• Greyson Smith

    Velocidad Suavidad Ejectors Capacidad

    This is easily the best ride I’ve ever ridden. Every element delivers and you get incredible ejector, laterals, and positives. This ride is obviously smooth as it opened last year, and it has some of the best pacing in the world. My only issue with it is that it feels a bit to short and the operations are so slow. I waited about 75 minutes for it mainly because they were sending trains out about every 4-5 minutes.

  • Greyson Smith

    Tematización Launch Fun Capacidad Tiempo muerto

    I waited a hour to ride this ride yesterday and I think it’s a fun family coaster but it wasn’t quite worth the hour wait. The most I would wait for it is 30 minutes, the queue has good theming and the ride has just ok theming, they could’ve added more from the 2/4th launch to the break run. The launches are surprisingly punchy and it’s a fun coaster to ride whether it’s sunny or stormy outside. The line does move insanely slow though.

  • Greyson Smith

    Launch Ejectors Hangtime Demasiado corto Capacidad Arnés

    It’s a fun ride with some good moments. Comfort collars suck and the line moves slow. The launches are fun, you get good hangtime, and the ejector in the back on the drop is great.

  • Greyson Smith

    Situación Launch Hangtime Capacidad Tiempo muerto

    The launches have some good kick to them, you get some good hangtime before the MCBR and great airtime going over the airtime hill after the 3rd launch. They were only running one side of the station with 2 trains when i went during spring break so the line did move somewhat slow.

  • Greyson Smith

    Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos! Sin interés

    Rode in 2019 so I don’t remember much but I remember it being rough, boring, and just a pointless ride.

  • Greyson Smith

    Airtimes Arnés Incomodidad

    I ride this ride in 2019 and I don’t remember too much about it. I know it had great airtime and so liked the restraints but it was also a rough ride and it did hurt a bit.