Airtimes Velocidad Ejectors Torta Confiabilidad
This ride has possibly the best airtime in the country. There are elements you hit on this ride where you feel like your falling for ages. The launch is OK. It's really forceful for a second then the intensity of the launch dies off quickly. It's a bit short and can get the worst lines in the park. Get in early to Movie World and ride this first if you can.
Intensidad Torta Demasiado corto
So to be clear this is a review from its current as of writing location at Gumbuya World and its now called project Zero. It's fine. Definitely has a bit of a rattle and is uncomfortable at the end when the brake catches the car. But yeah fine
Incomodidad Sin interés Tiempo muerto
Bad ride. Dreamworld needs to get ride of it. If you ride this coaster during your visit it will negatively effect your time at the park. I've never been so uncomfortable riding a coaster before! Just bad
Velocidad Intensidad Suavidad Confiabilidad
Probably Australia's most underrated Rollercoaster and the most intense Coaster in it's Park. It pace is great and has awesome head chopper moments!
Airtimes Situación Velocidad
Possibly the best Coaster in Australia. Once it's warmed up in the afternoon it hauls through it's layout at an excellent and relentless pace! If you avoid peak season eg school holidays and maybe go to Seaworld on a Sunday or Tuesday the lines can be really short sometimes even a walk on!