's my second favourite coaster in the park now. I actually prefered it to F.L.Y. this time.

  • GLaDOS

    Airtimes Tematización Velocidad

    The best coaster at Phantasialand. It has incredible theming, music and I love the build up to the launch. It's also a capacity monster. Both launches are really punchy, the transitions offer some airtime for the most part and the actual airtime hills have some floater airtime and it's just a really well paced ride. I guess you could call the section right before the second launch and part of the ending "dead spots" but they don't hinder the experience in my opinion. Update July 2024: This thing is relentless. The over elevated seats really enhance the experience. I got incredible rides in the front and back, and they were all smooth, even though one of the trains I was on had an audible rattle that weirdly couldn't be felt on ride. Awesome coaster. Update October 2024: After a few re-rides, I have to say that Taron IS a great coaster, but it's not up there with my top 5, which have stronger airtime and better pacing. Taron is still a solid 5 stars, with a great launches, good pacing, good airtime, really snappy transitions and breath taking theming.

  • GLaDOS

    Tematización Launch Intensidad

    Update Feb. 2023: So I rode Avengers Assemble: Flight Force again yesterday. I came in talking trash about this coaster expecting the worst as my last rides were pretty lackluster... and I actually enjoyed it the two times I went on it. The trasitions were pretty good with no huge headbanging issues and while the ride still had a slight rattle it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be. The launch is pretty great, the sea serpent element was intense and some of the turns actually offered some positive Gs as well. I still don't like the new theming as much as the old one but I'm getting used to it, so I'm not quite as mad as I was before. I don't know what happened in November, I must just have caught it on a bad day, overall I'm way more impressed by it this time, and I had some genuine good time on it. I'm giving it the 4 stars that I would have given it back when it was themed to Aerosmith. Update July 2023: I rode this three times today in rows 6, 7 and 5. There were some good things and some bad things. First with the good things: the ride had short wait times even during busy hours. It seems as though Disney listened to the feedback and added some stars and more screens during the layout which is much appreciated. The ride still has a good airtime pop near the end. Now on to the bad things: The pre-show, while it looks great, breaks the line. There were tons of people accumulating in the short line after it which made it impossible for the ops to close the door. Not a deal breaker but pretty immersion breaking for first time riders. The line after that pre-show also seemed to move at a snail's pace. Before my third ride, I had to wait for a show to end outdoors. I don't know about you but I think doing that show right in front of a ride's entrance seems like a massive design flaw. This show was also recurrent and took place every 30 minutes it seems. On that same third ride (unlucky ride I guess), the left speaker crackled and it seems to be a train-wide issue. The layout itself has some intense moments and the rattle is tolerable but it has some dead spots (at least they're not in complete darkness now). I am not changing my rating as there were some improvements from last time but also some problems. Update November 2023: Honestly, this ride is pretty smooth and forceful. It does bang your head around a little but if you clear the harness, you're gonna be fine. I marathoned this during my visit, clocking in 7 rides, which was actually my first time at only one of the two parks in years, I usually visit both but I don't regret spending my whole afternoon at Walt Disney Studios. Waits were non-existant too and they didn't even bother with the pre-show. Overall, it was the perfect setting to marathon it. Update February 2024: Well, guess what, not only did I prefer it to Crush's Coaster, but it was better than ever and I even beat my record, I rode it 8 times, making it the coaster I probably rode the most in my entire life. It was pretty smooth too, the bootom of the Sea Serpent inversion didn't rattle this time, though I noticed that train 1 was the only train that gave a slightly rough ride, all of the other trains tracked smoothly but train 4 or 5 had grumpy speakers and I believe train 3 had restraint issues where they had to be manually unlocked. It's pretty intense all throughout which is why I prefer it to Crush's Coaster and the restraints are actually pretty freeing, the inversions actually give a slight feeling of weightlessness, lifting you out of your seat for a split second (especially the first inversion on the Sea Serpent roll). The more I ride Avengers, the more I like it, which cannot be said for Crush's Coaster. Update December 2024: This coaster being your favorite at the park depends