• Chermaine S.

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun

    Really fun ride with some great airtime moments and a really fun racing element. During the slow turnarounds there is a lot of interaction with the other train, making you forget about the slow speed. It's a little bumpy but nothing too bad. Overall a really fun ride!

  • Chermaine S.

    Inversiones Layout Ejectors Confiabilidad

    What an insane ride this is. So much powerful airtime, especially the first two hills give amazing sustained ejector combined with a little laterals. The inversions are all amazing as well and really throw you around like a ragdoll. The parts through the structure are incredible with so many headchoppers, inversions and airtime. At night, this ride really is one of the best coaster experiences you can have. This is definitely a backrow ride though. On frontrow the parts through the structure feel a bit slow, while on backrow you get absolutely whipped through it.

  • Chermaine S.

    Fun Layout

    I love my classic woodies and this one certainly didn't disappoint. It is rough but I like a bit of roughness on a woodie. The layout is very simple but that's to be expected from a 60's coaster. Enjoyable ride overall!

  • Chermaine S.


    This ride really does nothing. The only thing it has going for it is the helix at the end which provides some positives and the brakerun during which the cars swing side to side a lot which is fun. Other than that, this is a glorified monorail. However, I'm probably not the target audience for this one, as this one is geared more towards families.

  • Chermaine S.

    Tematización Fun Suavidad Demasiado corto Confiabilidad

    I absolutely hate wild mouse coasters but this is easily the best one I've ridden. It's not painful or jerky at all and really fun to ride! The theming is also very well done. This is probably the only wild mouse coaster I'll voluntarily ride over and over again. If only it were a little longer, it feels quite short.

  • Chermaine S.

    Incomodidad Tiempo muerto Layout

    Really boring ride with a lot of slow sections. The transitions are janky as well. This is a ride that's really just there. I didn't have fun with it.

  • Chermaine S.


    Really wasn't as bad as I expected. Didn't get any headbanging, the inversions were nice. Only big con is the harness. It's bulky and the train is really small, so you don't sit very comfortably in that train.

  • Chermaine S.


    Just your standard Vekoma Junior Coaster. This ride definitely has its place in Cedar Point as a step up from Wilderness Run. However, the capacity is really bad as everyone needs to fasten a seatbelt that you cannot open yourself. So after the ride, the operators have to open everyone's seatbelts manually which takes quite a long time. I waited two rounds which took 10 minutes, which compared to other Junior Coasters is just outrageous.

  • Chermaine S.

    Vibración ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    Was looking forward to this historic coaster and I've never been this disappointed in a ride. Oh my god it's rough, like really unbearably rough. It was so bad that I got a headache during the ride. The airtime hills at the end give some mental ejector airtime but it's just too rough to enjoy. Sorry Magnum, you're just not for me.

  • Chermaine S.

    Inversiones Fun Layout

    Really liked this one, the inversions are very snappy and you can't see them coming and the helix at the end pulls some great positives. Small downside would be the little headbanging, but it wasn't anything too bad.

  • Chermaine S.

    Inversiones Situación Fun

    Loved this one, it feels very graceful with all those floaty inversions. It is not as forceful as for example Fēnix or Flug der Dämonen, but GateKeeper is still a solid wing coaster and a very iconic one as well. Flying through those keyholes is such a nice feeling!

  • Chermaine S.

    Launch Fun Suavidad Capacidad

    Holy shit that launch was amazing! I've been on quite a few launch coasters but almost none of them could give me that stomach-dropping feeling like Maxx Force did. The rest of the layout doesn't pull too many forces but is still great fun. That heartline roll is really nice! Overall a great ride and for me the best coaster at Great America. Watch out for long queues though. I waited a solid hour for this ride, while all other coasters at the park had 30-45 minutes max.

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes Fun Duración

    My second B&M Hyper after Silver Star, and I must say this one feels pretty different. While Silver Star only shines in its second half, Raging Bull is solid all the way through, with a great first drop (the predrop is really weird but a fun addition), solid airtime moments and a long duration as well. Also, I rode on backrow right seat, and the little drop out of the station produces some weird laterals which was pretty fun.

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes Primera caída Fun ¡Decepción! Layout

    After having ridden Zadra and Untamed, both of which are world-class rides, Goliath just left me feeling a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it's still a solid ride! The first drop and another hill later on offer some great ejector airtime and the rest of the elements are just great fun. Especially love me some zero-G stalls! But yeah, RMC has created much better rides over the years.

