• Filipolis

    Airtimes Fun Confiabilidad

    Even though I got to ride in the dreaded back row (where the splash gets you the most wet), I still enjoyed this ride quite a lot! It doesn't last that long but as someone with a weaker stomach I don't mind that at all. You can expect a few breakdowns during a day and the self checking restraint system in the boats often requires a reset by the operators, which decreases its capacity under what it could have been. This is however still the best water coaster in Europe (in terms of ride experience, not taking theming into account). The intensity builds up towards the ending which rarely happens on roller coasters, and it makes this a great thrill ride for beginners! The final backwards pass is especially great, with a mix of floater and ejector airtime, a surprising launch and a very cool sensation on the backwards spike! For me this will always be a ride I happily come back for.

  • Filipolis

    Velocidad Fun Capacidad

    Decent family coaster. Haven't ridden it in a few years due to its usually long lines, but I was glad I gave it another shot during my last visit. It's a nice coaster to start the day with, not too intense and the wait time shouldn't be too long yet. The beginning has nice swooping drops with some laterals and floaty moments. The ending however falls a bit short, with the lack of airtime being especially noticable on the final hills. It is still worth trying. And respect for the crew! They cannot do a lot with the small cars, but they were dispatching them so fast they often had to wait in front of the lift hill because the previous car didn't clear it yet. Rather impressive!