on what you’re looking for in a coaster. If you’re looking for a zippy ride that’s a bit more dynamic, then Crush’s Coaster might be more of your cup of tea. If you’re looking for inversions, storytelling and a punchy launch, Flight Force is your pick. I do not recommend riding it earlier in the day, as this is typically when its queue is at its longest, around the 30 minutes to 1 hour mark. It’s also when it’s cold. Even at 3PM, my ride in row 10 was absolutely forceless, aside from the sea serpent roll. It warmed up a lot later on and had some genuine force just two or so hours later. I recommend riding Crush’s Coaster first if you’re there at opening, or riding a few flat rides, dark rides, RC Racer or the Tower of Terror if you’re not at the park right on opening. For me, Tower of Terror remains the best overall ride at the park, with Flight Force being second. I enjoy its intensity paired with the nice sense of speed it gives from being indoors, as well as its relative smoothness. The trains are quite cramped, more so then your typical MK-1200 train, presumably because of the onboard audio and having to take your luggage with you. The theming is quite nice, though not having watched any Marvel movies I don’t feel particularly invoked in the ride’s story. One downside compared to Rock’n’Roller Coaster is that the on-board soundtrack is always the same. The ride crew was quite efficient whilst remaining pretty chill, however lots of cast members in the queue line weren’t doing much, and it just seemed as though they would have been better off operating other rides. Tower of Terror only had one or two people running an entire elevator, that includes seating assignment, line management, and ride operations. Flight Force was one of only three rides on the day of my visit where it seemed as though the ride crew was being efficient. The other two were Crush’s Coaster and Spider-Man WEB Slingers. Every other ride had a dreadful queue that moved at a snail’s pace and it just took ages for people to load in and have their restraints checked. Update November 2022 [OUTDATED]: This to me was the worst coaster at the whole resort, it is rough, like the rattle felt way more pronounced than last last time and the headbanging... GOOD GOD, it was WORSE than on GOUDURIX, that's how bad it was. Heck, I even heard people say it was rough in Spiderman's queue. The theme is terrible, I can not wrap my head around how stupid it is, the Aerosmith theme fit this ride a lot better plus when you see what an amazing job Disney did with Guardians of the Galaxy, it is even more of a letdown. The ride felt faster than last time and the brakeruns didn't slow the train down so there aren't much dead spots but the launch felt forceless while even 3 months ago it was great. I mean Space Mountain's launch was better than this one and it's supposed to be the weaker one... I can not give this ride more than a 3/5 in its current state, it's just sad and I'm now of the opinion that this should get new trains as soon as possible. Just ride the other coasters of the resort like Crush's Coaster, Big Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain and Indiana Jones, all of those are more enjoyable than whatever this is... Orginal review [OUTDATED]: This coaster, when it was known as Rock’n’roller coaster starring Aerosmith would have gotten 4 stars. In terms of layout, it’s good, while I know it is a controversial opinion, I personally like spaghetti bowl coasters. I love the launch, and I find the sea serpent quite intense. The ride does have some dead spots with the brake runs but the corkscrew always catches me off guard and the final hill gives some airtime. The first time I rode it in 2017 it was smooth-ish and it felt the same after my re-rides in August 2019. I rode it again this year after its conversion as Avengers Assemble Flight Force and I have to say while the building looks nice from the outside, the queue was okay, the animatronic was good but it all goes down hill from there. The countdown screens are just TVs and the ride is mostly in complete darkness with just a few projections of Iron Man and Captain Marvel through the ride + the ride now has a nasty rattle. Thankfully it is still mostly free of headbanging but it is also how I noticed the rattle. Overall the 3 year retheme is lazy and looks cheap when you compare it to the extremely detailed Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind, add to that the nasty rattle and this is what brings it down to 3 stars for me… They at least could have gotten the new vest Vekoma trains.

  • GLaDOS

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Situación Fun Capacidad

    I was pleasantly surprised by this coaster. I was expecting a piece of crap like LikeMe Coaster but it was far more comfortable and smoother. Being a newer coaster, the transitions seem a bit better than LikeMe's transitions. It also doesn't have the uncomfortable headrests and seat dividers of LikeMe Coaster. I prefer its theme and location too.

