• Cage D.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Situación Velocidad Capacidad

    I guess I rode it on a good day, because it was hauling when I got on it. I got two rides, one near the front, and one near the back. This layout actually did surprise me, with a couple of moments of airtime not limited to the speed hill in between the dive loop and zero-g roll. This was a lot of fun overall, and it seems Ocean Park was able to treat this ride well, as the ride was mostly smooth when I rode it (except for a little shuffle at one point). Waits are also short (around 5-20 minutes). However, when I went, they were running one train and it took around 5 minutes per dispatch.

  • Cage D.

    Arnés Duración Incomodidad Intensidad

    As with every Vekoma Boomerang, this is one intense ride. Unfortunately that intensity can be a little too much for me. It doesn't help that the transitions are abrupt and rough (as is the usual with old Arrows and Vekomas). This isn't as bad as other rough rollercoasters, however this still left me with a sore neck after riding.