Airtimes Primera caída Fun
I absolutely loved the Swarm!! Big fan of B&M in general but I really love their wing coasters, so it wasn't a surprise that I loved this. I got 2 rides in and both were on the left side back row outside seat :D .. That first drop is so good and all the near misses really feel like you're going to hit into something. The inversions are all super fun and smooth and it's even quite forceful on the back in the helix. Love the theming too. Overall a super coaster, really enjoyed it.
Launch Velocidad Demasiado corto
I really loved stealth, I wish I could rate it higher but it's just too short and over way too quickly. I was only able to get one ride on it during my visit but it was during pouring rain! So it was actually quite a painful ride unfortunately, but it was still good fun. The views from the top are awesome and the launch super snappy.
Primera caída Comodidad Hangtime Demasiado corto
I was pretty hyped about this ride as I tend to love all Mack coasters. I did really enjoy it, but was weirdly disappointed, or maybe more underwhelmed. Weirdly I'm personally not a fan of the first drop, and I can't really pinpoint why. I did only get 2 back row rides so maybe it would be different on the front. The trim brake near the end kind of spoiled it for me, it does feel a bit sharp. The outwards banked turn is hard to describe but unlike anything I've ever felt on a coaster! And the stall, that stall is perfection ! Absolutely loved it. The color scheme of the track looks fab, and I like the overall theme. Not a top coaster for me, but for sure an awesome coaster!
Obra maestra Hangtime Duración Vibración
I was lucky enough to be there on April 26th 2024.. opening day! :D The anticipation and the hype for this ride was huuge having followed the construction. Walking into the new themed area of Croatia and seeing the coaster for the first time in person was amazing, it totally looks the part. And I love how there are multiple trains running at the same time, everywhere you look there seems to be a train. The queue line is amazing, so much to look at and all the surprises in the station are awesome. I loved my first ride, I found it super comfortable, intense, full of airtime and super smooth too! Came off thinking it would be my number 1 for sure! Although I unfortunately got one of the rougher trains on my 2nd ride and I think that's such a shame the park/Mack let that happen. If it is because some trains were not ready then don't use them, people shouldn't have to have uncomfortable rides on a brand new coaster. I did get a 3rd ride and loved it! Definitely better on the outer seats, my fav that I got to try was row 2 outer right seat :) The launches are not very punchy but still good fun and that first vertical launch into that epic hangtime is so much fun. I love this thing and can't quite believe it's at Europa park !
Tematización Duración Tiempo muerto Intensidad
I havn't been on this in many years now, as unfortunately last time I went it was still down for repairs after hurricane Irma damage! :( .. but as I remember it an awesomely themed water ride, the drops are really fun, and if i remember right you get pretty wet.. always seemed to take a while until you got a drop though.. but a solid water ride :)
Tematización Fun Duración Incomodidad
Wow what to say about this! Having closely followed the construction it was amazing to finally be stood in this incredibly themed area ! It's amazing to see the mess of track everywhere, its so hard to see where the track goes sometimes ! So much interaction with the themeing and it twists and turns around itself so much in such a compact space! The color of the track looks epic against the black and gold steam punk themeing of the area. The queue line is ridiculously long ! takes 10 mins pretty much to just walk through it ! I wonder if they don't have a way to shorten it when the line isn't that long because it is a long way to walk when there is no line. Although you get amazing views of the coaster and the area while waiting in line. The system of how you load and how you twist into the flying position is so unique and much much better than other flying coasters out there. Of course the launches are not amazing, but the fact that you're in the flying position makes it really fun. the layout is awesome and you can never tell whats coming next, on the back row you really get whipped around its a lot of fun ! I sadly didn't get to try on the front, but that must be special. My first ride I was pleasantly surprised by the comfort of the harness and even the leg supports, very different to the B&M flyers. However I did have a terrible and painful 2nd ride on this which I was disappointed by. We were in row 2 and it felt like my restraint wasn't tight enough so the full pressure was resting on my lower stomach (I had a c section 1 year ago and the pressure on this area hurt a lot ! ) I constantly felt like I was slipping out of the seat and was in pain it was really not a pleasant experience. It nearly made me avoid it the next day as I was worried it would be the same. But luckily I found a better position and then really enjoyed my 3rd ride ! I'm not a huge fan of flying coasters, I much prefer faster launches and airtime but the overall theming and experience is pretty epic !
¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Vibración
Not actually ridden this since the Galactica re-theme.. its still Air to me ;) It was my first flying coaster, and i remember loving it ! the sensations were awesome, and the roll is so much fun ! Overall really enjoyed it (as Air)
Airtimes Fun Suavidad Tematización Tiempo muerto
I'm not normally a massive fan of woodies.. but i'll make an exception for Balder! Unfortunately only got to ride it once on the front row (queues then got to over 1h, so i chose to wait for helix instead!) so I think this might get 5 stars on the back row as It must be much faster. It felt a little slow at places on the front.. buut.. airtime ! Yes! So fun.. and surprisingly smooth :) Lots of 'head choppers' .. good solid ride :)
Comodidad Velocidad Fun
I really enjoyed this coaster :) the lines were huuuge though, I actually really wanted to ride it so I paid for the quick queue which I think was worth it.
Tematización Fun
I loved this as Eurosat and I still love it as Cancan. The theming in the queue and station are amazing as always with Europa park. I think it's even not so bad on ride, maybe some empty spots but overall not too bad. It's not particularly comfortable but nor is it uncomfortable. It's just fun, I always enjoy it :)
Avengers Assemble: Flight Force - Disneyland Paris - Walt Disney Studios Park
Samantha P. hace 1 añoInversiones Vibración Arnés Incomodidad
I rode this in June 2023. I liked the IronMan animatronic in the queue line, wish he spoke in English too although of course they couldn't get RDJ to do the voice most likely so I understand. I don't like that you have to take your bags on ride for this, no reason they can't have a trolley system for bags or shelving like other parks do. Having ridden it when it was Rockin Rollercoaster with Aerosmith but many many years ago, I remember liking it. However I really did not enjoy this coaster. Rough and painful and I hated the restraints, super uncomfortable on my shoulders and even some headbanging. The launch is ok as are the inversions but the themeing on the ride isn't amazing. I came off pretty disappointed and in pain, so didn't like it.
Airtimes Fun Hangtime Incomodidad
Woohoo a new number 1 coaster for me! I absolutely loved this coaster after my first ride and went straight back round again. First ride was row 5 and then I got a back row ride. The back row was SO good!! So much more airtime and it's so good to go so high up the spike! I love love love the little launch out the station and into that first inversion omg it's so so good! The hangtime is crazy, especially on the left seat. Here is why I don't give it 5 stars though.. I don't know if that bunny hill in the middle of the launch section is needed for slowing the train down or if they just added it to get that extra bit of airtime for their stats but I really wish that little bunny hill wasn't there. I would love that section otherwise! I felt I couldn't put my hands up on the launches because I needed to hold on to brace myself for that bunny hill and slamming my legs into the restraints. Seriously after 4 rides on this thing my legs were literally bruised! I wish the restaints came up higher and didn't close on the thighs as it's just suuuper painful! It's almost like the coaster is too powerful for it's own good and the airtime isn't actually enjoyable floatly (well, I know it's ejector..) because it crushes my legs! It would be 100 times better in my opinion if it didn't have that bunny hill in the middle of the launch section (am I the only one to think that?!) The spike is awesome and the top hat is pretty cool, although I do kind of wish it wasn't trimmed so that you would get the airtime instead of the hangtime.. I found that hangtime quite painful. But omg the stall after the tophat.. perfection!! My favourite element on a coaster ever! So so good! So smooth and just so fun! :) The final inversion is also great. Although again not a fan of those little bunny hills before the station, not fun airtime and just painful! I wish the restraints were a little different because I would honestly sit on that thing all day long if it didn't physically bruise me! But still, despite the pain I do think it's my new number 1 !