  • GLaDOS

    Primera caída Suavidad Layout

    This is a great GCI family thrill coaster. My first GCI as well, and the first thing I noticed is how smooth it was for a wooden coaster. The other ones I've been on are far from that. Tonnerre 2 Zeus has some smooth moments but also some rough ones and Elf was really weird: the drops are smooth, the pullouts are as well, but as soon as the train rises up, it feels like an earthquake. The airtime this ride has to offer is more of the weak floater variety, focusing more on twists and turns and it exceeds at its job. It often seems to run 1 train, which slow down the already not great dispatch times a lot. It also closes early in the summer (18:30) so make sure you ride it early in the day.

  • GLaDOS

    Tematización Comodidad Fun

    This gets the edge over K3 for me, mainly because of its theming and more interesting layout. It's a fun little family ride with good theming. None of the elements stood out but it's a pretty good package.

  • GLaDOS

    Comodidad Fun Suavidad

    Fun ride. The cars are well themed and the layout pulls some sneaky forces going forwards. The return run is alright. I like the interaction with Hals-über-Kopf and how it goes through HüK's station. Overall, its a more complete coaster than Rail in my book though not in the theming department. I still can't get its song out of my head.

  • GLaDOS

    Primera caída Fun Duración Airtimes

    Mammut is a weird wooden coaster. It has pretty good theming, but nothing to do with mammouths. Maybe the ride is so imposing that it's like a mammoth? The theme is more of a western style with train tracks going through the queue and station and the pre-lift reminds me a lot of blue fire's pre-launch section. The first drop is quite surprising in the back and gives some nice airtime. The rest of the layout has a few moments of mild to slightly strong floater. It mostly winds around its area and structure. The tunnel at the end is a fun way to end the ride. I prefer it to Troy purely because it's much smoother, though not completely smooth. It does rattle a little bit but it is far from being as bad as Troy, Loup-Garou or even Tonnerre 2 Zeus.

  • GLaDOS

    Tematización Fun Layout

    Gerstlauer's first coaster was a pretty good start for the company. It combines a fun wild mouse section with a fun first drop and a pretty good ending. The turns after the wild mouse section do feel a bit more janky that their newer rides but it's decently smooth and pulls some sneaky forces. The ending is quite fun and it has a really nice location and theming, going through and around the log flume's building. Capacity for the model was also fine, as many cars run simultaneously and it has a separate offload area in the station to minimize loading times.

  • GLaDOS

    Tematización Fun Suavidad Capacidad

    Really fun, well themed family coaster. The launches have a bit of kick to them it's glossy smooth and has comfortable trains. It doesn't have the best capacity in the world since it gives two laps but it's a fair tradeoff that makes the ride more fun.

  • GLaDOS

    Inversiones Launch Intensidad

    Karacho is a fun coaster. It has the good parts of Anubis The Ride and none of the discomfort. It has a surprise at the start that I will not spoil. The launch that comes after is punchy and the top hat has nice airtime. The inversions are quite intense and the first one has a bit of hangtime. The dive loop before the end is really whippy and intense too. Karacho has one bump in the turn towards the midcourse brakes but it's overall quite smooth and has comfortable lap bar only trains. Capacity was also fine.

  • GLaDOS

    Airtimes Lap Bar Intensidad

    Hals-über-Kopf is a great inverted coaster and just shows how far Vekoma has come since the SLC days. It has a comfortable lap bar, good seats and is really smooth. The first drop has floater airtime in the back and the zero-G roll is quite fun. The turns and helices throughout the ride some some nice G force. Some hills offer floater airtime and it's a refreshing twist on the traditional invert that just tries to crush you into your seat. Of course Hals-über-Kopf doesn't top Monster at Walygator, but it's my second favorite invert.

