• Chermaine S.

    Intensidad Layout

    Troy is a relentless ride from start to finish. Just pure action. There are some fast transitions throughout the layout which make it quite the intense ride. There are some spots where the train loses a little speed (I think Wodans pacing is better), but overall Troy is an incredible woodie that always delivers a great ride.

  • Chermaine S.

    Lap Bar Intensidad Suavidad

    Vekoma delivered again with this next-gen. I see people complain about a rattle but I did not notice anything, this ride felt butter smooth to me. Hals-über-Kopf feels like a less intense version of Lech Coaster to me: this ride offers some very strong positives which make it quite an intense ride. The inversions are great and there are some hills throughout the ride which give weak floater airtime as well. This is a huge step up from B&M inverts and Hals-über-Kopf proves that Vekoma can make great suspended coasters. Please, to all parks owning an SLC, tear them down and buy an STC instead. This ride is pure gold.

  • Chermaine S.

    Primera caída Intensidad Ejectors Layout

    This ride is insane. By far the most intense coaster I've ridden. That first drop gives amazing ejector combined with amazing laterals. But then comes the best moment on Lech Coaster: all the way from the pullout of the first drop to the first airtime hill, this ride offers very, VERY strong positives. So strong and so sustained in fact that I came close to blacking out. Luckily the airtime hill comes just in time to prevent me from blacking out. I love getting a grey-out on a coaster and Lech Coaster does this perfectly, 'rescuing' you just in time before it gets too much. Another strong sustained ejector hill follows and then comes the corkscrew through the station, which gives some great views. After this point however, Lech Coaster kinda dies off for me. The rest of the layout doesn't have a lot of variety, just a few twists and turns with the occasional airtime hill thrown in. These airtime hills aren't as good as in the first half, they're less sustained while I prefer some more sustained airtime. There are some great positives here as well, giving me slight grey-outs, but they're just not as intense as the first half. The first half before the station fly-through is absolute perfection, but the second half just left me a little disappointed and I wish this half was more like the first. Lech Coaster is a great ride but I definitely don't think it's the world-class coaster a lot of people seem to give it credit for.

  • Chermaine S.

    Inversiones Fun

    Pure nostalgia this one. Looping Star was my first rollercoaster with an inversion and so helped me get over my fear of inverting coasters. Can't remember much about the ride experience but I know for sure I loved this one. Rest in peace Looping Star, hope I get to ride you at Cyprus some time.

  • Chermaine S.

    Inversiones Suavidad Ejectors Incomodidad

    Untamed is a relentless airtime machine: airtime moment after airtime moment after airtime moment. With the occasional inversion thrown in. Untamed has some amazing inversions: the 270 degree double inverting corner stall gives some great views and offers amazing laterals as well exiting this element. The uphill barrel roll at the end is one of my favorite inversions of all time: it is very stretched out, giving some amazing hangtime and the heartline is perfectly shaped as well: if you focus in front of you, you can see the world turn around you and it looks amazing. But, I'm really not the biggest fan of Untamed. All those airtime moments are pretty painful because of the stupid shin guards. And airtime is what Untamed is good at: it is focused so much on airtime that it doesn't have a lot of variety in its elements. I love variety in a coaster and Untamed just doesn't offer me enough of that. Don't get me wrong, I still think Untamed is an amazing coaster and I love riding it every time I visit Walibi Holland, but it's just not my cup of tea as I prefer rides that are less painful and offer more variety in their elements.

  • Chermaine S.

    Inversiones Launch Hangtime Tiempo muerto

    Great Gerstlauer Infinity with some amazing elements. The pre-launch section is a really nice surprise with some great hangtime. The launch itself is pretty forceful and the tophat has some nice laterals. There are some dead spots though, especially in the middle where the ride doesn't do a whole lot. The final two inversions are great, I especially love the dive loop. Because that one is so small it gives some great laterals as well. I prefer Karacho over Fury for its better layout and forces, but Gold Rush is still my favorite Infinity Coaster.

