• Austin Adler

    Obra maestra Ejectors Hangtime Demasiado corto Tematización

    Sure it's a bit short and has little to no theming, but what you get is phenomenal. That bunny hill on the backwards launch has the craziest ejector airtime moment I have ever experienced. It's also amazing to look down from the top of that spike. On top of all this, you get VelociCoaster trains. Speaking of VelociCoaster, this coaster is far better than that for me and it's not even close. #3 coaster.

  • Austin Adler

    Tematización Lap Bar Ejectors ¡Decepción! Launch

    I'm sorry to say this, but VelociCoaster is outside my top 5. I don't know, it just didn't feel all that amazing. Perhaps I got a bad ride? It just meandered throughout the course and didn't do much for me. Pantheon was far more intense and interesting for me. Some nice pops of airtime and an incredible setting, but outside of the heartline roll, this coaster was a bit forgettable. At least the trains are really comfortable.

  • Austin Adler

    Airtimes Velocidad Intensidad Vibración

    2nd favorite B&M Hyper that I've ridden! You get average B&M Hyper airtime, but the helix is what sets this one apart. The ending also feels out of control. Could be a little smoother but it doesn't really bother me since it has clamshell restraints.

  • Austin Adler

    Airtimes Primera caída Fun

    Wow! This is easily the best B&M Hyper Coaster that I've ridden. Most sustained airtime on any B&M Hyper that I've ridden and a nice blend of positives in the valleys. That drop is also amazing. I could marathon this all day!

  • Austin Adler

    Primera caída Obra maestra Intensidad

    HOLY SH*T. Easily my #1 coaster. Just ride it and you'll understand, but you essentially feel like a bullet and are passing through these banked turns at ludicrous speed. Even after that, you're not done and this thing throws some great floater airtime at you. Golden Ticket Award's Best Steel Coaster for 7 years straight now. An experience like no other.

  • Austin Adler

    Airtimes Capacidad Comodidad

    It's a B&M Hyper. Need I say more? If you've ridden something like Apollo's Chariot or Intimidator, you've ridden this. Expect phenomenal floater and a good sense of speed.