  • GLaDOS

    Launch Intensidad Hangtime Arnés

    Updated Review September 2024: I got two rides, each one being smooth (except at the end of the launch track) and intense. The top hat has nice airtime, especially in the front row, the dive loop has intense positive G forces, you get some nice airtime afterwards, and the immelmann has good G force. The final roll has a bit of hangtime as well. Of course the highlight is the intense launch Just lean forwards and you'll avoid the headbanging. Old review [OUTDATED]: This layout feels relentless. It's got the perfect mix of intensity for its length, the launch is incredbly forceful and that top hat delivers excellent airtime. The pullouts and inversions are also quite intense. The hangtime filled barrel roll at the end also feels like the perfect way to end the ride, but those restraints are awful for that layout. A layout that intense and fast-paced just doesn't work with these trains. The launch is amazing but the train turns into a shopping trolley at the end of it. Seriously, the rattle banged my head pretty hard. It's not as bad afterwards but it's just there and can hit your ears against the restraints. Update July 2024 [OUTDATED]: I don't know what to say other than it ran even rougher than it did in December 2023. A 15 year old coaster should not track like this. It felt like an old Vekoma with only slightly better transitions. While the tracking would not give you a headache on its own, the restraints will. They are bulky and have minimal padding. I love the launch for its power, but I hate the rattle that will jerk your head from side to side at the end of it. I love the top hat's airtime in the front going up or on the drop in the back. I love the intensity of the elements of the first half, but hate that you have to brace for the headbanging. I have no complaints about the second half as it is slower than the first and the hangtime at the end is excellent. The theming is also really detailed and well made. It's just the roughness and headbanging that make the experience somewhat sub-par. This is why I rank Goudurix way above Anubis, controversial I know, but I find Goudurix's padding helps prepare for the headbanging and stops your head from moving. Heck, give me slightly boring coasters like Xpress at Walibi Holland over Anubis. I'd even take Indiana Jones at DLP over Anubis.

  • GLaDOS

    Inversiones Obra maestra Ejectors Vibración

    This is an absolutely incredible ride. Not quite up there with Toutatis in my opinion, but it's still excellent. That heartline roll out of the station already shows that you're in for a good time. I got five rides and I experienced all four of the cars. The hangtime on that roll is incredible up front. The first launch is punchy and really catches you off guard. It feels as though the cars start spinning fast halfway through it. If you're in the front car, you'll get extremely forceful and sustained airtime at the crest of the top hat. If you're in the back, the drop off of the top hat is incredible, especially if you experience it backwards or sideways. The following inversions (a banana roll, a loop and a zero-G roll) are extremly disorienting and have great hangtime. The second launch also has a good pop of ejector airtime halfway though. It's not as punchy as the first one but it still has some power. The step-up underflip is disorienting and, again, has great hangtime, especially up front. You get yanked down that second inversion in the back as well. The next hill has good floater airtime throughout the train and more forceful ejector airtime in the back car. The overbanked turn is fun taken sideways. The ending is perfect as well, the two pops of ejector airtime you get remind me of Toutatis' ending. The music is also perfect. Update July 2024: Well, after some re-rides, I have to say that this is one of the best coasters I've been on, only second to Eejanaika. The airtime is amazing, some of the most powerful out there. and there is never a single dead spot. The onboard audio is the cherry on top. It also never had a wait, so I marathoned it nearly all day. Update September 2024: Well, it's still an incredible ride, don't get me wrong, but it just seems to get rougher on every visit. It has some great airtime, but it's not really a ride where you can put your hands up and enjoy the forces. It now has a rattle that can give you a headache after a few rides. When I rode it in December 2023, it was perfect, then July, a bit rattly at the end but not bad. Now its has a shuffle on almost every valley. I don't know if it's the wheels or the trains putting too much stress on the track and structure but it's getting rough quickly, to the point where Anubis The Ride from 2009 (which I loved on my latest ride) was smoother.

  • GLaDOS

    Situación Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos! Sin interés

    Updated September 2024 review: Garbage. Awkward, janky, uncomfortable mess of a “kiddie coaster”. Honestly the turns are so abrupt and janky that you can barely call it a kid-friendly ride. K3 is a much better option as it actually is smooth. This has some of the most uncomfortable trains out there with unpadded plastic trains and weird plastic seat dividers that aren’t present on the other Zierer Tivoli coasters that I’ve ridden. They dig into your thigh and are just a nuisance and does even prevent your from sliding left and right in your seat. The turns are terribly jolty and uncomfortable. It’s rattly and has some really bad turns. Just get the cred and move on. There’s a much better kiddie coaster next-door. Original review: This is just an average kiddie/family coaster. There is not much to say about it. The theme is... weird, but the layout is decent and the two cycles make it a decently long ride. The train is also quite long so that helps with capacity. The issues with this ride are the jerks in the transitions, they are not awful, just.. there, and the trains, if you are an adult, are quite uncomfortable. The seats are unpadded plastic so they are quite uncomfortable. The ending turn also feels like someone used auto complete in Roller Coaster Tycoon. Update July 2024: This coaster is useless. K3 Roller Skater is right around the corner and much better all around. LikeMe Coaster has there weird pads that sort of divide the seat in two but all they really do is dig into your thigh. The layout is extremely uneventful but it's decently smooth for what it is. I got two laps in December but only one in July but honestly given that the ride is pretty meh I'm fine with it. I like its location near the lake through a few trees. The queue closes at 18:30, way earlier than the rest of the park (22:30), so make sure you get the cred early in the day. I just hope it gets replaced by an actual good family coaster one day.

