• Rosie

    Comodidad Fun Duración Tematización

    DFS: The Ride

  • Rosie

    Primera caída Tematización Demasiado corto

    It's so unapologetically 90's and I love that for it. Too short, but some of the best merchandise so an extra 0.5 star for that.

  • Rosie

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Intensidad Tematización

    My friend after my first go: "I'll laugh if this ends up being your favourite coaster at the park." Me getting off the third time in a row: "Well.........I'm not gonna deny that."

  • Rosie

    Comodidad Arnés Tematización

    "Welcome to space, Galactanauts. If you take a look out of the left window, you'll see a great view of the great concrete planet that is the Alton Towers Car Parks."

  • Rosie

    Velocidad Fun Duración Tematización

    Honestly, one of the most fun coasters at Towers, hardly loses speed throughout the run, keeps it up until you hit the final brake run. The theming is......not there, but the soundtrack SLAPS, good job IMAScore.