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes Layout Hangtime Launch

    Let's get the bad out of the way first. Tf are those launches? They are easily the worst launches I've ever experienced on a coaster. Heck, right before the third launch I could feel the train actually slowing down a bit instead of accelerating. Anyway, the layout compensates for the bad launches. The vertical spike after the second launch produces some nice laterals if you're on backrow. The tophat doesn't do much on frontrow, but on the backrow gives some great airtime. Then comes the best element on Star Trek in my opinion: the Immelmann-heartline roll combination. No matter where you sit in the train, this element is taken slowly enough that it gives some great hangtime combined with laterals. Throughout the element the train picks up speed again which produces some stronger laterals and it really is one of my favorite inversions on a coaster ever! The zero-G roll at the end is a great way to end this ride as it gives some great hangtime as well. Overall a very solid, fun coaster, if only those launches were better.

  • Chermaine S.

    Tematización Fun Layout Confiabilidad

    Joris en de Draak is by far my favorite coaster at the Efteling. Theming is top-notch and the layout is great. The dueling aspect really makes this ride a lot of fun as well. The reason I prefer Water over Vuur is because of the element right after the turn close to Python: while Vuur has a simple double down, Water has a double down with some banking, this produces extra laterals. Especially on a nightride, when you can't see where you're going, this element felt pretty intense as it really tried to throw me out of the train.

  • Chermaine S.

    Tematización Fun Layout Confiabilidad

    Joris en de Draak is by far my favorite coaster at the Efteling. The theming is top-notch and the layout is great. The dueling aspect really makes this ride a lot of fun as well. The reason I prefer Water over Vuur is because Vuur has a simple double down after the turn close to Python, while Water has the better element here, which I elaborate on in my Water review.

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes Fun Suavidad Layout

    Abyssus is best described as a better version of Formula: everything Formula does, Abyssus does better. The first launch kept taking me by surprise every time I rode it. It's not the best launch ever or anything, but it kicks in pretty unexpectedly and has a nice kick to it. The first half before the second launch feels very playful: not too intense but there are some pretty good airtime moments. The second launch is the best on the frontrow, it feels just a little faster there. But can that trim on the tophat please be removed? That trim very noticeably slows down the train and just feels like it kills all your momentum after you've just been launched up the tophat. Right after the looping comes the best airtime moment on Abyssus though: the hill just before the batwing gives some strong ejector which is a great moment. The batwing itself is fun, but after that Abyssus kinda dies off. The corkscrew is fine, but the rest of the layout feels kinda pointless with some random turns and just feels too long. I found myself thinking: 'it's still not over yet?' Overall, Abyssus is a really fun ride (up until the corkscrew that is) and still a solid number 3 coaster at Energylandia.

  • Chermaine S.

    Launch Intensidad Layout

    Fury is a pretty solid coaster. It has three great launces and pulls some pretty strong positives during the loop. Airtime and hangtime are present as well, but they are not very strong unfortunately. I prefer riding Fury backwards, especially the tophat is great backwards! The layout isn't the best though. It really feels like a bunch of random turns and inversions thrown together, not very thought out. Especially compared to Karacho and Gold Rush, Fury just falls short in my opinion.

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes Launch Suavidad

    Formula is a very solid coaster with a great launch, some hangtime in the sidewinder, a few pops of ejector airtime and inversions that flow really well. The ride is very smooth as well and dispatches were lightning fast. I believe this was the start of next-gen Vekomas and really put them back in the game. Downside being that Vekoma has since created better next-gens: Formula gets completely overshadowed by Abyssus at the same park. Abyssus does everything Formula does, but better.

  • Chermaine S.

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun

    Going into Revolution, I had absolutely no idea what I was getting into. Only thing I knew was that it was an indoor coaster. And oh my god, I LOVED Revolution. You can see this huge train going on the lifthill which is just an impressive sight to behold. Then the ride itself is just one big party. There are so many light effects and you have an amazing soundtrack playing throughout the ride. The helix at the end probably being the best moment. As for the best place in the train, Revolution is definitely a backrow ride in my opinion. The first drop is much better there. If you're on frontrow, you have to wait ages for the rest of the long train to catch up. This ride is just so unique and so much fun to ride!

  • Chermaine S.

