• Along 4 The Ride

    Primera caída Velocidad Suavidad Airtimes

    One of my favorite coaster memories is riding in the front seat at night. Moonlight was glistening on the track, and the coaster felt like it was going so much faster in the dark. My only con for this ride is that it has weak airtimes.

  • Along 4 The Ride

    Velocidad Fun Intensidad

    Renegade is my favorite wood coaster. It feels a lot faster than it is. It's so intense that I have to take breaks between rides.

  • Along 4 The Ride

    Primera caída ¡Decepción!

    This is a much better experience compared to its stand-up days. The layout is good, but I thought the intensity was lacking.

  • Along 4 The Ride

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch Fun Torta

    My dad, who is about 6 feet tall, complained about the headbanging. I'm just a little over 5 feet, and I was fine. It's a fun ride. I really like the use of the brake on the final spike. It's fun to hang there and then suddenly get dropped.

  • Along 4 The Ride

    Vibración Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    Tear it down! Oh wait, they already did. Thank goodness. What a horrible ride. I rode it as a teenager, and it will forever stand out as my worst coaster experience. Some day, I'll get back to Cedar Point to ride its replacement, which appears to be a better coaster :}

  • Along 4 The Ride

    Fun Layout Capacidad

    I like mouse rides more than most people, I guess. It can be rough in some spots, but I really like the abrupt turns. This one's in my home park, so I have a special fondness for it.

  • Along 4 The Ride

    Airtimes Primera caída Velocidad

    It's my #1 because of the speed & the smoothness & the airtimes. I can ride this over and over, and I never tire of it.

  • Along 4 The Ride

    Situación ¡Decepción! Incomodidad Tiempo muerto

    BORING. It's also rough in many places. I guess the scenery is good if you like riding a slow, shaky train over a swamp.

  • Along 4 The Ride

    Tematización Incomodidad

    I rode this with my dad when I was a kid, so it holds special memories for me. I remember it being kind of bumpy.