Vibración Tiempo muerto
This ride should be called Vol de freins (flight of brakes!) Why so many brakes on the last section! Seems super unnecessary and really took away from any enjoyment I had in the first section. This ride was mostly enjoyable just because I sat in the car behind my brother and could just see him rattling around all over the place as he wasn't prepared for the first drop, had a good laugh. But the coaster itself pretty pointless to be honest.. might have been fun without 2 of those brake sections but it's almost like what's the point in riding if you're going to kill all speed that is gained.
¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Vibración Airtimes
I had a front row and back row ride on this first thing in the morning, and then a late in the day front row ride. I really enjoyed the first front row ride, but was expecting to have more airtime on the back, although that wasn't the case. It just felt like there was no airtime.. I know I probably shouldn't compare to Wodan at Europa park but that's one of the only other similar rides I've done so all I have to compare really and on Wodan on the front you really get pushed over every hill by the rest of the train.. on this that didn't happen! It was quite disappointing actually. The pacing and the speed felt good which I think is what made it fun. I loved the super banked turn, that was fun and a nice surprise! Although I hated the tunnel, why is the audio so loud! It's awful on ride and very annoying the queue line too. I realise this isn't a fault of the ride but more of the park, but that is seriously not a ride you should be allowed to take bags on ! I had a smallish backpack which was quite light and literally had to wrap the strap around my foot, put my foot on the strap and hold onto the other strap aswell and it was still floating up between my legs! Very dangerous in my opinion and took away from the ride experience because I was worried about dropping it. Crazy actually that they let you take bags on that, and surprising there aren't more incidents. Why can't they just have the same baggage system as on the other rides?! I like that the queue line goes really under the coaster.
I mean, we rode this just for the laughs really and I can't really fault it too much for what it is. It's a small kiddie coaster, and that's what it is. We were at the front and it's quite funny because the train is so long that you're already down the bottom of the first 'drop' before you get going as the rest of the train is still going up the lift hill! We had 3 laps, I don't know if that's normal or not, but there was literally no one else in the station so maybe that's why. It doesn't feel like it's built to have a 'station flythrough' though as the first corner after the station is quite painful taken at some speed! Apart from that it wasn't too uncomfortable really and it made us laugh so props to it for that.
Velocidad Intensidad Suavidad Intensidad
You can't really go wrong with a B&M invert :) I can only judge from one front row ride (I think probably the back rows would be too intense/rough for me as I don't usually like riding them near the back). I thought this was super smooth and comfortable to whole way round. The inversions were great, the section after the tunnel was nice and really floaty I liked that there was a small section with no inversions. I know I put intensity as a pro and a con,.. that's just because for me personally the final helix was super intense and really made me feel nauseous for a while after riding! But the inversions weren't overly intense which I liked. And it was pretty smooth. Just a shame for me personally that It made me feel sick, but I think that's just how I react to intense rides and personally prefer launch coasters.
¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Duración
I really enjoyed this coaster! Went in not knowing what to expect so to be honest seeing the train come back along the track backwards from in the queue line was a nice surprise ! Plus I loved the section at the back just before the little indoor show section. Not very intense and no airtime but it's still a good fun ride :) and a nice little launch out the station. It's pretty cool to see the switch track work too. I love the location and how it goes over the water and interacts with the rapids.
Tematización Launch Obra maestra Airtimes
Finally got to ride Taron after years of waiting !! It did not disappoint ! And I think it might have even taken the spot of my top coaster!! :D I love it! The themeing, the layout, the speed, the comfort, and its pretty intense the way it throws you round some of the corners. I love a launch coaster, the 2nd launch is just perfect in my opinion. I love the twists and turns. the interaction with its own track, the near misses. Its perfect I love it. Its just missing a bit more airtime for me, but I still love it. Awsome awesome ! I wish I lived closer so I could ride it all the time !
Tematización Demasiado corto ¡Decepción! Incomodidad
I thought i would like this more than I did. it was my first time on a boomerang and I think I just don't like the backwards section.. i was expecting more from it tbh. I didn't really enjoy it. Nice interaction with Taron, but wasn't anything special.
Fun Duración Incomodidad
We rode this in the front, which wouldn't have been my choice, I would have liked to give it a go in the back ! But being in the front meant we were really waiting over the drops for the rest of the train and then got pushed over.. it meant for a weird type of airtime or at least out of seat time.. pushed up against the restraint wasn't very comfortable but was quite funny. Length is nice and the pace is fun. Wasn't expecting the dark sections!