    Tematización Fun

    Very fun spinning coaster. If you can get this ride to spin well, it's actually pretty intense as well and I came off pretty disoriented. One thing I must say though: onboard audio really carries this coaster. Rode it October 2022 and the onboard audio wasn't working, which made me realize that Dwervelwind is a lot less fun actually without music. So here's hoping Toverland can fix the audio sometime.

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes ¡Buena sorpresa! Hangtime Capacidad

    I had heard some pretty bad things about this ride, especially about the restraints. Well, Sky Scream really took me by surprise! The restraints didn't bother me that much, they do press up against your legs but it wasn't painful or anything. The ride itself has three powerful launches, great pops of airtime and great hangtime in the in-line twist. Thank goodness it was a walk-on though when I visited Holiday Park, as I cannot imagine capacity being good with only 12 riders per train and one-train ops.

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes Launch Hangtime Tiempo muerto Layout

    Anubis starts out amazing. The launch is probably the best launch I've experienced so far, it accelerates super fast. Immediately after follows a tophat which gives some great airtime. But unfortunately, this is where Anubis kinda dies off. The rest of the layout doesn't do much and the midcourse noticeably slows you down, which is a shame for this rides pacing. Anubis does end with a bang though, with a heartline roll which gives some great hangtime. Overall, really fun coaster with some great elements, unfortunately the middle of the ride could've been better.

  • Chermaine S.

    Tematización Intensidad

    When I first rode Black Mamba, I was very pleasantly surprised by this rides theming, smoothness and intensity. This ride pulls some strong positives which I think is the best thing about Black Mamba. However, now I've ridden a few more coasters and Black Mamba doesn't feel as good as it did when I first rode it, so it went down a few spots on my list. For the seating position, this is 100% a frontrow ride. You can see so much more of the theming. The problem with the other rows is that the train is so big you can't see anything, which is a shame.

  • Chermaine S.

    Tematización Fun Intensidad

    The difference in quality between this and Cobra at Walibi Belgium is HUGE. Even though the layout is the same, Speed of Sound is so, so much better. It doesn't have those awful restraints Cobra has, instead having comfortable vest restraints that do not cause headbanging. The coaster is a bit rough, especially in the cobra roll, but it doesn't hurt so I don't have a problem with its roughness. The looping is pretty intense in the backrow, especially backwards, so that is by far my favorite seat on this coaster. The absolute best thing about this ride is the onboard soundtrack. At first I didn't like the change from Hello World to Thrill Ride, but now I think Thrill Ride works very well with this ride. The soundtrack is synced up with the ride, so it really builds up during the lifthill before the beat drops as the train disconnects from the cable lift. This ride is such a vibe and I love it. Oh, and nightrides are amazing here! You can't see the drop when you're enclosed in the tunnel on the lifthill, which makes the first drop feel even better!

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes Primera caída Lap Bar Vibración

    Very solid coaster and a great addition to Walibi Holland. The first drop gives great laterals and is followed by a very strong bunny hill which gives some great ejector. The dive drop and zero-G roll are solid inversions that give a little bit of hangtime, but the rest of the layout is average at best. Also, my past few rides on Lost Gravity were not consistent at all. Some days there was a very noticeable rattle that made the coaster uncomfortable, other days this ride ran butter smooth.

  • Chermaine S.

    Tematización Fun Capacidad

    It's been a while since my last Disney visit, but I remember I loved this coaster. Loved Finding Nemo so theming is a huge plus for me. The ride itself takes place in the dark, which makes this spinning coaster even more fun. Capacity is absolutely atrocious though. I love this ride, but waiting almost 3 hours wasn't worth it.

  • Chermaine S.

    Tematización Capacidad Fun

    I love this coaster! It's definitely not the best for thrillseekers, but this ride is simply a lot of fun. Lines always keep moving since Vogel Rok is a real people eater, capacity is amazing. Since you can't see where you're going, this ride feels more intense than it actually is, especially the first drop feels amazing. What makes this ride truly stand out though is the incredible onboard soundtrack. 'Vlucht door het duister' is probably my favorite Efteling soundtrack together with De Vliegende Hollanders station soundtrack, it really fits the ride perfectly. All in all, Vogel Rok is a coaster that I love riding over and over again, I can never get enough of it.