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun

    This ride really surprised me! The first drop is great and all the airtime hills are taken at a great speed. The ride loses a lot of speed entering the helix, but it picks up the pace again as it spirals down the helix. Reminds me of Colossos in terms of layout, which is a really good thing as I love Colossos! For being Intamins first coaster, this is such a good one!

  • Chermaine S.

    Inversiones Fun Suavidad Layout

    Solid wing coaster with some nice positives and inversions, especially that in-line twist is amazing. This one does pale a little in comparison with other wing coasters I've ridden though, X-Flight just doesn't provide the fun and forces of Fēnix and Flug der Dämonen.

  • Chermaine S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun

    Was expecting worse for an old woodie but this one is surprisingly fun! It has a typical non-painful wooden coaster rattle which I like on a woodie and there are some surprising floater airtime moments as well. Only thing I'm not a fan of are the strong laterals during some of the turns, these are taken quite slow though so they are not painful or anything.

  • Chermaine S.

    Fun Launch

    While those launches suck (you barely feel you accelerate), the rest of the ride is pretty fun with the weightlessness on the spikes.

  • Chermaine S.

    Tematización Lap Bar Fun

    Pretty fun and nicely themed coaster! Feels pretty fast for a powered coaster as well. You can control the speed a little bit but honestly doesn't really make a difference. Good job with this new CoasterKart model Wiegand!

  • Chermaine S.


    Was expecting worse from a ride that looks and sounds like it could fall apart any moment but it is pretty smooth. It also doesn't have that annoying thing between your legs. I feel the theming could've been a little better, as this coaster is just plopped on a plain field of grass.

  • Chermaine S.

    Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Those transitions are not smooth at all so you shuffle around in your seat and even get slammed to the side. And those brakes are really strong so you get slammed forward. Terrible ride, please tear it down!

  • Chermaine S.


    For an SBF, I was expecting worse but this is surprisingly not painful at all, just janky.

  • Chermaine S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Situación Tiempo muerto

    Other than the first hill, which surprisingly gave some decent floater airtime, this ride is just your standard family coaster. Nothing too special. The midcourse slows you down to a crawl as well. The location at a beach is really nice though, as is the aforementioned airtime hill!

  • Chermaine S.

    Torta Arnés Incomodidad

    To be honest I was expecting worse, but this one still sucks really bad. During the turns your shoulders get slammed into the cage, during the rolls your entire body rolls around in the cage and during the entire ride my throat got pushed into the restraint making me feel like I had to throw up the entire time. The headbanging was not as bad as on a Vekoma SLC though in my experience. Nevertheless, this one goes straight into my bottom top 3 along with Vampire at Walibi Belgium and Viking at Energylandia. These 3 are just the worst of the worst. Trombi just makes me wonder: didn't Zamperla test this ride before selling it? There's no way anyone could say: "ah yes, that was fun, let's sell it to parks to let more people enjoy this washing machine!"

  • Chermaine S.

    Arnés ¡Decepción! Incomodidad

    Since I liked Sky Scream at Holiday Park, I expected this one to be no different. And yet I wonder, what went wrong with this one? The restraints felt so much more painful, launches felt weaker and I didn't get the ejector airtime that I did get on Sky Scream. Such a disappointment Hype was. It's not worth the hype.

  • Chermaine S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Hangtime

    Was afraid this would ride like Vekoma's SLC but this one is so much better. It is pretty smooth and pulls some nice positives. The heartline rolls offer some hangtime as well. Good job Intamin!

  • Chermaine S.

    Fun Incomodidad

    This is a pretty fun ride with all the little hills and turns, but the train just isn't very comfortable. I prefer the Vekoma motorbike, that one makes me feel like I'm actually riding a motorbike.

  • Chermaine S.


    For an old Zierer, it is butter smooth. Other than that, just a +1.

  • Chermaine S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Ejectors Hangtime Capacidad

    Was expecting this ride to be good, but oh my did this one exceed expectations! The launch, while not the best there is, is still pretty powerful. The rest of the layout is filled with strong ejector airtime, strong whips and really good hangtime. That Finnish Loop is such a good and beautiful element! Overall an amazing coaster and certainly one of Gerstlauers best.

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Capacidad

    After everything I heard about this ride, it really surprised me how fun this is actually! Yes, Junker is much better, but Pitts Special isn't that bad either. Okay, the first drop kinda sucks, but the rest of the layout is filled with positives and airtime. At one point there's even some ejector which was a really nice surprise. The S-bend towards the end does have a little jolt, but nothing that bothered me. Overall a really nice supporting coaster in PowerPark!