• Erik Sjögren

    Primera caída Comodidad Layout Launch Airtimes

    This roller coaster has an absolutely amazing first drop (if you sit in the back row, that is). You fly out of the station and it's probably the best ejector i've ever felt on a roller coaster. It's hard to describe how much Airtime you feel on it and the following corkscrews, launches and other elements aren't much worse. The seats are also super comfortable and is honestly better than most sofas and even beds. This is definitely an unpopular opinion but the airtime (not including the begging) isn't that good. It's most likely because I'm not the biggest fan of floater airtime. It is definitely not bad, it is just that I would prefer ejector over floater. It feels like the launches barely accelerate you and just aren't that great in general, however the sound the second launch makes is pretty cool, it kinda sounds like: TTTTSSSSJJJJOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAPHPHPHPHPHPHPHPH. Overall this ride is absolutely amazing and is definitely one of the best i've ridden. Also, the soundtrack for Helix is soooooooo good.

  • Erik Sjögren

    Airtimes Primera caída Inversiones Tematización Tiempo muerto

    It has one of, if not the best inversions on any roller coaster i've ridden, especially the the barrel roll and zero-g stall, absolutely amazing airtime on the banked airtime hill and the speed "hills" and the first drop is just pure bliss. While the theming isn't bad, it kinda just feels like it's multiple themes at once. First you got the forest theme, the fact that you are literally in a forest when you ride it and also that it's called Wildfire. You also have the mechanical theme in the actual station. There aren't many "dead" spots but there are some parts of the ride where it feels like not much is happening. Overall it's an amazing ride but just is a little boring at times. It also very rarely has a long queue and you usually only have to wait 10-20 minutes.