  • Chermaine S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Situación Confiabilidad

    Normally I don't like mine train coasters all that much because of their uninteresting layout and multiple lifthills. This, however, is a whole different story. Big Thunder Mountain is by far my favorite mine train. The ride already starts with a bang with the underground part that takes you to the island. The layout itself is great as well, with some nice theming on the island and then another underground part that takes you back to the station. Reliability is a major issue though, this ride tends to break down easily.

  • Chermaine S.

    Tematización Layout Confiabilidad

    Let's get the bad out of the way first. The coaster part of this ride straight up sucks. The layout is uninteresting and the ride doesn't pull any forces. What makes this ride so damn good is the theming. The queueline and station look amazing. And the soundtrack that plays in the station is one of Eftelings best, 10/10. The darkride part is very immersive with great special effects and soundtracks. This ride is always a must when visiting the Efteling. It is notorious for breaking down easily though, so get your ride while you can.

  • Chermaine S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch Hangtime Demasiado corto

    This ride really surprised me! The launch is great as it has a pretty powerful kick to it and the hangtime in the heartline roll is absolutely amazing. The rest of the layout is fine, albeit a bit short. But this ride is really fun, it is very reridable.

  • Chermaine S.

    Fun Demasiado corto

    Came off a little disappointed to be honest. The launch isn't too intense and kicks in too early: when the countdown is at 1 instead of 0, you get launched already. People have been saying the loop is very forceful, but honestly I didn't notice it. The straight section of track after you traverse the looping backwards is just plain boring. I may be thrashing on Psyké Underground a bit too much since I went in with very high expectations and it just didn't meet those expectations. The ride overall is still fun though after I adjusted my expectations and it's my second favorite coaster at Walibi Belgium. The soundtrack is such a banger as well, if only it were played a bit more in the queueline.

  • Chermaine S.

    Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch

    This ride is perfect for a park that's all about movies. You go through a few different scenes that are being shot for movies and all the theming is done very well. The backwards launch after the first scene took me by surprise and the second launch during which you race against a racecar is great as well. The small outside section is not bad but the onboard audio really makes it better. This is probably the best family coaster I've ridden (don't expect any forces here) and is a must when visiting Movie Park Germany.

  • Chermaine S.

    Comodidad Fun Capacidad

    Booster Bike is a fun and unique ride experience. The motor vehicles are actually pretty comfortable to my surprise. The launch isn't spectacular but still gets the job done. Especially if you put your hands in the air, it makes the launch feel just a little more intense than it is. Capacity is bad though, Booster Bike only runs one train for 16 people per ride which can lead to long wait times.

  • Chermaine S.

    Lap Bar ¡Buena sorpresa! Layout

    I went in expecting a standard family coaster, but to my surprise, Dragon is actually pretty intense for a family coaster! Some of the turns and helices are pretty forceful and the layout is really good, which makes this coaster great fun. And the lapbar is super comfortable as well, giving you a lot of freedom. Only got to ride it once but this is a coaster at Energylandia I would've liked to ride some more.

  • Chermaine S.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Tiempo muerto

    I had heard many stories about this ride being one of the worst coasters ever because of its roughness. So going in, I feared for my life. And to my great surprise, it wasn't bad at all! In fact I really enjoyed Bandit. It is definitely shaky and bouncy, but just like with Loup-Garou at Walibi Belgium, the shakiness doesn't hurt me and I can actually enjoy its roughness. Some of the hills even give a little bit of airtime in the backrow. The worst thing about Bandit in my opinion is the pacing: this ride slows down so much during the turnarounds which completely kills the rides momentum. Bandit also brakes pretty hard, and since those lapbars rest pretty high against your body (almost reaching your chest region!), for females this can hurt...

  • Chermaine S.

    Intensidad Suavidad

    While the layout may be a bit basic, I always enjoy my rides on Python. The lifthill is very slow, but that also makes it very relaxing, weirdly enough. The ride itself pulls some great positives, I sometimes even grey-out during the second looping. Python is butter smooth as well. Glad Efteling chose to keep this Vekoma classic.