Tematización Situación Suavidad Torta
You can't usually go wrong with a B&M invert for me so I of course enjoyed this :) Pretty smooth as with all B&M's, the theming was pretty impressive and the rockwork all around the coaster is kind of crazy.. its a bit mad that there is a coaster with 4 inversions in that location, you can hardly see where the track goes ! the loop is fun as are the other inversions.. the near misses with the surrounding rock work really make it.
I kept the Vr on for the first section of the ride then took it off. I don’t like VR on coasters .. although it was perhaps the best I’ve seen as they sort of lay out the track in the VR film so it does at least match with what’s happening on the coaster. All in the dark, zero themeing and so strange that No one was making any noise it was so quiet ! I didn’t find it too uncomfortable though so overall not terrible.
Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Layout Incomodidad
I loove this ! super super fun, has a nice speed in parts, some good fun drops and helix too :) was a surprise to see it went so far underground after the station ! was not expecting that and left me wondering where the track actually went ! could sit on this all day :) disappointed thought that the staff didn't let us re ride on the last train of the day when there were still people getting on but most rows empty .. i thought that wasn't very disney like..
This is a really cute little kiddie coaster :) I love the train design that some seats are inside animal cages like in the circus. The themeing around the ride is quite cute, with there being a mini version of a castle that you go around a couple times. I wouldn't usually give this 5 stars being a kiddie ride but it was the first rollercoaster I took my son on so it will forever be a special ride for me ! :)
¡Buena sorpresa! Launch Fun Demasiado corto Tematización Capacidad
I loved this ride, the first time was soo much fun! And quite a shock to the system.. wasn't expecting to be on the front row for the first time but it happened and it was epic! The speed is just insane and the launch just keeps going then suddenly you're shooting up the hill and the view from the top is awesome! Then facing directly to the ground.. crazy. A lot of fun and a really snappy launch. The queue line sucks though, couldn't be more of a cattle pen.. and it's a bit rough on the rows nearer to the back of the train, but front row is great.
Intensidad Arnés Incomodidad
Restraint was painful on the shoulders, and i'm not a huge fan of that train design where you have limited space for your feet.. but i actually enjoyed it, I got a night ride which was fun. The loops are intense when sat at the back of the train .. the helix was quite intense near the back too.. just a shame the harness is painful (as I've ridden the newly refurbished Python at Efteling and found those restraints ok..)
Primera caída Tematización Demasiado corto
The best part of this coaster for me is actually the queue line! Amazing theming (although not sure i would want to wait ages in that line.. the wait was max 20 mins when i was there so the wait started at the bottom of the main stairs up to the station). Now, I am a huge fan of dive coasters, I normally really love them.. but, I was disappointed by this one.. The first drop of course was good, but then I thought the tunnel lacked theming, they could have put lights in there or something.. and then the airtime hill seems a bit pointless there to me personally, only got airtime if i left the restraints super loose. And as with all dive coasters It was over waay too quickly. I'm also not a fan of the all white track and supports.. Theming around the drop is great though. I would take Valkyria at Liseberg and even Baron at Efteling (i love the baron :P) over this anyday.
¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Duración Vibración
I actually quite enjoyed Mammut, didn't know much about it going in and was surprised by the length of it when we came round to the 3rd lift hill! Good fun family coaster :-)
Tematización Comodidad Tiempo muerto
I liked the individual seats and seatbelts for this style of ride rather than a bench and lapbar, I felt more free than on a typical 'bench' style seat. The theming is great! First drop was a bit disappointing, the final drop was fun though. Didn't really get wet except for the waterguns at the end where people had paid to soak us :P Fun ride, good length although a bit boring in places..
Intensidad Vibración Torta Incomodidad
I was actually expecting this to be a bit more painful than it was, maybe because I was expecting it to be rough I was able to brace myself more and avoid the savage headbanging :P The double corkscrew was a killer though, and you get thrown into every element without really knowing what just happened .. glad I got the credit, but ouch my ears hurt afterwards!