  • GLaDOS

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Suavidad

    Vogel Rok is an amazing indoor family coaster. I love the short layout that still packs a punch. I like the theming and soundtrack too. The onboard audio makes this ride.

  • GLaDOS

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun

    This is the best water coaster that I've ever ridden. It's not the tallest or most intense on our there, far from it, but it has the best theming of any water coaster I've seen. It combines a beautiful dark ride section with a decent coaster section at the end. The splash is nothing special, it just slightly sprays you with water.

  • GLaDOS

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun

    The better one. It has a hill after the station that offers a pinch of weightlessness on the second lap. Other than that, it has some fun twists and turns, fun dueling and cute theming. I also like how the second lap is faster than the first. The trains are pretty comfortable, they're your standard new Mack family coaster trains.

  • GLaDOS

    Primera caída Tematización Fun Demasiado corto ¡Decepción!

    Well, there you have it. My least favorite B&M coaster. Now, don't get me wrong, the theming is really good. The pre-shows are all well made and the story is told in a unique way. The seats and restraints are your typical B&M over the shoulder restraints, which is great. The dark ride segment whilst on the train is also a great way to get your adrenaline pumping and really make you anticipate that drop. Except that drop is just good. It's nothing outstanding in my opinion.. Python in the same park has a shallower but better drop in my opinion. The immelmann is quite intense and has some whip on the side seats. The zero-G roll is floaty in the middle and whippy on the sides. The helix has foot tingling G-force and the final hill has a pop of floater airtime. But after those 5 elements, the ride is already over. It lasts as long as the second half of a Vekoma boomerang and you can't help but feel like you expected more. There's all that build up and what you actually get is a very short ride that tries to tell a story but the experience is 80% story and 20% coaster. The pre-shows, wait for the pre-shows, loading system that uses tickets and popularity of this ride make it a very hard one to marathon. The bag system can vary depending on attendance and train in service throughout the day. Earlier in the day, when attendance is at its highest, you leave your bag before the pre-shows and get handed a wristband to pick it up at the exit. Later in the day, you leave your bag on a shelf on the ride platform.

  • GLaDOS

    Primera caída Intensidad Suavidad

    Python is a fun old Vekoma looper. The new trains with vest restraints eliminate any headbanging and the retrack made it super smooth and made adjustments to the banking so that the transitions are smoother. The first drop has a really good pop of airtime in the back and is followed by two intense back to back loops. They made me grey out every time in the back car. They are a bit less intense in the front but you still feel relatively similar forces (without the grey out). The transition after that has a pop of airtime and is glossy smooth. The double corkscrews almost feel like B&M corkscrews with the faster transition down the middle. The helix is also really intense and just pure fun. Python is honestly better than Baron 1898 in my opinion. It has a better drop than Baron's (at least from my experience), better positive G forces and a more straight to the point layout. I think that layout wise, Python does what Baron 1898 does but better. The only department where Baron absolutely dominates Python is theming. Python barely has any theming, which seems to be the norm for these old Vekoma MK-1200 coasters. All in all, Python is my 2nd (or 3rd, depends on how you count it) favorite coaster at Efteling, behind Joris en de Draak.

  • GLaDOS

    Airtimes Velocidad Fun

    Honestly, both Vuur a d Water can be interchanged in terms of which you prefer. I found Vuur was a bit more punchy than Water but both layouts offer similar airtime and angles. Vuur also always won on my visit so it's my favorite of the two. Note that it's isn't always that way though.

  • GLaDOS

    Airtimes Velocidad Fun

    This is a really fun wooden coaster and it's also one of the smoothest wooden roller coasters out there. You get some nice pops of airtime throughout the layout and it gives an out of control feeling with it's weird angles which GCI excels at. I slightly prefer the Vuur side because it's a bit more action packed and always won on my visit.